Status: Completed

Losing The Friendly One

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He came to the school in grade six. He had a friendly smile on his face too. A few new kids came that day, but he... he stood out. He made everyone his friend. Everyone loved him. His name was Ryan.

Ryan was nicknamed Frenchie after a day in P.E. A kid called out, "I'll get you French kid!" And from that day on, he was known as Frenchie. Everyone adored him, including all the little ones.

Everything began to change by grade 7. He made such an impact on everyone's lives, and in the school. He may have caused trouble, but he was loved. He had a girlfriend, he was our little french boy. He loved to goof around, and we all loved him.

He had a twinkle in his eye, and his buds were always with him. But... even the best of kids get taken away.

It was that day that changed us all.

Friday, we all said goodbye at the end of school. We all had a fun weekend. Totally oblivious to what happened.

It was Monday, after lunch, that absolutely killed us. The staff had had a meeting during lunch, and with all the students unaware, were told the worst. It was in Mr. Lang's class and all the others that we were told news of Ryan.

"Class... there has been an accident..." Mr. Lang said.

I froze, and a had this odd shaking. I couldn't stop. Please... just let him be in the hospital...

"He... he passed away."

I looked at my bestfriend. No... not him... I was quiet, but then I lost it. I hung my head, and started crying. Not Ryan. Not sweet innocent Ryan.

The whole school was in tears that day. No one was in the best of emotions. I asked if I could go to the bathroom, and I walked past a teacher who was sitting with some grade sixers. He was telling them stuff about Ryan. I gave a weak smile to them.

February 3rd 2008 was the day he died. He was at his father's construction site in Surrey, British Columbia. He lived in Langley, British Columbia, but he wanted to go to work with his dad. After a while, his mom went to go shopping, and his father thought Ryan was with her. Later, they found out he wasn't. Upstairs, they found him crushed under 18,000 pounds of drywall. They weren't sure of what exactly happened, but the paramedics tried to resuscitate him, but could not. They believed that he died instantly.

Every year, the students who went to Douglas Park Elementary School in Langley, pay their respects to their lost class mate on the day he died, and on his birthday, October 22nd.

He is missed, but we know that he would want us to move on with our lives. He will forever be in our hearts.
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This was very hard to write, but I thought I should tell you of the sadest day of my life. He was a great kid...