Dragon Rider

Learning there ways

I spun around fast, but I couldn't see anyone. I thought it was just in my head.

"Are you Alice Zona!" The voice shouted again. I turned back around, but still no one was there. "Uh, yeah." I said in a silent tone. I noticed someone standing in the bushes. I walked over the stone ground, I crunch down so I could see this person. It was a guy with gray-ish hair, yellow teeth, and his clothes were all torn. He grabbed me by the arm and forced me in the bush.

"Is it really you?" The man asked.
"Uh, yes it is."
"I told them that you were alive. Come with me!"

The guy walked threw the bushes. I followed him, he keep talking to him self. "I found her! Wait until they all see!" We reached the end off the bush and there was a wall in front. He put of his hand and muttered something, it didn't sound English. The stone wall vanished, and the guy walked threw it. "Come along. It wont hurt." I walked threw the wall, I turned back to see if anyone was looking. The wall disappeared out of thin air, the man grabbed me be the shoulder. "Come along!" He shouted.
As I turned around I saw that we were not by the airport anymore. My mouth was half way open, what I saw will change me forever.
The sky was blue with dragons flying, you could hear the people yelling (but not in English). The warmth filled the air, grassy Field Field the whole land. Flowers were bursting from the ground, every where you look there was a dragon, either on the ground or high in the sky. I felt like I was home, I never wanted to leave.
"Welcome Alice, to Starter Valley!"
"Wow." I said in a hushed voice.
"If you would like to follow me?"
We started walking threw the grassy land. Many people started staring and whispering. At once they all started bowing, even the dragons bowed there heads.
"Uh, What your name?" I asked, trying to catch up with the guy.
"My apologies Miss, my name is Derk."
"Derk, were are we going?"
Derk did not reply, he just keep-ed walking. We past many people who were dressed just like me. Derk and I walked up some steps, he turned around.
"Tell them to get back to work." He whispered in my ear.
"Uh, please everyone get back to work."
At once they all scrambled around trying to get back what they were doing. Derk pulled me inside a building. It was dark, stone walls and floors. There was a plack that raised on the the wall.
This goes to the many people who fought
for our land, but did not make it out
May we bow our heads to the serving
Know I understand why they all bowed as I walked by. "Excuse me Sir." Derk said.
"Yes what is it D -"he turned around and stopped in his tracks.
I stared right that this guy. He was middle age, a big man with a gray bred. He was staring right at me for awhile.
"Please Alice, sit right down." He said. "Would you like anything?"
"Uh, No thank you." I sat down trying not to act stupid.
"My name is Forlong. I'm the major here at Starter Valley.".
Forlong bowed down, his face was all red. He sat it a big gold chair, shuffling papers around his desk looking for something.
"Ah, here it is. We keep-ed it here just in case you came back."
He hand me a peace of paper, there was also a key taped to it. I read the paper :
Dear Alice,
If you are reading this that means me and your father have died.
We both wanted you to know that we loved you so much, and we miss
you terribly. This key on the paper, is the key to our house here.
We both have left you the house, we live at 287 st. valley. You will
be able to find it on your own. Its not hard to miss it.
Your parents
Sarah and Kale Zona
I looked up after reading it, I saw Derk standing in the corner of the room in the shadows.
"Now, you understand what you have to do here?" Forlong said
"Uh."I said blankly.
"In the house that your parents left you, there will be a peace of paper on the table in the kitchen. Read it carefully, and then go and start you learning."
I was so confused, my parents said that the house wont be hard to find, and they already wanted me to learn. I nodded and Derk came behind me, he showed me the way out. I was outside and everyone looked at me again.
I have been walking around for 20 mins and I could not find the house. I saw a family playing outside with a little baby dragon, I walked over there.
"Excuse me? I'm lost -"
The whole family was staring right at me. One of them had there mouths open, They all bowed and when the looked at me again, the mother extended her hand.
"Alice, so good to see you again."
"Uh, Right. Could you tell me where 287 st. valley is?"
They all looked at each other and started laughing. I felt like an idiot, the mother turned back round.
