Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go


I drove quickly out of the parking garage so I could hurry and be with Addison again. When I got to my childhood home I knew he was there

“Hello Kyle” he said as I walked upstairs

I went into my room grabbed a bag and started packing up everything

“Where have you been for the past four months?” he asked

I ignored his many attemps to chat with me as I swiftly threw clothes and small things in my suitcase

“Are you leaving?” he asked standing in front of me

I looked in to the piercing blue eyes he got from our mother and I felt a flash of heat go through me

“Yes im leaving” I said as I gritted my teeth

I pushed him out of my way and I got what was left in my room. I found my grandmother's ring and put it in my pocket

“Why are you leaving?” he asked from behind me as I walked downstairs

I put my bag by the front door and walked in to the office. I grabbed some photo albums and some of my father's first collection books

“Kyle you can’t just leave like this” he said as I put the books in my bag

I was going to walk around him when he grabbed my arm. All this built up anger flowed from me freely now and I snapped. I yanked my arm from his grip and slammed him up against a painting of all of us

“You are not a child anymore and im sick of taking care of all your fuck ups. What you did to Addison was the last straw and it shows what kind of person you have become” I growled in his face

I saw blood sliding down his neck

“You are leaving your own flesh and blood for some bitch we could have found anywhere?!” he spat in my face

I slammed my fist in to the side of his face

“You have some nerve talking about anyone. Your sick and twisted and for all i know im am only child.” I yelled in his face

I let go of him and let him slid to the floor. Before I left I saw a picture of the both of us when we were young I punched it

“Goodbye” I said before closing the door
♠ ♠ ♠
>:{ someone is mad