Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go

No One Can Help

I was still on the floor when Kyle came back into the room.

"Magnus I don't know about this. You can't keep her" he said hurried

Magnus looked at me with rage glowing in his eyes

"She is mine now Kyle no one can have her. Not you or anyone else" He yelled

Kyle looked almost smug about it

"If I wanted a girl I wouldnt have to kidnap her" Kyle said leaving angrily

Magnus growled and punched the wall. I saw as the drywall crumbled under his hand

"You stay here and don't move or it will be bad" He said through gritted teeth

I looked at my feet as he left the room. Why did he take me?

"Addison" I looked up to see Kyle

I tucked my knees to my chest and put my face in my knees. I didnt want to see him. Magnus would hit me again

"I'm sorry for Magnus he is a brute." he said from across the room

I wasnt looking at him

"Look im going to be helping you anyway possible. I wont hurt you so you don't have to be afraid of me. And if he rapes you or anything I put birth control in all your food just in case"

I looked up at him in shock

"If you know what he is going to do to me just let me go" He looked down

When he looked up all i saw was a look of hopelessness

"I can't he will find you again and kill you" He said softly

I growled and stopped looking at him

"If you can't really help me then what is the point of you talking to me?" I asked

He just looked down at his feet and shrugged

"Im sorry" was all I heard before he left the room

Then I was alone with my thoughts.