Dear God


Hi Papa,

I feel like I should end these letters here. One, I feel like I'm making my faith into a show. You don't want me to do that, and lately that's what I feel like these things are. Two, I feel like you want me to.

Thank you for all of the support you've given me as I wrote each letter. I hope You got glory.


If you want to give your heart to Him:

Thank you, for caring for me. Thank you for comforting me. Thank you for everything you've done, and are still doing. Thank you for letting me come to you like a little child comes to their father. You just want me to have faith. And by faith, I am talking to You now. I know Jesus' blood makes everything new, everything clean. By faith and by His blood, I admit and say He is my Savior. I want to be Your child. I want to be welcomed into your family. And I know by doing this, I am. I am Your Child. Everything old just died away, and I am made new. Now and forever more, I want to walk and grow my relationship with you. Thank you. Amen.