Tasting Fame

Tasting Fame - Johnny Christ [17]


It was now 5 in the morning and I was stepping over several beer bottles and random bits of clothing. I know what you're thinking: 'what the hell did you do last night?' Well, I can't tell you. But I can tell you that today is Thanksgiving.

We were all staying at a hotel in Madison, Wisconsin where all the rooms were like apartments. They were fucking huge! Complete with full bathrooms and kitchens and everything.

Anyways, I was now making my way down the hall to Aileen and Zacky's room, because she was gonna help me start to cook everything.

I got to the room and knocked on the door, and I heard someone sleepily say "come in".

I walked into the room to notice Zacky walk out of the bathroom in his boxers.

"Ahhh! Put some clothes on" I said as I put my hands over my eyes.

"Heh. Sorry. My ultra fucking hairy-ass legs scare most people. But, what are you doing here so early in the morning?" he asked as I followed him to the kitchen.

"Well, Aileen was gonna come down to mine and Johnny's room to help me start the turkey. I have no fucking clue how to cook a fucking turkey."

Zacky just laughed and got himself a glass of water.

"Want anything?" he asked.

"No thanks. Ummm, where's your room? I need to go wake up Aileen."

"Actually, I'll wake her up for you. I just got up to piss and get something to drink. I gotta go back to the room anyways."

Zacky made his way back in the direction of the room, and a few moments later, a sleepy looking Aileen walked into the kitchen and joined me.

"It's too fucking early for this shit," she said as she downed a glass of water.

"Well, you better get with it because you gotta help me cook a fucking turkey."

"You talk way too fucking loud, you know that?" Zacky said as he re-entered the kitchen completely dressed.

"Why aren't you in bed?" I asked with a shocked expression.

"Well, I decided that I'd be a gentleman and help you ladies cook. I am half Italian, you know," he said with a smirk.

"How thoughtful of you. Now let's go back to my room so we can get the turkey ready."

After Aileen got dressed, the three of us made our way back to my room. Johnny was still asleep when we entered the room, and Zacky went over to the bed and jumped on him.

"What the fuck?! Get off me, Zacky, you mother fucker!" Johnny said as he tried to push Zacky off of the bed. "Why the hell are you waking me up anyways? I mean, come on. It's 5-fucking-thirty in the morning!"

"Well, you're gonna help me help them cook our wonderful fucking Thanksgiving dinner. Now get your ass out of bed."

Johnny's ass was deposited on the floor, and him and Zacky chased each other around the room until Zacky tripped over a random shoe, and Johnny fell over him because he didn't have time to stop.

As Aileen and I began laughing like we were never gonna laugh again, the rest of the gang walked through the door: Acey, Kaitlyn, and Sarah walked through the door with a sleepy looking Jimmy, Brian, and Matt.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked between laughs. I was doubled over holding my stomach because I was laughing so hard.

"We came in to help you guys cook. We're making the rest of the guys help. And why are you guys laughing so hard?" Acey asked.

"Well, Zacky and Johnny were chasing each other around the room because Zacky jumped on Johnny, woke him up and knocked him off the bed. Zacky fell over a shoe and then Johnny fell on top of him."

"I wish I coulda seen that. Well, kiddies. Let's get cooking," Acey said, and led the way into the kitchen.

"Can I just set the table or something?" Brian asked through a yawn.

"No. You and Jimmy are going to start mixing the stuff for the pies. Zacky, you and Johnny can start washing the potatoes. And Matt, you get to take the stuff out of the turkey and clean it, while us girls prepare the casseroles and the stuffing," I said.

"Why am I the one that gets the pleasure of sticking my arm in the turkey's hole?"

"For starters, that's gross. You're hand will only be in the turkey for about 60 seconds. All you gotta do is pull out the gravy bag and the gizzards."

"You guys suck," Jimmy said as he turned his back to help Brian.

"Yes we do," Acey said with a devilish smile.

"Don't start something that you have no intentions of finishing," Jimmy said.

"Mother fucker!" Matt suddenly yelled out.

"Damnit, Matt! How could you drop the fucking turkey?" I yelled as I walked over to Matt, smacking him over the head.

"It slipped!" Matt said in his own defense.

"Mother fuck," I said under my breath as I helped Matt pick up the turkey. He tried to wash it off, but I stopped him.

"That's fucking disgusting. I'm not eating a turkey that has been on the fucking floor of a hotel room."

"Then what are we gonna do?" he said as he deposited the turkey into the trashcan.

"We're just gonna have to go and get another one."

"We're done washing the potatoes!" Zacky exclaimed as he and Johnny finished.

"Zacky, why the fuck are there bubbles on these potatoes?" I asked as I examined one.

"You told us to wash them, so we got some soap and water and washed them."

"Zacky, you're mom would be so disappointed in you right now. Any good Italian knows that you don't clean potatoes with soap and water. You just use water. Girls, we gotta go and get another turkey and some more fucking potatoes," I said as I grabbed the keys to the rental and made my way out the door.

