Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go


I watched as the man stood up and walked over to Kyle. He was small compared to Kyle

"Hello son" the man said with a thick accent

Kyle was in shock looking down at the man and slowly he wrapped his arms around the man. They embraced tightly and let go

"Hello lovely im Jospeh" He said to me kissing my hand

I blushed and nodded

"Sorry I must look awful" I said

He shook his head

"Nonsense you just had a baby" The man said

The woman had gotten up now and she was looking at Charlie from Brad's arms

"Brad my mother dosent speak english. But understands it" Kyle said

Brad handed Kyle's mother Charlie. The woman said somthing to Kyle

"Her name is Charlie Elizabeth" He said softly

The woman smiled and rubbed her nose to Charlie's head. She was saying somthing to her. The moment looked so beautiful

"She is saying how beautiful her first grandchild is" Jospeh said

He was now standing besides Elizabeth looking down at Charlie. Kyle pulled out a chair and made me sit

"We looked them up and told them to come over. I hope that's ok Kyle" My father spoke

Kyle smiled and nodded

"I havent seen them since I was 15 of course it's ok" He said happily

I smiled. Kyle's mother said somthing to him and he looked very upset

"Father I have to tell you somthing about that" Kyle said

His father noticed his anger and nodded toward him. Kyle started speaking his natural language and his mother seemed shocked at what he was saying. She looked at me with tears in her eyes I gave her a confused looked. She came over and gave me Charlie then kissed my head. Joseph looked so angry

"I can't believe him" He shouted

Charlie moved in her sleep. I rubbed her back and sushed her

"He has been home with us and never said a thing" Jospeh said

I was still confused about who they were talking about. Kyle was looking over at me with sad eyes

"Does he know he has a child?" Joseph asked

I stiffened now realizing what they were saying

"I sent him a paper siging over his parental rights. He signed them but I don't think he knew fully what it was" Kyle said

My parents looked upset and all I wanted to do was go upstairs and lay down with Charlie and Kyle. I stood up and left the room this was too much for me to hear. When I got to the room I pulled Charlie's crib over next to the bed and laid her down in it. I laid down looking at her sleeping

"Addy?" Kyle's soft voice was at the door

I looked over and he was coming over to me. He laid down behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist

"Im sorry" He said

I turned over to face him and got closer to his chest. He rubbed my back

"Your parents are sweet" I said after a few minutes

He laughed

"My mother thinks Charlie is very adorable" He said softly

I smiled. I still felt tired I yawned and got comfortable

"Go to sleep while you can" He said jokingly

I laughed and closed my eyes. I could hear Kyle's hearbeat and Charlie's soft breathing. This was my new soundtrack
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Ugh this sucks. When im over this flu i will make better chapters