"You can't find it you say? Well Alice, that because you are not thinking about the house. You are thinking of finding it. Try and picture the house in your mind and it will appear."
The mother walked back to her family. I shut my eyes and tried imaging the house. I saw a stone yellow house, with flowers all around it, I opened my eyes and I saw the house right in front of me. I turned around and the family had disappeared. I walked up to the house and I saw a ranch, I know I didn't think of a ranch.I walked up to it and I saw a dragon sleeping on the ground. It was silver, with blue collar around its neck. The dragon woke up, I saw bright red eyes with a hint of yellow, it looked really happy to see me. I didn't know what to do, then I remember the picture of me and my parents with a little baby dragon. I pulled it out as fast as I could, I looked at it carefully and I noticed that it was the same dragon.
I walked up back to the house, I took the key from the peace of paper and put it in the key hole. The door flung open, and inside it was blank. No furniture any where, then I shut my eyes and started imaging a beautiful house. Fancy furniture ever where, pictures of my family filling the rooms,a fireplace lite. I opened my eyes it was all there, I saw pictures of my father and mother, my mother was hold me when I was a baby. Seeing the picture made me start to cry. Behind me I herd a clunk on the ground, I saw the kitchen table, there was a peace of paper on it. I picked it up and started reading :
Dear Alice,
You have found the house, that is great. I bet it was hard,
we should have told you in the other letter how to do it.
Now, We want you to go to 293 land(you don't have to think
it, it will be there.) The place you are going to is the basic
dragon riders. You will learn how to talk to your dragon, and
how to fly it. When you are finished with that, the second
will appear on this peace of paper.
Your parents
Sarah and Kale Zona
Many thoughts filled my mind, the second part will appear? Be for I left the house I went up to a room, I placed my bag on the ground next to the dresser. A smile came around my face, there was a big painting about the door way. It was my father standing next to his dragon, They both looked tuff but with a soft side.
I walked out of the house, and I noticed that I was back with everyone else. I did not question it, I just smiled and walked forward. I walked to "The Basic Dragon Riders" building. I walked inside the building, the walls were an amber color. There was a desk to my right, I went up and I saw a lady. She had black cherry hair, she had bright lipstick on and blue eye shadow.
"Excuse me?" I said quietly
"Yes how can I -" The lady paused, this was starting to annoy me a little. "Alice!" I faked a smile. The lady jumped to her feet, "Good to see you again."
"My parents left me a note, and it said I should come here."
"Right, right, hm, let me see. Hold on 1 second."
The lady ran in the back of the office, I turned around and many people where staring threw the window. I waved at them and gave another fake smile, they all started whispering.
"Right, here we are. You will start first with, uh, to learn the language."
she handed me a peace of paper, it read :
Alice Zona
age - 16
sex - F
For the next month Alice will learn the language of the dragons. Room - 809 in 7nm
"Uh, Thank you -"
"Simal! Room 809 is just threw those doors, look up at the signs and you will see 7nm."
"Right, thank you Simal."
I smiled and walked away, I was starting to think that there was more to my family then I knew. I walked threw the doors and looked up at the signs. 1nm,2nm,3nm. I started walking to 7nm, I opened the door and walked in the room.
"Welcome to Dragon Language!"
The guy had his back turned to the book shelf. His hair was black, he wore a red scarf with a gray t-shirt. He whipped his hands together and he turned around. Oh god here we go again.
"Alice! Welcome, welcome, sit, sit."
I sat down to the only table and chair in the room. The room was freezing cold, there was big windows showing people learning to rid there dragons. I saw a boy standing next to what it looked like his dragon. He had blond hair, he was wearing red orange long t-shirt and black pants.
"Here you go." The guy handed me a book. It was called "The many ways of the dragon".
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Alk, Alk Zer." Alk sat down in the chair opposite of me.
"Turn to the first page, please."
I opened the book, on the inside were pictures of people on dragons. I turn the next page.

