Status: Tell me what you think

Let Me Go

Scream All You Want

I was waken by someone shaking me. When I opened my eyes I saw piercing blue ones looking back at me

"Let's have some fun" He said with a thick accent

I knew he was drunk because when he tried to stand he swayed a bit. I stayed on the floor and just looked up at him

"Come on bitch" He grabbed a handful of my hair

I screamed and he threw me on the bed. He was looking down on me with lust in his eyes and it terrified me

"Why are you doing this?" I asked

He laughed and looked right at me

"Why not?" he said softly

When he crawled on top of me I felt my body going in to shock. My brain was screaming

"NO!" I yelled as he pulled off my shirt

He slapped me

"Stop screaming" he ripped my undergarments off

I felt a sob breaking from my chest as he took off the rest of what he had on

"Don't cry Addy it will be like our first time together" He said in my ear

His breath smelled of alcohol and I never realized he had an accent before

"Here we go" he said looking at me

Before he was even close to me I put my hands against his chest and brought my knees up

"Get away from me you bastard" I spat in his face

Before I turned away I could see his jaw thigtening. He was off me for a second then I saw it a knife and rope

"You will obey me Addison" he growled

I tried to move away and run from the room but he was putting all his weight on me. I screamed as he pulled my hands up above my head and tied me to the headboard

"All the other women I have taken just cry and take it, but no you want to fight me" he said as he tied my feet apart

I could feel all my limbs ache. He picked up a piece of cloth and shoved it in my mouth

"Now we are ready" he said smiling down at me

I turned my head and closed my eyes when he rammed in to me. I could feel his breath on my neck and all I wanted to do was push him off of me.

When he finally finished he took the cloth out of my mouth and grabbed the knife

"Suck it or i cut that pretty face up" He growled at me

I just opened my mouth and he did the rest

"Swallow it" he demand

I shook my head and spit it out. He leaned down close to my face

"Bad idea" he lifted the knife to my arm

My eyes widened when he pressed it in to my arm. I let out a cry of agony

"Screaming wont help Addison" he sounded like a mother consoling her child

I screamed again when he cut another section of my arm. I felt like my lungs could give out at any moment

He looked at me in disgust and left me there still tied up.
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gosh this made me cry