Status: needing readers!

Untitled Album

Come One, Come All

Sighing, I stepped away from the window and over towards my bunk. Arriving at my bunk I pushed back the curtains and saw Jade and Jace sitting there, evil grins spread across their faces.

“Uh, oh’” I stated widening my eyes, and backing away with hands up in surrender.
They stepped out of the bunk with twin synchronization. Hitting my back on the wall opposite, I sank down to the floor. I continued to burst into laughter. Jade had tripped and landed sideways on the buses posh, green, carpeting. After glancing at each other and than at me, they also laughed. Falling to the floor Jace wiped the tears from her cheeks and sighed.

“Who fell on their ass this time,” Rian Asked meandering in on us and sitting on the floor between Jace and myself.

“Yeah Sis, squeeze on in feel the love!” cried Jace.

“Yeah, I just feel the love” Jade stated dragging out the final word in a voice that matched her ‘sexy’ look. Causing us all to laugh even harder.

Apparently our loud abundant laughing had caused Cassadee, Lane, Baylee, and Tess to wonder what was going on. Since they all hurried in from the back lounge, Cass asking, “What the fucking hell was so funny.”

“Just Jade,” I sighed finally calming down enough to speak coherently.

“Oh, well since we’re going to be living with each other for the next two and a half months, then maybe we should get to know each other a little. My suggestion is twenty questions. So how about it?” Cass said before walking over to the fridge and reaching in.

Cass began throwing drinks, she had called us last week asking about what we wanted to drink on the road. She tossed Lane a Diet Lemonade, Tess a green Monster, Baylee a Mountain Dew, Rian a blue Monster, Jade a Dr. Pepper, Jace a Coke-a-Cola, me a Diet Coke, and grabbing a blue Monster for herself.

“It sounds like a plan,” Rian said moving backwards to create more room in the small circle.
♠ ♠ ♠
short, but the best cut-off i can find goon update again in a bit.