Red Bull and Skittles Do Not Mix

"You dumbass!"

As soon as the door to the bunks slammed shut, probably by Alex, Patrick whirled on Ryan. The guitarist was curled up on the ground, holding the place between his legs. "You dumbass!" he yelled angrily.

Ryan's eyes widened; Patrick never cursed. "But, Pa--" he was cut off.

"I really don't want to hear it, Ross. Your girlfriend, and mine, are probably in there, Delilah is most likely still crying because of your sorry ass!" Patrick yelled

"Bu--" Ryan began again but was interupted.

"Just get up and go fucking talk to her!" Patrick ordered angrily.

Ryan groaned as he sat up, "I would, Patrick, but your fucking girlfriend fucking kicked me in the balls so hard I feel like I'm giving birth!" Ryan moaned in pain. Patrick sighed.

"if Alex didn't, I probably would have!" Patrick growled. "Now, if you don't say sorry to her, again, I will seriously mess you up so bad you will never have children!" he ordered.

Ryan nodded, then doubled up in pain. Pete, Joe, Spencer, Jon, and Andy all stared at Patrick, speachless. "Remind me not to get on Patrick's bad side if it concerns Alex...." Pete whispered to Joe, too low for the enraged Patrick Stump to hear.

"Poor Mini-Ry...." Spencer added, grinning slightly. "He's probably having a party with Chauncey now..."

"Spencer!" Jon yelled, smacking him upside the head.


Alex sat down beside Delilah, rubbing her back as she sobbed on the couch, "Seriously, Delilah, You don't need him..." she said soothingly. Delilah just sobbed harder.

Brendon sat down beside Alex, rubbing Delilah's shoulder gently. "If it matters, Patrick is taking the shit out of Ryan..." he said softly. He had forgotten about the two times Delilah had kicked 'Chauncey'.

Delilah sniffled and looked up at Brendon and Alex. Alex elbowed Brendon in the side. "Ow, what the hell was that for?" Brendon hissed, turning to look at Alex.

"Do something funny!" Alex hissed back at him. Brendon rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, because I'm the comic relief of the bus!" Delilah looked between Alex and Brendon, a small smile forming on her lips.

"Yes you are. Don't get me started, Urie. I'm about to murder someone." Alex growled. Brendon stopped for a second, very faintly hearing Ryan moan in pain, and thought better to get on Alex's bad side.

Delilah sat up on the bunk, rubbing her her eyes with the back of her hand. "That blond bimbo is gone, anyway." Alex said in a forced light tone. Delilah nodded solemnly.

"Alright...Thanks, Alex, Brendon..." Delilah said softly. Alex smiled at her and hugged her tightly.

"Don't let Ryan bother you, he's just a prick." Brendon commented.

"And, for the record, I'm going to push him rightout of this bus when it's moving. Sorry, Brendon, you're going to have to find a new guitarist." she added with a side-along glance at him.

"After this, I don't think we would mind getting a new one." Brendon remarked