Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go

Let's Meet The Parents

"Hey let me hold her now" I said from the bed

Kyle smiled and handed her too me. I looked down at Charlie's face she had the same green eyes as me

"Hello beautiful" I said softly

She cooed and looked at my face like she was trying to figure out who I was

"I have been wating forever for you" I said rubbing her little nose

The nurse came back in

"Time to feed the baby" she said

My dad put the camera on Kyle and was asking him questions. The nurse was showing me how to get the baby to latch. When Charlie started sucking it hurt a bit

"Is she eating?" Kyle asked standing up and looking at her

I nodded and looked down at her too. Her little hand was on my chest and she was falling asleep

"Aww she looks so cute" Kyle said rubbing her cheek

When she was done eating Kyle put her down in the little container thingy

"She is so tiny. I can't wait to take her home" He said looking at her in wonder

I giggled and shook my head at him. I felt so tired now

"Go to sleep Addy" Kyle said kissing my forehead

I nodded and laid back on the pillow and drifted off.

~2 days later

We were finally taking the baby home today. Kyle was so excited to show Charlie her room

"Addy im scared to put her in that" He said holding Charlie to his chest

I swear the only time he isn't holding her is when she eats or sleeps

"Kyle we want the baby to be safe when we drive home. You have to put her in the car seat" I said softly

He was looking down at her with a sad face. Charlie always had her eyes open around him. When ever he spoke to her and her little eyes would pop open

"Ok here we go" He said putting her in the car seat

I watched as he gently moved the belts and buckles around her. She was looking up at him

"Im sorry baby I can't hold you in the car" He said looking at her

Charile was doing this pout and then she started crying. Kyle was about to take her out again

"No Kyle give her the binky" I said handing him a pink pacifier

He took it and slid it in her mouth. She got silent and was just looking up at him

"God this girl is gonna get away with murder" He said coming over to me

I was putting some of my clothes away. I was still in alot of pain so i guess i was moving slowly

"You alright?" Kyle asked

I nodded and was finally finished putting everything away. He smiled and kissed my cheek. Kyle helped me anyway he could

"Ok im ready grab the kid and we can leave" I said

Kyle bought this thing to put over the car set so Charlie wouldnt get cold. It zipped over her and there was a small window you could see her looking around. The nurse had me in a wheelchair and Kyle walked next to me

"Kyle you should see her face" I said giggling

Her eyes were looking all around. I knew she couldnt see thing but the blurs must have been intresting to her. When we got outside Brad's truck was there

"Congrats on your baby girl" The nurse said

Kyle thanked her and went over to the truck to put the baby in. When he did that he came back over and helped me up. He put me in the backseat then got up front with Brad

"The new parents finally come home" Brad said

I opened the thing around the Charlie's carseat. Her eyes were closing slowly

"Go to sleep Charlie" I said softly

Brad turned on the radio and it was soft jazz. She finally fell asleep

"Guess Kyle and I need to play jazz music" I said rubbing her cheek

Kyle smiled. When we got to the house Brad got the baby out and Kyle helped me out

"You look very tired" He said holding my hand

I nodded and yawned. We all walked into the dining room and saw my parents and two other people

"Addison your home" My mother said kissing my and Kyle's cheek

Brad put the baby on the table and took her out. I looked over at Kyle he was staring at the two other people

"Dad" He said softly
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sorry took so long I have the flu and I have been sleeping my days away.