Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go

Buy The Whole Store

"KY- oh" Anglea yelled

I opened my eyes seeing Addison's wrinkled face. I touched her cheek and she relaxed

"Mom shh" Addison spoke

Anglea came over and poked Addison's face

"Im bringin up your breakfast hunny" she said kissing her cheek and leaving the room

Addison was rubbing her belly

"This kid is kicking" she grumbled

I chuckled and sat up quickly. I got off the bed and went to use the bathroom. When I came back out Addison was proped up and reading a book

"You found the baby book?" I asked

She nodded

I climed back on the bed and got my laptop from the bedside table

"Lets order some stuff for our child" I said happily

Addison face scrunched up then she looked at me

"Did you meet me before that person attacked me?" she asked

Fuck this lie was going to get huge

"Uh yeah we had a good time" I said looking at the computer screen

She closed the book and moved closer to me

"Did you think I was pretty?" she asked

I laughed

"You are more than just pretty Addison" I said

She blushed

"When I first saw you I thought you were breathtaking and I had to have you" I said honestly

She kissed my cheek

"Im glad you're here then. Our baby can have both parents" she said touching her belly

I nodded

"And since your so sure it's a girl im thinking of names already" she said softly

I turned toward her just as Brad walked in the room with food

"Here is your food. Dad and I are going somewhere so we will see you later" he said kissing her head

She nodded and began eating her food

"Well if it's a girl I was thinking Charlie and if it's a boy I was thinking Victor" she said

I shook my head

"No to Victor. There was this fat pig I went to school with named Victor I hated him" I said getting her to laugh

She put the fork in front of my mouth

"You have to eat too" she whined

I opened my mouth and took the bite

"Umm How about Lewis Michale?" she asked

I nodded

"Charlie Elizabeth for the girl" I said

Addison smiled

"Where did you get the Elizabeth from?" she asked putting more food in front of me

I chewed

"My mother's name. I promised her one of my children would be named after her" I said

She nodded. We sat there eating and buying simple things for the baby for about 2 hours

"Ok time to get up" I said streching

Addison got off the bed slowly and streched

"Lets see what daddy and Brad got" she said

I walked around toward her and she held my hand

"Wait first I gotta pee" she ran toward the bathroom

I went over to my dresser and unwrapped my bad hand. It was bruised and it looked yellow and purple. I changed the gause fast and threw the old ones away

"Ok we can go now" Addison was standing next to me

She looked so cute in her pajama pants and the shirt fit snug over her belly. I grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs

"How the kid?" I asked

She smiled

"Fine kicking me a bit" she said

When we got downstairs all I saw were bags of stuff from babies and Toys R Us

"Gosh did you guys buy the whole store?" Addison said to her father

I laughed

"Our kid isn't even out yet and it's getting spoiled" I said

Anglea looked over at me

"So are we making a nursery or is Addison staying in your room?" she asked

I looked over at Addison

"I wanna stay with Kyle" she said softly

Anglea nodded

"Now all we have to do is find the sex and we can begin the room" Brad said bringing in paint cans

Addison looked up at me

"Well then we wait" I said sitting back