Tasting Fame

Tasting Fame - Johnny Christ [11]


I was having a dream about Johnny again. I don't think I'm gonna tell you the contents of the dream this time. I'll leave that to your imagination.

Just as the dream was getting to a good part, the phone in the room rang. Why couldn't whoever was calling me have waited another 15 seconds to call me?

I wiggled out of Johnny's arms and reached over for the phone, hoping that the person on the other end had a good reason for waking me.

"Hello?" I said with attitude.

"Becca? It's Aileen. Did I wake you?"

"Yeah, you fucking did. Now what the fuck did you need to tell me?"

"Well, I just got a phone call from Acey and Kaitlyn, and they really need to talk to you."

"Why can't you come over here to give me the phone? And why do they need to talk to me?"

"Because, it's 1 in the afternoon and you need to get your ass up. Plus, they asked me something, and it's not something that I can make a decision on by myself. Now hurry up and get over here cause Acey's on the phone, and she's getting very impatient."

And with that, Aileen hung up the phone. I hung up my end, and groaned as I rolled over so I could wake Johnny. If I couldn't sleep, then neither could he.

"Johnny, baby, wake up."

All I got was a deep moan, and I noticed that Johnny was developing a hard-on. Hmmm, I guess he was having an erotic dream. I found the situation very funny, and I just watched him as he rolled around a little bit. I decided that the dream had gotten far enough when he reached into his boxers and began to play with himself. I woke him up by getting some cold water from the mini-fridge and dumping it all over him. He awoke with a start and looked around the room, almost like he wasn't sure where he was at.

"So, babe. What were you dreaming about?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face.

"Becca, I was dreaming about you, I swear," he said, scooting closer to me. He was acting like a kid who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Well, whatever you were dreaming about is gonna have to wait. We gotta go over to Aileen and Zacky's room."

"Why do I gotta go?" he asked in a whiny voice.

"Because I don't wanna go over there by myself. Plus, it's 1 in the afternoon, and we need to get up. You guys got sound check at 3:30, remember?"

"Oh, shit. That's right," he said, jumping out of the bed and running into the bathroom. I just shook my head as I heard the shower start, and went over to my stuff and grabbed a clean pair of clothes. By the time I was done putting them on, Johnny came out of the bathroom, and he was already clothed and ready to go.

"Why can't you be that fast when we're going out?" I asked.

I walked past him and went into the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth. After I was done, we walked out of the room, and closed the door.

"So, you gonna tell me what your dream was all about?"

"Nope. But it was good. Let's just leave it at that," Johnny said as he laced his fingers with mine.

We walked down the hallway to Zacky and Aileen's room. When we walked in, I noticed that Aileen was talking quietly on her cell phone, and she was staring at Zacky. He would take his eyes off the TV every so often to look at Aileen, and he had a smile plastered on his face the whole time. Johnny noticed this too, and, like always, he couldn't keep his thoughts to himself.

"Zacky, what the hell are you so happy about?" Johnny asked as we detached from each other's hands.

Zacky just kept his smile, and looked over at Aileen once more, who blushed on cue.

"You guys fucked, didn't you?" Johnny asked. His question caught the attention of everyone else in the room, who averted their gaze to Zacky.

Neither Zacky nor Aileen said anything. Zacky just kept smiling, and Aileen just kept blushing. All the guys rushed over to Zacky to congratulate him, while Sarah and I walked over to Aileen. Sarah was laughing her ass off as the guys came over to Aileen to give her hugs. Aileen then buried her face in Sarah's shoulder and handed me her cell phone. I remembered that Acey was on the phone, and went outside to the hallway to take the call since the guys had now opened several beer bottles to christen Zacky and Aileen's first fuck.

"Hello, Acey?" I asked into the phone.

"Becca! It's about fucking time you got to the phone. Where the hell were you?" Acey said.

"Well, after Aileen called me, I had to wake up Johnny, which was kinda difficult because he was having an erotic dream and wouldn't wake up. Then I had to change clothes. When we got to the room, Johnny and the guys were being retarded because they found out the Zacky and Aileen had sex. Then Aileen handed me the phone, and I remembered that you called. Now what do you want?"