"Hey, Becca. Wait a sec. The pie filling is mixed, so what do we do with it?" Brian asked.

"Put each one into a separate pie crust. Then you bake the pecan pies at 350 degrees for 45 minutes, and bake the pumpkin pies at 300 degrees for 30 minutes. And for the love of God, don't forget about them."

After giving Brian the directions for the pies, the girls and I made our way out to the rental car, which was a black Denali. I love those trucks.

"Aileen, our boyfriends can be pretty damn stupid sometimes," I said as I backed out of the parking lot and made my way into traffic.

"Yeah, but that's why we love them," she said with a sigh.

The rest of the car ride was pretty much silent, except for the occasional snore from Acey who fell asleep as soon as she got in the car.

After we found a supermarket, I grabbed a cart, and we made our way over to the poultry section, and luckily, there were a few turkeys left that were already unthawed and sitting in a cooler. I went ahead and grabbed one, then we made our way towards the section with produce and such. Just as I had placed a bag of potatoes in my cart, my cell phone rang. It was Zacky.

"What can I do for you fucktard?" I asked.

"Ummm, we've got a problem," Zacky said with a nervous chuckle.

"And what would that be, Oh Great Italian Chef?"

"Ummm, yeah. Brian and Jimmy burned the pies."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled, causing several workers to stare at me.

"I wish I wasn't. But, yeah. We need more pie stuff. So get some while you're out. Bye."

Zacky hung up the phone before I had time to say anything in reply.

"Son of a bitch!" I loudly whispered.

"What's wrong with you? What happened?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Well, that was Zacky. He said that Brian and Jimmy burned the pies, and we need more pie stuff," I said as I stuffed my phone back into my purse.

"We never should have let them near the kitchen in the first place," Acey asked as she rolled her eyes.

After we had made our purchases and got everything into the car, we made our way back to the "Hotel Of Condos" as we all liked to call it.

After the girls all got back to mine and Johnny's room, we ushered the guys into the living area so they wouldn't burn the fucking kitchen down. We decided to mix the pie filling, but wait until the turkey was almost done before we put the pies in the oven, so that there would be no trouble with timing.

"It's a good thing we didn't let them take care of the stuffing, the sauce, or the casserole, right?" Aileen asked with a smile as we finished getting everything ready.

"Yeah. And it's a good thing you know how to cook a turkey because I sure as hell don't," I said as I put the pie filling in the crusts and popped them in the fridge for later.

After about an hour, we had gotten everything prepped and ready to go. The stuffing was in the turkey, and the turkey was ready to be cooked. The pies were setting in the fridge, ready for cooking as well. The cranberry sauce was in a bowl in the fridge, and the casserole was ready to be baked.

"Let me just pop the turkey in the oven, and then we can chill for a few hours until we can put everything else in the other oven. I swear, I like this place better than our house," Aileen said as she shoved the turkey into the oven and closed the door.

We made our way back to the living area to find all the guys laying over each other on the floor, and they were asleep.

"Well, we can forget about laying on the floor," Kaitlyn said with an amused look on her face.

"I'll sleep on the couch. I like sleeping on couches better than beds anyways," Sarah said.

"There's enough room for the four of us on the king size bed. I'll just set my phone alarm for when I need to wake up to put everything else into the oven, which shouldn't be for about another 5 hours. So let's get some sleep while we can."

And with that, Sarah went to sleep on the couch, and then I climbed into mine and Johnny's bed with Kaitlyn and Acey. Aileen, however was hesitant to get into the bed.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked as I pulled some of the covers over myself.

"Ummm......." she started.

"Don't worry. Johnny and I haven't done anything in this bed yet."

That statement seemed to lift a weight off of her shoulders, and she climbed into the bed with the rest of us.

I was awoken a couple hours later to the sound of a camera clicking. I opened my eyes to notice all the guys except Matt standing over the bed, and Zacky was taking pictures of the four of us girls in the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked Zacky as I threw a pillow at him.

"I'm taking pictures. The four of you being in a bed together, sleeping..... I find it quite hot."

"Zacky, that's just weird," Aileen said as she sat up in the bed and rubbed her eyes.

"I knew it was too good to be true," he mumbled under his breath as he walked away.

"Hey, babe? It's almost 11, shouldn't you be putting the other stuff in the ovens?" Johnny asked as he came over to me and knelt beside the bed.

"Oh, shit. That's right," I said as I accepted Johnny's hand in helping me up. We gave each other a kiss, and then I went into the kitchen with Aileen to put all the other stuff into the oven.

We sat around for the remainder of the cooking time watching those corny moral-ridden Thanksgiving shows. It was very welcome when the timer for the food went off. We decided as a group to let Aileen cut the turkey instead of Matt because we didn't really feel like having to wait another 6 fucking hours for another fucking turkey.