Chapter 1
Speak the language
"Now Alice. It is going to be hard to teach the language, because you were not raised in our land." Alk looked at me as though he was about to cry, he forced himself to look back at the book.
"First, we will start with the basics." He pushed a paper in front of me, It read.
Hello - Elo
Good - Ode
Right - Ama
Please - Pla
Goodbye - Odey
Left - Ock
Forward - Rea
Nice - Nic
Back - Sa
Fire - Sik
Go - Fay
Fast - Kel
Slow - Ta
Down - Mon

"Now you will only uses these when you are flying your dragon.Now try and repeat after me, E-i-o."
After a few hours of learning, Alk was impressed. I don't think I would learn it so fast. He started quizzing me every time he had the chance, Alk so far was the best person here.
It became the middle of the month, it came fast. " Alright Alice, let try putting these words in sentences. Ok, say you wanted to tell your dragon, Come on fast! What would you say?"
I puzzles for a min I don't remember that we learned Come and on. I sat there in silence for awhile. "Uh, I don't know."
Alk sat down laughing. " I didn't expect you to. Its just like English. You would say Come on Kel! You scream Kel as loud as you can."
Alk and I started laughing so hard, I left like an idiot.
Alk got up from his chair and went to his desk, " This month is over tomorrow" Alk seemed a little sad. I got up and stood in front of his desk.
"Whats wrong?"
"You will be moving on and you wont have me as a teacher anymore."
"Alk, that doesn't mean I will forget you."Alk smiled.
"You won't?"
I walked out of the room, on my way out of the building. Simal (the girl at the front desk.) shouted my name.
"Alice! Be for you leave. I must give you this, you will start dragon riding in 2 weeks."
"Thanks you Simal." I smiled and walked away.
Out the door I herd the dragons, I walked to the back of the building to see what it was like. There were people my age trying to rid there dragons, I noticed the guy I saw the first day. He was helping a little kid on the dragon.The guy turned around, he smiled and bowed (I was not surprised). He ran over to me,"You starting today?"he said. He had bright blue eyes with a hint of green.
"Oh, no in 2 weeks. I just came round to see what its like."
"Well its not that hard to be honest. My name is Drew by the way."
"I'm Al-"
"Alice, I know, everyone nows here. Except the kids, I think."
"So Drew, whats it like riding a dragon?"
"Ha, want to see? Come on."
Drew grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a dragon.
"This is dock, he is mine. Now bow before you rid."
Dock was a brow dragon with bright blue eyes,I bowed right in front on Dock, immediately he bowed right back.
"Why did I need to -"
"I'll tell you when you start class."Drew smiled. He bent down and took of his shoes.
"Shoes off." he said. I bent down and untied my shoes, I only had my socks on.
"Alright, ready?" Drew swung his foot on the dragon and jumped on. He extended his hand."Come on now, it does not hurt them."I grab Drew's hand and hoped on. He put his arm around my waist to hold me up.
"FAY!" He shouted, Dock flew straight in the air. It felt like a some grabbed me and threw me backwards. "TA!" Drew shouts loudly, "Look." he said in my ear. I opened my eyes, I saw the whole land, the sun was setting, the trees were moving slowly, and the sky was clear. It felt amazing have the wind blow threw my hair. I looked at Drew and smiled.
"This is amazing."
"I knew you would like it."Drew smiled
"MON!" the dragon went down back the ground. When we were on the ground Drew jumped of the dragon first, He put both hands around my waist and helped me down.
"I can't wait to start." I smiled and picked up my shoes. I started to walk back to the my house.
"ALICE!" Drew shouted
I put a thumps up, telling him I knew. Drew smiled and went back to the kids, I imagined my house and walk to it. I saw my dragon in the ranch eating, I wondered if I had a name for it.
I Walked over to the ranch and stood at the gate, I put my hand on the gate. "Do I have a name for you?" I said quietly. The dragon came forward and held up its neck. On the corral there was something dangling, It had the words Star in blue letters.
"Star, is that your name?" The dragon bowed and nodded, I stood in amazement.
"Can you understand me?" The dragon nodded again. "Do you remember my parents?" Star moved backwards,she threw her head to the right. I opened the gate and walked over where Star head was pointing. I saw pictures of me on Star as a baby with my father at my side. I smiled and started to cry, Star grabbed something of the ground. She threw it at my feet, it was a bracelet that had the worlds The Best Rider around it. I looked back at the picture and saw that I was wearing it around my wrist. "Did you keep this?" Star nodded and sat down in the middle of the ranch, she began to cry. "You knew didn't you? That I was not coming back? You knew when my parents took me away?" A tear fell from Stars eye. "Well I am back now, and I am never leaving you again." Star smiled, she laid down and went back to sleep. On the way out of the ranch I patted her on the head.
