‹ Prequel: Almost Gone
Status: he he

Halfway There

Chapter 15 - Kate

"Hey Emma!" I said hugging her tight.

"Hey," she said back. I've been home a week now and Emma and I are not so mad at one another so much now, every thing is fine. Emma and Ella are the only people who know I'm gonna have a baby. Sam would start freaking out so I thought I wouldn't tell him for a little while.

Ella came running out of the house. "KATE!!!!" She yelled.

"Yeah?" I asked looking at her. Her face was flushed and she was carrying a letter.

"A letter for you,"

"Okay, what's so bad about that?" I asked.

"It's from..."

I grabbed the letter from her hands. I saw a few words.

To: Kate

From: Mac.

I fainted on the spot.
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