Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go


“Hunny get dressed while you wait for Kyle” my mother said

I nodded and pulled my blankets off my legs

“Gotta get the feeling back” I said moving my feet and toes slowly

My mother giggled at me moving my legs slowly then faster. I heard a huff I looked up and saw Kyle he looked angry

“What’s wrong?” I asked

He walked over to my bed and sat at the end near my feet. They I saw his bloody hand

“Nurse!” I shouted

I scooted down and let my legs dangle over the side of the bed. I took his injured right hand and carefully looked at it

“He has glass in it” I said as the nurse walked in

She nodded and went back out of the room. My mother came over with a towel and held it under his hand

“Im sorry” she said rubbing his head like she knew what was wrong

He looked up at her and gave her a small smile. He turned his head and looked over at me

“I will be ok” he said softly

I looked in to his soft blue eyes and I could see he was lying to me. But I nodded and smiled

“Hunny you get dressed while the nurse cleans his hand” my mother said handing me my clothes

I nodded and looked back at Kyle. He was watching the nurse take out all the glass. I slid off the bed and let my feet touch the cold floor when I took a step to put my pants on I almost lost my balance. Kyle’s good hand shot out and grabbed me before I fell

“Careful” he said

I nodded and put my pants on very slowly. I slid off the hospital gown and looked down at the bump

“That’s our baby” I said softly

I turned toward Kyle and put his hand on it. He smiled and nodded his head at me

“Sure is” he said looking at the bump

I slid on my shirt and my mother handed me fuzzy socks

“It’s cold here” she said

I sat next to Kyle again and struggled to put my sock on. Kyle, the nurse, and my mother laughed

“Not funny” I said

My mother took the socks and helped me. I watched as the nurse stiched Kyle’s hand

“What did you do?” I asked

He looked down at me

“Someone was in my house breaking things and I had to clean it up. Must have gotten cut and not have noticed” he said

I nodded my head. There was something he wasn’t telling me