"It's nice to hear from you too, lovely. Well, after Jimmy called and told me about what happened to you and Aileen in Sacramento, Kaitlyn and I got a little worried about you guys, so we hopped a plane this morning to come to Denver. Jimmy doesn't know about it though, and neither does Brian. We wanted to surprise them, and that's why I called."

"You called me because you guys wanted to surprise your boyfriends?"

"No, fucktard. I called you guys because we'll be ready to leave the airport in about 30 minutes and we wanted you guys to come and pick us up."

"Why couldn't you have just asked one of the guys to come and get you?"

"Are you not fucking paying attention? I said that we were coming to Denver to be with you guys, but we wanted to surprise everyone."

"Sorry. You know how I get when I haven't been awake for very long. You want me to leave now, or what?"

"Yeah, and bring Aileen with you. That's why she wanted me to talk to you, because she didn't want to come out here by herself. And could you hurry, please? I can already feel how fucking cold this city is, and I think my fucking tits are gonna freeze off!"

"Alright. I'll see you in a bit," I said as I laughed and hung up the phone.

I walked back into the room to notice that everyone was now watching TV.

"Who was that?" Johnny asked me, not taking his eyes off the television set.

"I can't tell you. If I did, I'd have to kill you. Seriously. Now, Aileen and I got somewhere to be."

I walked over to Johnny and gave him a peck on the lips as Aileen did the same to Zacky. We walked out of the room, earning several confused stares. We didn't talk until we got into the cab, in case one of the guys were following us. Aileen and I got into the back of a cab and got situated.

"Phoenix Airport, please," I said as I closed my door.

The ride was silent for awhile. The only sound that could be heard inside the cab was Aileen's giggling every now and then. I knew why she was so happy, because my boyfriend was kind enough to announce it to the whole world earlier. I let her have her moment of bliss, and then I felt that I need to prod her for details.

"So, you and Zacky finally did it, huh?"

"Yeah, we did," she said with a small giggle.


"Well, last night. After everyone went to the bar, Zacky and I got into a conversation about Tristan. I told him all the crazy-ass details, and felt dirty after I was finished, so I decided to take a shower. I remember locking the door after I got into the bathroom. I had just finished rinsing the soap out of my hair when I heard the door click open. A few minutes later, Zacky joined me in the shower. We talked a little bit, then I kissed him. And the rest is history."

"Well, good for you. At least one of us is getting some. Fucking ribs!" I said, looking down at my black and blue abdomen.

"Becca, you guys will get there eventually. And don't worry. Sex will definitely be worth the wait," Aileen said, patting me on the shoulder.

It was about then that we pulled up to the airport, and I immediately spotted the lime-green streaked hair of Acey, and the wavy brown hair that belonged to Kaitlyn.

"BECCA!" Acey screamed as I got out of the cab. She dropped her stuff on the curb and ran up to me, giving me a huge hug. It knocked the wind out of me.

"Son of a bitch! Jesus, Acey, did you forget that I was battered, here?" I said, letting go of her, and massaging my stomach and laughing. "We've only been gone for 3 days. You're acting like we've been gone for years."

"Sorry. I was just excited to see you, and I was worried. You guys are okay though?"

"Yeah, we're fine. Kaitlyn! Get your ass over here!" I said.

Kaitlyn came over to the cab and set her stuff in the trunk that the cab driver had opened. Acey's stuff was already in there, and the driver was waiting on Kaitlyn.

"Thanks for helping me, asshole," Kaitlyn said to me. She laughed at her own comment, then put her stuff in the trunk and walked over to me, giving me a light hug.

"Sorry, but you're weird-ass friend over there knocked the wind out of me. Sorry that we don't have more time to sit here and chat, but Aileen and I better get back to the hotel before the guys think that we've been abducted again."

Kaitlyn, Acey, and I sat in the back seat, while Aileen sat up front with the driver. I think she was a little uncomfortable, and I saw why. It was because the driver kept staring at her. Man, people here are fucking weird.


When we got to the hotel, Aileen hastily got out of the car to help me with Acey and Kaitlyn's bags. I helped Acey with her bags, and Aileen helped Kaitlyn after paying the driver. I decided to call Johnny and see if the guys were still all together before walking into the hotel. We didn't want to spoil the surprise.

The phone rang three times before he answered it. I think that's the fastest that he's ever answered his phone.

"Johnny's Crotch, how can I service you?"

"Helloooooooooo!" I said, in a voice that was kinda like Mrs. Doubtfire's.

