Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go

Hospitals Suck

I picked Addison up and took her downstairs and laid her on the couch. Magnus was in the kitchen when I ran back in

“What are you doing?” he asked as I pulled a bucket and a rubber hose from under the sink

I ignored him and went back to Addison’s limp body. I stuck the tube down her throat and waited till her body jerked and the contents of her stomach flooded into the bucket

“Im taking her to the hospital” I said as I went to find the car keys

“No you're not” he said grabbing my arm

I slammed him against the counter and walked away from him. I heard shuffling but I was to busy looking for keys.When I walked back into the living room he was on her with a knife to her neck

“She is still mine Kyle” Magnus growled pressing the knife closer to her neck

When I stepped closer to him he pressed it in more and I could see the skin almost split. I growled in fustration

“Whatever you going to do your sick” I yelled

He ignored me and started pulling his pants and her shorts off

“No! Magnus this is sick stop now!” I yelled getting closer to them

He slid the knife against her cheek

“I will slice her fucking throat if you don’t go away. I just need her one last time Kyle” he said in a half growl half beg

I walked into the kitchen and punched and threw anything in my sight. I wanted to go in there and stop him but he had that knife so close to her throat he could kill her even with the softest bump. He stumbled back into the kitchen with the knife bloodier

“Bye big brother” he said going in to the basement

I ran to her and there was blood everywhere but none of the cuts were deadly. I fixed her clothing and felt my eyes burning

“Im so sorry Addison.I should have never let him do this” I said feeling a sob come up

I carried her to the car and put her in the backseat the keys were in the igntion. I drove quickly and when I got to the hospital I didn’t even bother to park the car

“Help please!” I shouted carrying her into the emergency room.

The nurses and doctors crowded around me and took her from my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
that took too long!