All of the sudden, Zacky ran under the table.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked.

"My girlfriend has a knife in her hands. That's cause enough for the whole country to go into red alert."

Once the turkey was cut and all the food was set out, and Zacky came out from under the table, everyone piled their plates and sat around the table. We each did our own individual silent prayers and the went to eating, talking, and having a good time. And it was being made quite clear that the guys had absolutely no manners.

"Soicandwadeundilwegesbchonnoor," Zacky said.

"Meeedermad," Jimmy said.

"Will you guys either shut the fuck up or swallow your food before you talk, please? You're getting food everywhere, and it's kinda fucking gross," Aileen said as she placed her hand over Zacky's mouth.

"How do you even know what they were saying?" Kaitlyn asked.

"It's comes with being around them all the fucking time. Zacky said 'So, I can't wait until we get back on tour'. And Jimmy said 'Me either man'."

"Hey, give that back, motherfucker. It's mine!" I heard Matt yell.

I look over at him, where he's engaged in a heated argument over the wishbone with Johnny. Yeah. Two guys that are in a damn rock band are fighting over the wishbone. Suddenly, Zacky reached over and yanked the wishbone away from the both of them, and broke it in half himself.

"There. Now the wishbone is mine," he said.

Matt and Johnny just stared at him like they were gonna kill him, them went back to eating their food.

"You can take my meat away!" Johnny sang.

"Ummm, Johnny, why did you say that?" I asked.

"Well, we were hanging out with Davey Havoc and the rest of AFI one day on Warped and he was talking about how he was a vegan. We were joking around, and he started singing 'you can take my meat away' to the sound of 'The Leaving Song Pt. 2'. This reminded me of that."

He finished his statement and forced a huge piece of turkey into his mouth at once. I rolled my eyes and went back to eating my green bean casserole.

"What is this shit?" Jimmy asked as he brought a spoonful of a crimson colored substance up to his nose.

"That's cranberry sauce, llama boy," I said as I tried to hold back my laughter.

He lightly sniffed it, then ate the spoonful of sauce. He immediately spit it out, and began choking. Acey slapped his back until he calmed down, and then he looked at me with hurt.

"Hey, I'm not the one that told you to eat it. I assumed that in your 25 years of existence, you would've tried cranberry sauce at least once."

After I was finished with my second plate of food, I got up to get some pumpkin pie. I love me some pumpkin pie. I gave myself a decent sized slice, then took my place next to Johnny at the table.

"Damn, girl. I never knew you could eat so much," he said as he stared at me like I was contaminated with a deadly disease.

"Look at who my brother is, and then think about what you just said."

I then put some whipped cream on my pie, and took a bite.

"I don't see how you can eat that shit. It's disgusting," Brian said as he gestured towards my pie.

"You like sweet potatoes?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sweet potatoes are okay, I guess."

"Then you should like pumpkin pie. It's the same damn thing, except there's a little bit more spice in pumpkin pies."

Before Brian could protest, I shoved a forkful of pumpkin pie into his mouth. He looked shocked, but ate it anyways.

"Hmmmm," he said. "That's actually not half-bad."

"I told you."

After everyone was done eating, the girls all did the dishes as the guys put all the food away. We were almost done when I heard a scream from Zacky.

"Oh my God!" Zacky screamed.

"What?" Aileen asked as she looked over to him.

"I'm stuck!" he said as he started to jump around and try to free himself.

"How in the world did you get stuck in the refrigerator door?" Matt asked as he went over to help Zacky.

"I don't fucking know! Just get me the fuck out of here!"

"Zacky, calm the fuck down, man. See? Matt got the door unstuck for you, so you can quit your fucking whining now," Jimmy said.

"Dude, you get yourself stuck in a refrigerator door. I saw my life flash before my eyes."

"Quit being so overdramatic and help me put the dishes away," I said as I handed him a stack of plates.

For the rest of the night, all we did was watch movies, and occasionally get up to get some more food.

It was about 2 in the morning, and I could tell that everyone was getting tired, so we all decided to head to bed. After everyone was out of our room, I locked the door and then changed into some pajamas, Johnny just stripping down to his boxers. We climbed into the bed and faced each other as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the tip of my nose. I just smiled.

"Did you enjoy today?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did. And I'm sorry for fucking up the potatoes," he said.

"Johnny, it's alright. I'm just thankful that everyone was together today."

"Well, Becca. What else are you thankful for?"

"I'm thankful for Matt, my family, for Kitty, all my friends, the rest of my family, and everything in my life in general. What about you?"

He smiled and looked deep into my eyes.

"I'm thankful for my talent, my band, my life. But most of all, I'm thankful for you."

I could feel tears of happiness well up as I smiled and we shared a deep kiss.

"I love you, Rebecca Ann Sanders," Johnny said as we pulled away.

"And I love you, Jonathan Lewis Seward. With all my heart."
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Chapter 17. Please comment!