When I was in the house, I saw the letter that my parents left me. The second part did appear just like the wrote.
Congratulations Alice, you finished the first part in your dragon training.
We both are so proud. Now the next lesson is to learn to fly dragon,
a trained professional guy or gal will teach you. After you finish that the third and
final part will appear.
Trained professional? I thought to myself, did that mean I was not going to have Drew teach me? I picked up the peace of paper that Simal gave me, I read the paper out loud :
Alice Zona
age - 16
sex - F
For 3 months, Alice will learn to fly her dragon. She must bring her dragon the first day of class, she will begin flying immediately. Her teacher,Drew Amon, Will have private lessons with her at 5 pm. Alice will report to class, with
with her dragon at 4 pm, and she is to wait for Drew to show up.
Room - In the back of the building.
The next day I woke up from a knock at the door, I got up from the room and walked to the front door and opened it. Derk was standing at the door, he was wearing that same clothes the day we meet.
"Hi Derk."
"Morning Alice, oh did I wake you up? Oh I am sorry."
"Derk, its ok. I was getting up anyway. Derk would you like to come in?"
Derk walked into the kitchen, he was about to sit down but he looked at me to see if it was ok. I nodded, he sat down and put some papers on the table. I shut the door, I went the the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of milk out.
"You want anything Derk?"
He shock his head no, I sat right across from him.
"Not to be mean or anything, but why are you here?"
"I'm sorry Alice, I almost forgot. The major would like to see you."
I nodded and stud up. "Can I change first."
I walked back to my room and threw on some random clothes, Derk and I walked to what it looked like city hall. We walked into a hallway, and herd shouting coming from the room across us.
"Wait here." Derk said. Derk walked into the door closing the door behind him. I pressed my ear against the door to hear.
"THE THREATS ARE HIGHER THEN EVER FORLONG! SHE HAS TO GO OR FIGHT!" A loud man was shouting at the top of his voice, he voice sound scruffy.
"Sirs?" Derk said, but they didn't listen to him.
"SHE JUST GOT HERE SEMUNG! IF WE PUT HER IN A FIGHT NOW SHE WILL DIE!" Forlong shouted. I stood there in a shock, what threats, who is sending them.
"WELL THEN TEACH HER, HER POWERS FAST FORLONG!." The man foot steps came to the door, the door swung open. Semung was looking straight at me. He was wearing a long white coat with black pants, he had no hair but a bred. "Hello, Alice." He walked away fast as he could, and he didn't look back.
"Alice, my dear, come in please." Forlong said. I walked in and he pointed to a set right next to the window.
"Know Alice I have just been informed -"
"What powers do I have?" I said without thinking.
"Alice it is to soon to -"
"Really because the fight you just had was big, looks like Semung wants me to know them." Forlong sat down in the chair next to me with a puzzled look on his face. "Alice, I'll tell you everything you need to know, but first I want you to learn to fly your dragon."
"These powers you have can only be done on your dragon." Forlong got up and went to the bookcase behind the desk. He picked up the first book and handed it to me. Learning Ways, "Whats this?" I asked.
"You will read this be for you go to your first dragon lesson."
"But this is like 400 pages -"
"No buts read it. Now off you go."
I walked out of the room with this heave book, the book was very old. There were ripped pages, the words were fading away, and the back cover was missing. As I walked out of the building, BANG!
"Oh my, I'm sorry." I said I looked up at the person, it was Drew.
"Ha ha, don't worry Alice." Drew bent down to pick up the papers he dropped.
"Here let me help you." I put the book down on the ground and started helping Drew. Drew picked up the book, and looked at it.
"Learning Ways? Why do you have this old thing?"
"Oh, Forlong gave it to me, here." I handed him the rest of the papers off of the ground.
"Why?" Drew said.
"I don't know, he wants me to read it be for I have my first dragon lesson."
"Don't you have that in like 2 weeks? This book is about 500 pages!"
"I know, I told him that but he just said to read it."
"Man that stinks." Drew handed me the book. "So I guess I will see you in two weeks for our private lesson then." Drew smiled and walked away.
It felt like I had butterfly in my stomach. I started to walk away when the door of city hall opened, "Alice, thank goodness you are still here. Wear this when you ride your dragon." Derk said. He handed me a half cut shirt that was black with red selves, and black pants. Derk walked back in before I could say thank you.
I walked to the nearest bench I could see that was open, I sat down and opened the book.
Learning Ways
Chapter 1
Learn to ride your dragon

