‹ Prequel: Almost Gone
Status: he he

Halfway There

Chapter Twenty Four: Emma's POV

Dinah was crying and heartbroken. I hated Drew. How could he do this? To not only Sam and Dinah, but to all of us?! I thought he cared. I thought that maybe I could have that big brother that I missed.

I was wrong as hell.

Why? Why must everything in my life turn to crap?

Maybe I should just accept the reality that my life will always be this way. Sure, it’s a hard thing to sallow, but I’ll manage. What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger.

That thought kept echoing through my head, as we all sat around, crying. Ella was still asleep. None of us had the guts to stress her out with this.

Poor Sam. Poor Dinah.

Poor everyone.