Red Bull and Skittles Do Not Mix


Delilah and Alex sat on the couch, bored out of their minds, "Who haven't we kicked in the balls?" Alex asked.

"Um...We haven't kicked Joe. Why?" Delilah questioned.

"Because I'm bored." Alex smirked.

"He did video tape us wrestling...and me and Ryan making out." Delilah thought out loud. They both turned and looked at each other.

"I'll get the camera." Alex announced.

"I'll get the paintball gun." Delilah replied. They both got up and went in search of what they needed.

Delilah pulled out a black duffel bag out from under her bunk and grabbed her keys. She used the smallest key to undo the lock and she zipped open the bag. She pulled out different pieces and began to assemble her black and purple paintball gun. She loaded the silver paintball guns and hooked on the red laser that she used to aim and grabbed the sniper holder.

Alex found the camera in Joe's bunk, next to his comic books, and found Delilah, "Ready?" She asked.

"Why, of course." Delilah smiled.

Everyone was in the large room that they used at practice space. There was an opening in a vent that Delilah and Alex, being as clever and tiny as they are, climbed in. They settled themselves and Alex got the camera ready as Delilah set up the sniper stand and set up the paintball gun.

Joe was sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand. His legs were open, like any guys sits, and was leaned back on the couch. Delilah smirked and turned on the laser and peered through the tiny eye-piece. She peeked through and soon a small red dot was seen on Joe's zipper.

Brendon started to look around but saw nothing. He didn't notice the two girls hidden well int he air-conditioning vent.

"Three...Two...One." Alex counted down.

The gun made the sound of air being released and Joe felt a sharp pain in his area, "HOLY MOTHER FUCKER!" He yelled and fell to the floor.

"What the fuck!?" Brendon yelled.

"Aim for Brendon's huge ass." Alex suggested. Delilah smirked and watched Brendon run around the room. Once he paused to take a sip of his Red Bull, she aimed and fired, "EEEEEK!" Brendon screamed in a high pitched voice.

"Get Pete." Alex said next. Delilah aimed again, and soon Pete felt a sharp pain in his shoulder.

"OW!" Pete yelled and fell out of his chair.

The two girls stifled their laughter and crawled out of the vent and ran back to the bus. Alex hid the camera in her pillowcase and Delilah put the paintball gun back in her bag. It wasn't long before all of the guys ran inside, "ARE YOU OKAY!?" Ryan yelled, out of breath and grabbed Delilah by the shoulders.

"Perfectly fine. Why?" She asked.

"Someone shot Pete, Joe, and Brendon with a paintball gun." Patrick informed her, holding Alex close to him, also out of breath.

"Were the painballs silver?" Alex asked.

"Yeah." Joe groaned.

"And did you see a red light aiming everywhere?" Delilah asked.

"Yeah." Brendon moaned in pain.

"Wonder who it was." Delilah smiled.

"YOU DID THIS!" Pete accused, holding his shoulder.

"YOU DESERVED IT!" Delilah yelled back.

"WHAT DID I DO!?" Joe yelled.



"WHAT ABOUT ME!?" Brendon yelled painfully.

"Oh, we just wanted to see if the painball would bounce off that gigantic bubble-butt of yours." They grinned.


"AH! STOP STEALING MY ICE-CREAM YOU DAMN MONKIES!" Alex screamed. Patrick looked down at his girlfriend and noticed she was just dreaming.

"Is that normal?" He asked Delilah.

"Let's see...Is it Tuesday?" She questioned.


"And have you fed her any ice-cream in the past forty-two hours?"

"Um...Well, I kind of gave her a gallon of ice-cream last night..." He trailed off.

"Perfectly normal." Delilah smiled.

"Brendon?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah?" Brendon answered.

"What would happen if I got married?" Ryan asked quietly, seeing as Delilah had made herself useful by carfefully placing mini-marshmallows in Alex's ears.

"You would proably have sex with Delilah and reproduce cute little kids that kick their uncles in the balls." Brendon replied. Ryan glared.

"I'm serious!"

"And I'm serious too! It's your job to make sure they take after you...Don't you want them to have cousins!?" Brendon asked, pointing to his dick. Ryan sighed.

"I was just asking. Besides, I don't want to marry her now. I was just curious. Sheesh. Patrick and Alex would most likely get married before us."

"ARE YOU FUCKING SHOVING MARSHMALLOWS IN MY EARS!?" Alex suddenly jumped up and yelled at Delilah.

"Mini-marshmallows to be exact." Delilah pointed out.

"WHAT!?" Alex asked, unable to hear with the fluffy white substance in her ears.

"MINI-MARSHMALLOWS!" Delilah yelled. Alex sighed and tried to take out the marshmallows, but they wouldn't come out. Her eyes widened.

"Um, what's the number to 911?" Delilah asked Brendon.

"I'm pretty sure it's 9-1-1, Cupcake." He smirked. She glared.

"DO WE PANIC NOW!?" Alex asked, still yelling because she can't hear.

"NO! WE HAVE TO WAIT TILL WE'RE AT A DISCO, OR ELSE IT WON'T WORK!" Delilah replied. Alex gave her a strange look.


"Oh dear Lord! Patrick, get your insane girlfriend in the car! Ryan, get your stupid girlfriend in the backseat!" Pete yelled, grabbing the keys.

"WHAT!?" Alex yelled.

"GET. IN. THE. CAR!" Patrick yelled slowly, trying to get Alex to hear.