There are many ways to ride your dragon, but lets start with the basics. It is not that hard to ride your dragon, all you need is good balance. We do not wear shoes when we ride because that will really hurt them. Be for you get on your dragon you must bow, this tells the dragon that you are not going to hurt them. If you do not bow then the dragon will charge. When you get on your dragon your eyes will change color. This lets everyone know that this is your dragon.

When I was done with the first chapter I got up and walked to my house. The sun was done, and the star were shining bright. I walked into the kitchen and threw the book on the table, I sat down in the chair looking at the book.
"Read this be for your first lesson." I said imitating Forlong. I got up from the chair and walked to my room. Thoughts were racing threw my mind, how was I suppose to read that book be for my first flying lesson, and why wont Forlong tell me my powers. I sat down on the bed trying to make sense of everything, and smile came across my face. I thought of what Drew said, I had private lessons with him. Did that mean Drew was a trained professional? I laid down in the bed with my eyes staring up at the ceiling, my eyes started to get heave.
"TEACH HER, HER POWERS!" I stood on my dragon,Star, I saw we were high in the air. There was other dragons following us, big red with spikes for tails. My heart started racing, I shut my eyes. I herd a fatal scream under me, Star dove down. I saw my land up in flam's dragons and people all over running in terror. Star landed on the ground and watched what was going on, she ran far as she could. I started walking backwards when something hit me in the back of my head. I turned around fast, It was a weird type of gun, it was purple with green and it was shining.
"Well, we meet again, Alice." This mystery man griped the gun, and pulled the trigger.

I woke up with a jolt, this was to real to be a dream. I was sweating with fear. I jumped out of bed and ran to the ranch where star was. I saw that she was sound a sleep, my heart stop beating so fast when I saw her. I walked back into the house and picked up the book Forlong gave me. I sat down in the living room and started reading chapter 2.

The days grew longer and longer, the same dream raced in my mind. Each day I ran to go see if star was still there, I was half way down with the book. So far it says that I have to stand a pacific way, hold the rope the right way, and to think. I never understood the think part, but I just kept reading. Finally after 10 days I finished the book.

I walked to city hall to return the book when I saw Semung walking out with a scowl on his face. I hesitated to walk in,I walked to the door the said "Major" I knocked on the door and waited for a response. "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO -" The door swung open and Forlong was shouting. "Oh, Alice I am sorry. What is it?"
"I finished the book."
"Alright. great." Forlong took the book and threw it on his desk. I started to walk away, "AlICE! COME HERE PLEASE!" For long shouted. I walked back into the room and stood there.
"You will start you dragon lessons early."
"Really, Does -"
"Yes Drew knows and he agreed."
"Alright then."
"You will start tomorrow, that will be all."
I stood there still in shocked. I wanted to leave, but I wanted to ask why these dreams I was having kept coming. Fornlong looked up and smiled, I walked out of the room not saying anything. When I got out of the building, I felt a jolt of energy run threw the body. I was starting lesson tomorrow!
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Hope you Like it =] Tell me what you think