Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go

Waking Up

* One Months
* Two Months
* Three months

I still remember bringing Addison in the hospital. She had lost so much blood they had to give her a blood transfusion and lucky for me we had the same blood type. She was so close to dying, they had to pump her stomach and give her this black charcoal stuff. I had her air lifted to my country and I bought a house so when she got out she could be with her family. Before I left I told them about what happened


“Addison is in a hospital in my country. My brother had taken her from one of Brad’s parties and he has been attacking her and raping her for months. Everytime I tried to get her out he would threaten to kill her” I said feeling a sob come up

I watched as Addison’s mother stood up

“Brad and Mike will pack up the house and I will go back with you” she said

I nodded

Addison's mother came over to me and hugged me tightly. We stood in her living room sobbing for hours


I have been here almost four months. The doctors said she had fell into a coma and that she could wake up at anytime with no memory of anything that happened

“I saw the baby yesterday Addison. It’s so small I have a feeling it’s going to be a girl.” I said holding her hand

Her fingers twitched I ignored that

“What baby?” she said softly

I looked up and saw Addison opening her eyes and looking at me

“Addison?” I said softly

She yawned and streched a bit

“Where are we?” she asked

I put my head down in her blankets and began crying. I felt her hands in my hair

“Why are you crying?” she asked

I wiped my face and looked back up at her

“I thought you were dead” I said softly

She was looking all over my face trying to think

“Who are you?” she asked nicely

I smiled at her and wiped my face off more

“Im Kyle and I saved you from someone horrible” I said rubbing her hand

She looked down

“I don’t remember” she said

I nodded

“Good” I said

I heard Angela walk in the room and gasp

“Mommy” Addison said sitting up and reaching for her mother

I left the room and let them have a moment. One of the nurses smiled at me and walked into the room. Angela walked back out of the room moments later with a huge smile

“I have explained to Addison that she is four months pregnant and that you are the father” she said

I looked up at her in shock

“I will never fogive your brother for what he did but I have forgiven you. You helped my child and my grandchild. You’re the father and no one else” she said

I nodded swallowing the lump in my throat. I got up and walked back in the room

“Hi Kyle” Addison said smiling brightly

I smiled back and sat next to her bed

“ I need to go to my old house and get a few thing I will be back in a few. Ok?” I asked touching her cheek

She nodded and kissed my palm.
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sorry guys i didnt noticed i messed up