Status: Activitio :D

Keep It On the Hush Hush

Happy Crappy Birthday

It's Saturday. My sweet 16. I'm looking forward to having a tiny party with my family, It's my favorite way to spend my birthdays. I woke up around 10:30 that morning. Oddly enough that's about the time I was born. Cool, eh?

"Phoooone." I sleepily grumbled.

The little green light at the top of my HTC Hero was blinking rapidly. It read 17 new text messages, 3 missed calls, and 6 emails. I love birthdays. Scanning through the messages I smiled as each message said the same thing in a unique way. I called my cousins back and they sung a very off-pitch, yet cute Birthday song to me and hung up.

"Get dressed, Skye. Birthday time." my mother smiled.
"Okay Mom." I happily replied.

Shower: Check.
Skinny Jeans: Check.
Straightened Hair: Checkeroo.

I grabbed some random shirt and did a light makeup with no piercings. I respected my families wishes for me to do without them for a day and headed for the door. The party was fun and I got some crazy, but sweet gifts. My knee was throbbing from the recent injury I had gotten and I couldn't help but cry. I apologized to my family and went home and took a muscle relaxer. I napped for a few hours before my brother decided to wake me and take me to see "Scott Pilgrim VS. The World." I checked my phone again. The one person I had been expecting a message from never sent one. Thanks a lot, Aydyn. I frowned and got ready. No stupid boy is about to ruin my family time. The movie was hilarious. Afterwards my brother and I got some pizza and headed home. 12:10 A.M. the clock read.

"Aydyn, you suck." I typed and sent in a text message.

No response. Sunday was rather uneventful and passed quickly. Before I knew it it was 5:30 Monday morning. Time to get ready for school. I put on the average Black Veil Brides hoodie and some shredded skinnies and headed to school. What's the first thing I see when I enter to big blue doors, you ask?

"Hi." said the strange boy.
"Uhhh...Hi." I stuttered.

I saw an angel.
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Introducinnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg Devlin!