‹ Prequel: Almost Gone
Status: he he

Halfway There

Chapter 23 - Kate

Yes I did.

I was crazy, I know. But when I pulled Drew aside to talk to him about it. He scoffed. "You gotta trust me."

The boat pushed off the shore. We drove away - I started thinking about all kinds of crazy things, like Tyler and Aly. What had they been up to? Seems like everyone has been ignoring them.

"Great job, baby," said Drew as we went farther and farther out into the sea.

"Thanks," I manged.

Tears started to form my eyes - I was real dumb to do this. I knew it - but then at lease there is one good thought. I was with someone who loved me - someone who cared.

We drove to the out far, then it was almost dawn when we stopped. We went into the little cabin that was inside the boat. We were tucked into a little cove. Safe from anyone who would be crazy enough to stop us.

"You tired?" Drew asked once we flopped down on the only bed. I nodded. "How far do to think a town is from here?"

"We are most likely gonna be in the boat for the next few months, then we can go back to my home in California, sound good?"

I nodded. My eyes slowly started to fade, I was falling asleep. But was awake by a little warm touch on my lips.

My eyes fluttered open. It was Drew - up till now I noticed. We haven't kissed once. But I guess now since we we're alone - things would change.
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