"What the fuck? Who the hell is this?" Johnny asked.

"Babe, it's me. You know, you're girlfriend?"

"Shit. That was the weirdest greeting that you've ever given me. It sounded like Mrs. Doubtfire. It freaked me the hell out to be honest," he said with a small laugh.

"Well, that's what I was going for. Anyways, where's everyone at?" I asked.

"We're all still in Aileen and Zacky's room. Why? Are you okay?"

"Yes, Johnny. I'm fine. But we were just wondering. We weren't sure if you guys had left for sound check yet. We'll be up in a minute."

Before Johnny could say anything else, I hung up the phone.

"Can you possibly go any fucking slower? I'm freezing my ass off, here!" Acey said, running into the hotel lobby right after I hung up my phone.

I just laughed and walked into the hotel with Aileen and Kaitlyn. We got into the elevator, and barely fit the four of us in it. That's how much luggage the Kaitlyn and Acey had. It felt like they were moving in with someone and they had everything thing they owned with them.

When we got to the room, we decided that Acey and Kaitlyn should wait in the hallway. Aileen had a plan, but wouldn't tell anyone what it was. Aileen walked into the room before me, and I shut the door after I went in. Aileen leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"Now, no matter what I say, just go along with it."

I nodded my head and walked over to the couch with her. I sat on Johnny's lap, and she went over to Zacky and pulled him off the couch.

"Zacky, baby, there's something I need to tell you," she said, looking at the floor.

Zacky got this worried expression on his face, and everyone else in the room was looking at them.

"Ummm, okay. What is it?" he asked nervously.

"Zacky, I'm pregnant."

Zacky turned a pale shade of green, and everyone else gasped at Aileen's comment. Zacky all of a sudden smiled.

"You're a fucking liar. We used a condom," he said, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Umm, Zacky, no we didn't. We were in the shower, remember?"

Zacky's face fell again. He thought for a second, and made a strange face.

"Zacky, don't think too hard. You might give yourself a hemorrhage," Jimmy said.

Zacky suddenly smiled again.

"It would take you at least 3 weeks to find out if you were pregnant or not. So there's no way that you could know. So there," he said, sticking his tongue out again.

"I almost had you. Becca, my plan didn't work," Aileen said, turning to me, and making a face as if to say 'how are we gonna tell the guys that Acey and Kaitlyn are in the hallway now.'"

"Plan? What plan?" Jimmy asked.

"I have no idea what she's talking about," I said as there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door, and Acey gave me a look that said 'what the fuck are you guys doing in there?'

"Jimmy, there's a telegram for you at the door," I said, turning towards the guys, and going to sit back down.

"A telegram? What the fuck, Becca? Why couldn't you have brought it to me?" he asked.

"Because it's for you. If you want it, you can get your ass up to go and get it."

He flipped me off, and then got up and went over to the door. He opened the door again, and screamed like a little girl, pulling Acey and Kaitlyn into the room.

"Brian! Acey's here!" Jimmy said, hugging her, and stopping momentarily to give her long kisses.

"Acey, how the hell did you get here? And Kaitlyn! Why are you guys in fucking Phoenix?" Brian asked, getting off the couch and giving Kaitlyn the same greeting the Jimmy gave Acey.

"Well, after you guys told us about what happened in Sacramento, we decided that we would come out here and join you guys. We called Sarah yesterday, and she said that it was cool with her if we came out. Then we called the dynamic duo over there, and they came and got us. Now we're here!" Acey said, sitting down in front of the TV with Jimmy, right next to Brian and Kaitlyn.

"Oh. So THAT'S who you were talking to on the phone earlier," Johnny said, almost like it was a joke that he had spent the past four hours trying to figure out.

"Wow. Eight fucking hours AFTER they walk in the door," I said, smacking Johnny in the back of the head.

"We gotta leave, assholes. Sound check is in an hour, and you guys need to get dressed," Matt said.

Everyone went to their separate rooms, and got ready. Surprisingly, everyone was ready to go in 45 minutes. We took 2 cabs to the venue, and we were there in another 10 minutes. Matt pulled his wallet out to pay for the two cabs, but I stopped him.

"You guys just get inside. I'll take care of the fare this time. But don't get used to it," I said.

