Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go

Little Kicks

2 months later

Today we are going to find out the sex of the baby. I was way bigger now but it didn't seem to phase Kyle which made us closer. And the room next door is no the baby's room and my parents have a bet going

"We are gonna see the baby today!!" I squeaked

We were now driving to the OBGYN

"How is the kid?" he asked rubbing my belly

I giggled and jumped around

"She is fine" I said

He chuckled at my excitement

"How do you know it's a girl?" he asked

I stopped jumping to give him a duh look

"She told me in a dream" I said proudly

He chuckled and parked the car. I almost flew out of the car

"Addy calm down she isnt going anywhere" he said walking slowly next to me

I growled but pulled him a little faster

"Come on you have to translate" I said as he opened the door for me

He went over and spoke to the woman in the little window. She nodded and motioned for us to follow her. When we got into the room Kyle helped me on to the table then laid his head on my stomach

"You look awful when we get home you are going to bed mister" I said rubbing his head

Kyle runs his father's company so he is pretty busy most days. But he does all his work from home and he is usually on his laptop speaking to someone about not pulling thier weight

"Yes mom" he said rubbing my stomach

The doctor walked in speaking to Kyle very quickly

"She wants to know how everything is going and she knows english" he said turning his head and looking at me

I nodded

"She is very active in the morning and sometimes so puts pressure on my spine. I don't get sick very often but I keep craving foods i would never eat if I wasnt pregnant" I said watching the doctor write things down

She looked up at me and chuckled

"Wishing for a girl are we?" she asked with a thick accent

I nodded happily. Kyle sat up and kissed my cheek

"Let's see this baby then" The doctor spoke again

I moved my shirt up and she squezzed that cold stuff on it. The baby kicked

"Guess she dosent like being cold" Kyle said

I giggled

The doctor moved the wand over my belly then smiled

"Well you were right it's a girl" she pointed at the screen

I screamed

"She is waving at us" the doctor pointed to the baby

I awed and looked at Kyle he had a huge smile on his face

"If she looks anything like you im buying a gun" he said

I laughed and clapped my hands

"Can we have 4 pictures please?" I asked the doctor

She nodded and left the room. I wiped the goop off my stomach and sat up

"I gotta pee" I wiggled around

Kyle laughed and pointed to another door across the room

"Go pee" he said

I jumped and ran to the bathroom. While I was washing my hands I heard Kyle's stressed voice

"I don't fucking care about some fucking girl you better start pulling your goddanm weight or im just going to take you chunk and run it myself" he yelled in the phone

I had never heard or seen Kyle angry. So I walked out and made it seem like I heard nothing

"Here you go and congrats" the doctor handed me the pictures with a smile

I smiled back and grabbed Kyle's hand. He smiled at me and we made our way to the car

"This is so excting" I said rubbing my belly

Kyle chuckled and put his free hand on my belly

"We are gonna surprise your parents so here" he said handing me a medium size box and a smaller one on top

He watched the rode as I pulled open the small box first. It was a charm bracelet with a gold glittery "A"

"Oh my goodness it's beautiful" I said

he smiled

"Look in the small box" he said

I looked down and saw a silver "C" and a gold "K". I smiled and put them on the bracelet

"I love it thank you Kyle" I said pulling him over and kissing his cheek

He laughed and pointed to the other box. I opened that one and saw cute little pink baby booties and 4 diffrent color onzies

"Aww theese are so adorable" I held them up

When I got to the bottom a saw a small dark green dress and little black booties

"Kyle oh my goodness this is beautiful" I gushed

We had just pulled up to the house now and he was watching me

"I thought you might like them" he said

I felt a tear slid down my cheek and all I could do was nod

"Ugh stupid hormones" I said wiping my face

He kissed my cheek

"Come on let go tell them" he said picking up the box with the clothes on it

I nodded and got out. My bracelet was glitering on my wrist

"Let me see that bright pink onezie" I said before we got in the door

He handed it to me and we stepped into the house. We walked into the living room where everyone was

"OO what is it?" Brad asked when he saw me

My parents turned and looked at me. I put the pink onzie up to my belly

"HA! I told you" my dad said to my mother

I laughed and watched him do a weird dance. I handed Brad the envelope

"Oh my goodness she is gonna be so cute" my mother said looking at the pictures

Kyle looked so tired leaning on the wall

"Go upstairs mister I will be there in a sec" I said

He nodded and went up the stairs. I chatted with my family as they all looked at the pictures in awe

"Give me 2 of the pictures. I need one for her room and for the baby book" I said to Brad

He gave me two and I walked upstairs. I went into my and Kyle's room. He was streched out across the bed I put the pictures next to him then went into the closet to change. When I turned around Kyle was standing very close to me

"Hello" I said softly

He lifted my chin up and kissed me softly. I had always wondered what it would be like kissing him and it was better than I imagined. He had one of his hand pressed against my belly then he pulled away but put his forehead to mine

"Im glad you're happy" he said kissing me again

I kissed him back and I felt him smile and pull back

"Kyle my hormones are crazy right now and I know you dont want me to attack you" I said softly

He smiled and went back to laying on the bed. He saw the pictures and held them up. I went over and laid on his chest

"She is gonna be beautiful" he said

I nodded and rubbed my belly

"So Charlie Elizabeth it is" I said

He laughed

"Charlie is a boy's name" he said

I shook my head

"I like it anyways" I said

He moved and pulled me to the middle of the bed. Then he laid in front of my belly

"Hello in there it's your daddy speaking" he said poking my stomach

She kicked back near the spot where he poked

"Do you like the name Charlie Elizabeth?" he asked

I felt her move and you could see my skin poke out

"That's a yes" he said

We laid there for a few moments then Kyle started speaking again. But in his natural language he was telling her a story. I think it was the ugly duckiling

I felt myself drifting as his story went one and I felt the kicks of my perfect daughter.
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aww :) im on a roll today. We are getting close to the baby being born and some drama!