‹ Prequel: Almost Gone
Status: he he

Halfway There

Chapter 8 - Emma

I am in love with Minnie! She’s the sweetest little kitten ever!

Oh, and Ella’s pregnant! I know! Shocking! But she’s handling it really well … I wonder whether it’s going to be a boy or a girl? Ooh, what are they going to name it?

Oh, and I met Sam’s brother and his “girlfriend” — I like teasing Jack. He reminds me so much of …

I shake my head, feeling tears sting my eyes. I really hate how Carl won’t stop bugging me about my mom! Nobody knows half the stuff that happened to me …

Minnie meows impatiently, and I look down at her, sighing, “Sorry, Minnie. I’m just … stressed.”

She looked like she was listening, and I felt like sharing what was on my mind with her. But what if someone were to walk down one of these hallways? What if they heard what I said and told everyone else? Everyone’s alreay worried enough with Ella, Max, and the baby! Then there’s Jack and Taylor! And the fact that Mac and Chase are closer than we had guessed …

She meows again, and I shake my head, saying quietly, “Not now, Minnie.”


“I can’t talk about it!!”, I yell, shaking my head. “I WON’T REMEMBER!!!!!!!”

I stood up, running around the house crazily, sobbing as the memories of my mom and dad and family filled me. It hurt to remember their smiling faces, to remember their voices in my head, to feel them around me as they would hug me …

I fell down to my knees in the middle of one of the hallways, sobbing uncontrollably. It was physical pain to remember what had happened. To remember all I had lost. All the sweet, happy times were never comforting. Always painful, hurtful, mocking.

I wasn’t always this miserable. I used to have a big, happy family. The ideal life for any of us. The life of our dreams. Where nothing goes wrong, and it feels like nothing can hurt us. Yeah, that was my life. Unbelievable? No, think about it a moment. You heard the story of my dad.

“Emma?”, Ella asks, walking around the corner.

“Umm … yeah,” I say quietly, wiping at my eyes.

“Oh, Emma! What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m fine.”

“You’re such a liar.”

“Yeah, I know …”

“It’s about your mom, isn’t it?”

“Not just her,” Ella looked at me confusedly, as I quickly walked away.

I couldn’t tell them about it. Not now. Maybe never.