Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go

I Love You

~4 months Later

I woke up to a growling noise. I opened my eyes and saw green ones looking down at me

"Charlie" I said softly

It surprised me how much she had grown up and seeing it every day was amazing. Her blonde hair was growing in quickly and her growling had become quite a habit. Kyle was holding her over me

"She was grabbing at your hair so I assumed she wanted to wake you up" He said

He pulled her back over and sat her up facing me. I laid on my side and she looked at me

"Hi" I said softly

She smiled and began babbling. Kyle laughed and shook his head at her

"What are you doing?" I asked

He shook his head

"Doing all this work that needs to be done tonight" He said huffing

I sat up and put Charlie on my lap. She had been playing with one of her toys

"Charlie we see nana and pop today" I said

She looked up and me and giggled. Kyle chuckled and closed his computer

"Close your eyes" He said softly

I closed them and heard a wrinkling noise

"Open" he said softly

I say a bright pink bag with black writing ' Happy Birthday '

"Happy 18th birthday" He said kissing my cheek

I had forgotten it was my birthday. I pulled out the wrapping paper in the bag and saw a small velvet box

"Kyle what is that?" I asked

He put Charlie on her back between us and gave her a diffrent toy. He took the box out an opened it showing me a beautiful ring

"Marry me Addison" He said softly

I covered my mouth and was speechless. I looked at the ring and back to him

"Addy you know I love you and you mean the world to me. I want to tell the world your mine" He said

I smiled and nodded. He chuckled and slid the ring on my finger

"I love you too" I said hugging him

He kissed all over my face and got over Charlie

"Mommy is going to marry me" He said excited clapping her hand together

She giggled and slapped her hands in his face. He smiled and picked her up. Kyle was an amazing father and he has been since she was born

"I love you" He said rubbing his nose on hers

I smiled and laughed at them

"Let's go tell my parents" Kyle said getting off the bed

I got up and walked next to him. He got Charlie's pacifier and gave it to her

"This is exciting" He said

When we got downstairs everyone looked at us

"Im engaged!" I said putting my hand up

Elizabeth and my mom clapped. Charlie clapped her hands just for the fun of it

"I have somthing to tell you son" Kyle's father said to him

Kyle nodded

"The company is now all yours" Victor said handing him a paper

Kyle looked shocked. I took Charlie from him and went into the kitchen

"Blow out the candles Addy" Brad said putting a cake in front of me

Charlie looked at the fire and I blew them out. Kyle ran in the kitchen waving a paper around

"I own the company!!!!!" He shouted

I smiled and kissed him softly

"We are going out to celebrate. Can you guys babysit?" He asked

My parents nodded and so did his. I gave Charlie to Elizabeth and smiled at them

"Lets go pack" Kyle said

He picked me up and ran upstairs. He put me on the bed and pulled our suitcase out

"God im so happy" He said smiling

He was pulling out shoes and electrical cords first. I sat on the bed and let him pull everything out

"Get my black dress with the ruffles and the shoes with the red on the bottom" I said

He put the shoes down first then my dress. He got some jeans and t shirts

"Toothbrush and undergarments" I said

He picked up diffrent undewear and bras. When he finsihed with our suitcase he threw me some sweats and a t-shirt

"Get dressed" he said

I got up and went to go get my jewlery and put it in one of the pockets of the suitcase. I got dressed and put my hair up

"Her tub is in the bathroom and the toys are under the sink and the jazz music is in the radio and her blanket is in her room." Kyle said talking to our parents about Charlie

I sat on the bed and looked at Kyle's laptop. He had a hotel reservation up

"You want me to finish this?" I asked Kyle

He nodded. I put in his credit card number and finsihed up

"5 minutes till we leave" I said loudly

Joseph came in the room and handed me Charile

"Hi baby" I said rubbing my nose to hers

She giggled and chewed on her fingers. I walked over to her room where Kyle was telling our parents where everything

"Charlie be good for your grandparents" He said taking her and putting her in the air

She giggled and drooled. I smiled and he put her to his chest

"I love you baby girl" He said

I went back into the room and got Kyle's wallet and credit card. Kyle wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck

"Let's go now" He said in my ear

I dont know what it is about Kyle but he makes my heart flip. He grabbed the bag and held my hand as we walked downstairs. When we got to the garage My mother was holding Charlie and they waved at me