All the guys kissed their respective girlfriends goodbye, Jimmy and Acey taking a little longer than everyone else. After the cabs left, we walked through the parking lot to the back door of the venue, and we saw our bus. Instead of checking out the venue, the girls, besides Sarah, decided to get on the bus and chill for awhile. Plus it was getting a little tiring lugging around all the luggage that Acey and Kaitlyn had brought with them.


I strummed the last note to 'Chapter 4', said a few farewells to the audience, and walked off the stage, right behind Jimmy. I think that this concert kicked the one in Sacramento's ass. The girls were all waiting for us on the couch in the dressing room. I grabbed a bottle of water and sat down on the couch in between Becca and Aileen, giving Becca a kiss.

"Johnny! You know I don't like kissing you when your grill is in your mouth. You know how blood tastes like metal? Well that's what your mouth tastes like when you're wearing your grill," she said with a pout.

I gave in, and took out my grill, then kissed her again.

"Now that's better," she said with a smile.

"Johnny, I'm glad you just did that because it reminded me to take my grill out. Aileen hates it too," Zacky said, giving Aileen a peck on the lips.

"Time to go meet some fans, fuckers!" Brian yelled, running out the door with Kaitlyn slung over his shoulder.

We walked outside and made our way towards the bus, and my ears were immediately greeted with one of the loudest roars that I have ever heard in my life. We were signing autographs for almost 2 hours. Yeah, there were that many people waiting for us. I bet I signed 50 boobs, about 20 asses, and countless merchandise. My hand was so sore by the time we were done.

Just as we were done, and I had wrapped my arm around Becca's shoulders, this group of girls came out from behind the bus and ran over to us. On girl ran up to me and knocked Becca onto the ground.

"Babe, are you okay?" I asked while helping Becca off the asphalt. The girl that had come up to me pushed my hand away from Becca and put it on her shoulders.

"Don't mess with that whore. She's nothing compared to me," said the random fan.

By this time, all the other guys had gotten their groupies off of them, and were now staring at me, Becca, and the random girl. The random girl suddenly pulled me into a kiss. The kiss last about a millisecond because Becca tackled the random fan to the ground and started to beat the shit out of her. Matt had to help me detach his sister from this girl. We eventually got Becca off the girl and back to the bus. Let me just say that I think Becca broke that girl's nose.


"Stupid piece of shit bus!" Matt yelled.

"Matt, what's wrong?" I asked.

"The fucking bus broke down. It's a good thing that we're already in the city that we're playing in tomorrow night, or we'd be screwed. Our driver went to go call some cabs, and then we're gonna head to a hotel. And remember, don't get drunk tonight. We have a show tomorrow," Matt said, pointing at all of us.

"Man, not getting to drink sucks major ass. I know that we got shit-faced last night, but I think I'm having separation anxiety from not being able to see Jack tonight," Zacky said.

"Zacky, I never said that you couldn't drink, I just said not to get drunk. The cabs are here already. Grab some shit that you'll need, and we'll go ahead and call it a night at the hotel since it's almost 1 in the morning. It's right next to the venue anyways, so we can sleep late tomorrow."

We grabbed a few things from the bus to take with us to the hotel. Extra clothes, cell phone, wallet, you know. The necessities.

Once we got to the hotel, we grabbed our room keys and headed up to our rooms. I trudged up to my room with Becca, and everyone else went to their rooms. I am glad that our rooms are spread out on the top floor again. I don't feel like listening to my best friends having sex. Yeah, cause I know that that's all the guys are gonna be doing tonight.

I walked into the room and took of my shirt and threw it to the floor. I was hot for some reason, and there were so many switches in this room that I couldn't figure out which one turned on the fan. I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Becca came over and sat down next to me. I looked over at her, and she had this blank stare on her face. She has been acting really weird tonight, like something's been on her mind.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking. About stuff. Johnny, you know I love you, right?"

"Of course I know that."

"Okay, and even though we don't have sex like rabbits, or at all for that matter, doesn't mean that I don't love you, right?"

"What the hell is wrong with you? I know that you love me, and you should know that I love you. I wouldn't want you to get hurt or do anything that you didn't want to do. We don't have to have sex to prove that we love each other."

I kissed her forehead, and wrapped my arm around her shoulder and continued to watch TV. I would soon find out what Becca was thinking so hard about.

