Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go

Waking up

I woke up in a room not my own. I looked around it was dark, there were candles in random spots giving the room an erie glow. When I looked to the side the bed was all messed up like someone had been laying right next to me. I pulled the blankets off of me only to find my clothes all cut up and barely on me. I tried to move and get off the bed but my legs gave out from under me

"Fuck" i said to myself

I pulled myself up and ignored the pain. The last thing I remember from last night was talking to this guy then nothing. I looked up and saw two doors I went to the first one it was locked I shook my head and went to the other door. It was a bathroom might as well clean myself up. I turned on the light and looked at myself in the mirror

"What the hell happend?" I asked poking the fresh bruises on my arms

It looked like I had been in a fight. My hair had dry blood in it, i had a huge cut across my stomach and theeth marks on my neck. I lifted what was left of my shirt only to see more bruises

"Wha" I was cut off when i heard voices

"Where is she?" one male voice said

I stepped out of the bathroom only to see two guys in front of me. One of them had no shirt on and has scratches down his stomach and the other had a regular t-shirt and jeans.

"Well hello" the shirtless one said

He had long brown hair that was pushed back and these piercing blue eyes that made me almost shake with fear. And the other guy had short brown hair but his eyes were a greenish blue

I waved having a weird feeling about how the shirtless one was looking at me

"Hey can you guys just show me my way out. I have a killer headache and my mom must be worried sick" I said

The shirtless one lauged but the other one just watched him and myself. I was confused

"What's funny?" I asked

He walked over to me and whispered in my ear

"You're not going anywhere"