Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go

Lovely Ladies

I woke up to Charlie crying. Addison was still fast asleep I got up slowly and picked up Charlie

"Shhh" I put her to my chest and went to go warm up a bottle

Addison had pumped before we left the hospital so I put one of the bottles in the small microwave we had in the room. I took the bottle out and tested it out on my arm

"Ok hunny eat" I said

Charlie took the bottle hungrily. I smiled at her face while she was eating she was beautiful. I sat down and put a lullybye on my laptop her big green eyes were looking all over my face

"Hi baby" I said softly

I pulled the bottle away when she had finished. I put on my knee and rubbed her back

"Burp" I said softly

She was growling and she let out a soft burp. I picked her back up and rubbed her nose

"No growling at daddy" I said laying her on my chest

I leaned back in the chair and rubbed her back. The music was making me a little sleepy myself

"Daddy is sleepy arent you tired?" I asked

I pulled back and her eyes were still open. I stood up and pulled her swing over in front of me. I put her in and put it on slow. I got one of her pacifiers and she took it quickly. I watched as it moved around in her mouth

"Kyle?" Addison was sitting up in bed

I waved my hand but kept watching Charlie. Addison came over and sat next to me

"I love you too" she said softly

I looked over at her I was about to speak but she kissed me softly. I rubbed her cheek and pulled away

"Good" I said softly

I saw a flash on my laptop and Addison and I looked over

"Well look at you two love birds" He said leaning back in his chair

Addison put her face in my shoulder and gripped me tightly. I rubbed her back

"What do you want?" I asked angrily

He shrugged

"Im calling to tell you I am being sent away. Father has disowned me and he is sending me to a mental hospital in Russia" He said softly

Charlie whined and I picked her up. Addison looked down at her and kissed her nose

"Show her to me Kyle" He said

Her eyes were open and she looked right into the camera. He took a shocked breath

"She looks nothing like me. But she is like Addison's mini twin" He said touching the camera

Addison took Charlie and leaned back in the chair. He copied her position

"Ok is that all?" I asked

He nodded

"Bye big brother" He said before closing the video chat

I leaned back and looked over at Addison

"Im sorry Addy" I said softly

She shook her head

"It's fine now it's just me, you and Charlie" She said kissing Charlie's head

I kissed Addison's head and rubbed Charlie's back

"All I need are you two ladies" I said softly
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sorry it's so sucky. I have terrible senioritis and i have been attempting at everything but im failing. the next chapters will be better