"Love you" I said toward them

When we got in the car I turned on the radio and danced to the first song that came on. I turned toward him

"Would you ever have sex with me?" I asked

Kyle gave me a crazy look and shook his head. I made a face

"Why not?" I asked

He just shook he head and gripped the steering wheel tighter. I felt a jab in my gut and I felt my eyes water up

"I heard you scream and cry for months. I wont do it Addison" He said

I put my head between my legs and sobbed

"You're brother made me physically un-appeling to you" I said softly

My sobs filled the car

"Please stop" Kyle begged

I sat up and put my face in my hands

"I want to forget. I get flashes of it sometimes" I said

He smacked the steering wheel

"That's why I can't do it" He said angrily

I kept my face covered and cried softly. I felt the car being pulled over

"Look at me" He said softly

I shook my head and he tugged at my hands. I looked up at his blueish green eyes

"I love you so much you know I do. I have never found you physically un-appeling even when I was stiching you up or when you were 9 months pregnant. But that is a big thing for both of us and I dont want you doing it cause you think you have to. I want it to happen naturally when you come to me im not forcing anything on to you ok?" He said

I wiped my face and kissed my cheek

"When you are ready mentally ready come to me" He said softly

He kissed me softly and rubbed my cheeks

"I love you" I said softly

He smiled

"I love you too" He said

He started driving again and his phone rang. I reached in his pocket and answered it

"Hey Addy it's dad. What does this kid watch?" He asked

I giggled

"Her shows are programed on the TV but only for half an hour please" I said

My father agreed and hung up. Kyle looked at me

"Dad asked what the baby watches" I said

He smiled. I was looking at the picture he had as his screen saver. Charlie had a cold a few weeks ago and she was out cold across my chest

"I love that picture" Kyle said

I put my head back against the seat and felt a bit tired. Kyle had my hand on his lap

"Sleep for a bit" He said softly

I closed my eyes and driffted off. I woke up 2 hours later in a parking garage

"Good your awake want a piggy back ride?" He asked

I nodded and got out. He got the bag and then walked over to me and helped me on his back. When we got to the check in desk the lady smiled at us. I stayed on Kyle's back till we got to the room

"Oh bed" I said getting off of him and laying across the bed

Kyle laughed

"Addison are you gonna put your pajamas on?" Kyle asked

I shook my head an yawned. He pulled off my shoes and my pants

"You want your shirt on?" He asked

I shook my head and he took that off

"Get under the blankets" He said

I moved up and got under the blanket properly. I felt the bed sink and I snuggled closer to Kyle

"Your warm" I said

He laughed and rubbed his finger up my side against one of my scars

"I got stiched up by a pro" I said softly

He smiled and rubbed my back

"He has cut me before" Kyle said putting my hand on his lower back

I felt a indentation

"5 more inches in and I would have been paralyzed" He said

I rubbed his back

"When I got out of the hospital I broke his arm" Kyle said

I giggled and looked up at him. His hair was growing longer

"Dont cut your hair" I said

He smiled

"Yes cause if it get longer Charlie will start pulling it" He said

I nodded

"She pulls mine so it will be fine" I said

He smiled and pulled at my hair

"Was he your first??" He asked

I giggled and shook my head

"I was a party girl remember" I said

He nodded

"Are you?" I asked

He nodded and I sat up around his waist

"Really? but your so hot" I said getting him to laugh

He shook his head

"My father raised me to be a gentleman. No sex before marriage" He said

I leaned down on his chest

"What if im ready before then?" I asked

He huffed

"I will make an exception for you" He said softly

I giggled and looked back up at him

"So I will be your first?" I asked

He nodded and rubbed my head

"How did you feel when you first held Charlie?" I asked

He smiled

"I thought she was the most perfect thing I have ever laid eyes on besides you. And I wanted to protect her from everything" He said softly

I smiled and nodded

"Our baby is perfect" I said softly

I moved up and buried my face in Kyle's neck. He rubbed my back and drew on my skin

"I don't see how you could think I wouldnt want you" He said softly

I lifted my head up and kissed him softly. He was slow at first but his body sure didnt listen

"Addy" He said softly

I looked him in the eyes and made sure he was listening

"I want to" I said softly

He pulled me back down to him and held me tight against him. Here comes the fun part
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh how lovely life must be...