Status: needing readers!

Untitled Album

Do You Remember

By the time Sarah and her dad had left we had all tweeted the pic and we were all following each other.

Now I laid down in my bunk with Connor by my side.

I rolled over and snuggled into his side. He looked down at me, took his hands from behind his head and placed them on my pillow and my side.

“Do you remember?”

“Remember what?” I asked looking up from his side.

“Our first kiss, our first date, our first time we met, when we got the band together,” he paused while I nodded. “What do you remember the best?”

I thought before answering, “Either our first kiss, or when we first met.” I smiled at the memories.

“I love you so much Ruelle Vega, you have no idea,” he looked deep into my eyes.

“I think I have an Idea.” I answered as I curled up into his side and fell asleep.
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so i don't guess this even counts as a chapter but i belive the next two chapters will make up for it!