Becca suddenly got off the couch and turned off the lights. She must be getting tired. She came back to the couch and sat next to me, scooting as close to me as possible. I had just raised the remote to change the channel when Becca grabbed it out of my hand and turned off the TV, throwing the remote onto the coffee table. I was a little shocked at her actions, but, little did I know, that I was about to see a side of Becca that I had never seen before.

She climbed onto my lap and straddled my waist, facing me. This was a change. For once, she was the one on top of me. Maybe this would get further then it ever had before. I placed my hands on her hips as she leaned down to kiss me. At first she was gentle, and I slowly got to see the inner animal she had been keeping at bay.

The kisses became deeper and sweeter. Our tongues were exploring each other's mouths. I brought my right hand up and placed it behind her head. I pulled myself deeper into our kiss. Her hair felt soft beneath my fingers. Everything about this girl drove me wild.

Hesitantly, I brought my other hand to the bottom of her shirt. The last two times I had done this, I had been rejected. Okay, well, there were good excuses for both times, but I guess I was almost expecting it to happen again.

I got no objection this time, so I let my hand travel up the inside of her shirt. A smile crept up on my face when she let out a moan. She was egging me on. Good, that's what I wanted. And apparently she did too.

She began to plant kisses along my neckline as I started to tug at her shirt. She broke away to raise her arms over her head. I pulled her shirt off and threw it to the floor. There was no need to take mine off since I was already shirtless.

Our lips met again, this time we were more feverish. I could tell she was excited. I'm not going to lie. I was excited too.....very excited, you might say. I slowed down a bit. This was going to be her first time, and I wanted her to savor every moment.

I traced her spine, and felt her shiver as I swiftly unhooked her bra, discarding it to the floor as well. Gently, I cupped her breast. God, her skin was soft. It made me shudder. Momentarily, she stopped kissing me to savor the sensation that I was giving her, but quickly placed her lips back onto mine. I pulled away from her, only to begin nibbling at her neck. Her reaction was to locate her hand at the waistline of my pants. My breath caught in my throat. Hmm, looked like she was a little bit of a vixen.

I threw my head back and she kissed my neck and collarbone as she tentatively reached her hand down the front of my pants and started to stroke me. She was doing it slowly, teasing me. She had never done anything like this before, and I found myself quite enjoying it.

She withdrew her hand, and I started to work on the button and zipper on her pants. Somehow, she managed to balance herself and pull them off at the same time. She was now sitting on my lap, wearing nothing but a pair of.....well..... you get the picture.

I kissed her roughly as my hand made it's way down her leg, and then back up again. She moaned even louder for me. It didn't take long for me to pull her underwear off as well.

Careful not to dump her on the floor, I flipped her onto her back and straddled her waist. I began to plant kisses down her no-longer-bruised stomach as I unfastened my own pants, taking them off, and I took my boxers off at the same time.

I pushed myself up, leaning on my arms for support. She was staring into my eyes. Damn, I really did love this woman.

"Becca, are you sure you want to do this?"

She answered by pulling my mouth to hers. I was going to take that as a yes. I stroked her face and kissed her softly as I entered. I felt her flinch and heard her gasp slightly from the pain, not being used to this sensation. Patiently, I waited for her to relax, all the while, kissing her softly. When she finally let herself relax, I began to move within her slowly.

"Oh god, Johnny, " she loudly moaned.

I felt great pride well up from her calling my name. It also made me feel more connected to her than I ever had.

Little by little, she became accustomed to the rhythm and began to enjoy it. Her grip on me became tighter as my speed increased. Her breathing was becoming more and more irregular as she arched her back and neared her climax.

I tried to give her everything that she needed, and I think she reached her peak right before I did. At least, that's what her screams had said to me.

After we were done, we layed our foreheads together, resting and waiting for our breathing to return to normal. Once my breathing became regular again, I rolled over onto my back, and pulled her up to lay on my chest, kissing her forehead.

"I love you, Becca. And I will always love you."

"I love you too, Johnny."

I looked over at the clock and noticed that it was 3:45. Damn. That lasted awhile.

"Babe, do you wanna sleep on the couch tonight, or do you think we should move over to the bed?"

"Let's just stay on the couch."

I pulled the blanket from the couch over us, and stroked her hair as we slowly drifted off to sleep.
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Chapter 11. Please comment!