Red Bull and Skittles Do Not Mix

"Before I Kick You In The Balls So Hard..."

Alex and Delilah looked at each other, but Delilah gave her a glare. Alex turned to Ryan, "I'll tell you what's not funny. You see, Delilah lov-" She was cut off by a pillow in her face and she was shoved to the ground.

"Hey Patrick! Wanna know a secret!?" Delilah asked. He looked confused, but nodded and shrugged, "Well, Alex lov-" She was cut off by Alex tackling her down, so they landed at Ryan's feet.

"So as I was saying, Ryan...Delilah lov-" Delilah pushed Alex off.

"YOU SAY ONE MORE THING AND I THROW PATRICK BEAR OUT THE WINDOW!" Delilah yelled as she helled Patrick Bear close to an open window. Alex gasped.

"Don't do it! Anything but the wittle bear!" Alex cried and fell to the floor dramatically.

"Alex!?" Patrick got up and rushed to her side. Delilah snickered.

"Geez, Trick, I've never seen you run so fast." Pete smiled. Patrick glared threw his blush and Delilah handed Alex her bear back. She jumped back up and looked at Ryan.

"So as I was sayi-"


"Ow! Shit...Mother-fucker...shit-face...fucking god damn fuck!" Alex cursed and rubbed her head, "You hit me with a fucking bag of fucking Skittles!" Alex yelled.

"That's right! And you say one more word, I'll throw a bag of Skittles at you so hard, you'll be up in the sky shitting them on a rainbow!" Delilah yelled. Alex gulped and nodded. Delilah grinned and turned to everyone, "Who wants pancakes?" She asked as if nothing had just happened.

After everyone was full on pancakes, most went to the living area upstairs to play Guitar Hero. Alex went, because Patrick went, leaving Delilah downstairs with Spencer and Brendon.

Ryan walked through the bus, notebook in hand, and walked out. The bus had been parked at a rest stop for a while, but no one wanted fresh air because Guitar Hero is just so hypnotizing, "You should go talk to him." Spencer suggested out loud. Brendon gave him a questioning look. Delilah noticed and laughed nervously.

"Why should I go do that?" She asked through gritted teeth, trying to smile but was glaring at Spencer.

"Well because you lov-" Delilah covered Spencer's mouth with her hand. Lord knows that Spencer isn't the brightest fellow in the bus.

"What's going on? First you prevent Alex from saying something and now Spencer?" Brendon asked. Delilah moved her hand so she could make up a lie to tell Brendon.

"Oh, it's because she's in love with Ryan and she doesn't want anyone to know." Spencer said nonchalantly.

Delilah didn't show any anger.
She just dropped her jaw and stared.
How stupid could this boy really be?

"Are you a fucking idiot!?" She screamed. Brendon sat there in shock.

"I've been told that, why?" Spencer asked.

"You just told him my secret! The secret you weren't supposed to tell!" Delilah exclaimed, waving her arms in the air.

"You should go talk to him. I mean, it's the only way to get close to him. He'll ask a lot of questions about you first. And I mean a lot of questions. Once he can trust you, he'll be able to talk to you about pretty much everything." Brendon smiled. Delilah gave him a confused look.

"You're not gonna go tell him?" She asked, shocked. Brendon laughed.

"No. You and Ryan should get together...He seriously needs to get laid." Delilah smacked his forehead before getting up and grabbing a jacket and a pair of shoes.

'Well, thanks, Brendon. I guess you're not as bad as they say on the Internet." She smiled.

"They say bad things about me on the Internet?" He asked, but Delilah was already shutting the door of the bus.

She walked outside the bus and looked around. She saw a small picnic table where Ryan sat, his face buried in his notebook. She smiled and slowly walked over there. She approached the table and casually sat down, "Hey." She smiled. Ryan jumped and quickly closed his notebook.

"Um...Hi." He said, unsure of why Delilah was there talking to him.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked. He gave her a confused look.

"Um...Writing." He replied, still unaware of why such a stranger is talking to him.

"Oh. That's cool. What are you writing about?" She asked.

"Why are you talking to me?" He tried to ask, but it came out ruder than expected, "I didn't mean that in a bad way, I'm just asking." Ryan quickly added.

"Oh...Well, I've gotten to know everyone in the bus...Except you. So I figured I'd come talk to you." She smiled.

"Um...Okay?" They sat there for a few moments, not knowing what more to say, "Where are you from?" He asked.

Oh boy...Here come the questions. Delilah thought to herself.

"I was born in Santa Ana and I grew up in Anaheim with Alex." She smiled.

"How long have you known Alex?"

"Since I was about four. We met in kindergarten."

"Have you even been in jail?" He asked.

Do I look like a criminal? She asked herself.

"Nope." She smiled.

"Have you ever drank alcohol under age?"

What the fuck is up with these questions?

"Once or twice at a party, but never enough to get drunk."

"Where do your parents live?"

Now we're talking about my parents?

"My Dad lives in Burbank and my mom lives in Apple Valley."

"Are you really nineteen?"

Do I really still look like a teenager? Maybe I shouldn't have had Starbuck's as a kid


"Are your eyes really blue, or are they contacts?"

Does he just think everything about me is fake!? What the hell, man!

"They're one hundred percent real."

"What about your hair, is it naturally black?"

Now he thinks my hair is fake!?

"All natural."

"RYAN, DELILAH! WE GOTTA GO!" Pete called from the bus. Delilah smiled over at Ryan, who gave a tiny smile back, before getting up and walking off towards the bus.

She walked straight up the stairs and found Alex, who was sitting rather close to Patrick, and grabbed her arm and pulled her into a random bunk and shut the curtain, "What the hell!? I was so close to him!" Alex yelled in a whisper. Delilah looked up.

"Do you think I'm fake?" She asked. Ryan's questions really did make her wonder. Alex gave a look of confusement.

"No. Why?" Delilah sighed.

"Spencer told me to go talk to Ryan because he would be closer to me if we talked. Ryan started asking all these questions and then started to ask if my eyes and hair were real and if I was really nineteen!" Delilah exclaimed.

"Oh. Well, maybe it's because he thinks you're too good to be true." Alex smiled and hugged her friend, "Don't worry. I'm sure it's just nothing and you're worrying too much. C'mon, let's go downstairs. I'm hungry." Alex said. Delilah gave her a quick hug before following her out of the bunk and down the stairs.

"Hola!" Alex screamed in her white accent and jumped on the couch between Pete and Patrick. Ryan sat on the other couch with one leg over the other and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Delilah, you seem less talkative. You okay?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna go to sleep. I'm tired." She turned on her heels and walked into the bunks and climbed into hers and fell asleep, with maybe crying just a little.

This proves it. He doesn't like me and he never will. I doubt Ryan Ross will love someone that he thinks is fake...Now Hobo will never be the ring barrier.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Her." Alex demanded, poking a finger into Ryan's chest.

"I asked her a few questions because she said that we should get to know each other." He replied.

"What did you ask her?" Alex asked.

"Um...How long she's known you, where she's from, her parents, her hair, her eyes, he-"

"What do you mean hair and eyes?" She asked.

"I asked if they were real. I mean, some girls die their hair like that and use contacts." He said nonchalantly.

"She got teased every day for having such blue eyes and dark hair! People told her she was fake! How do you think she feels now you idiot!" She yelled, smacking him upside the head.

"Ow! That hurt!" Ryan exclaimed.

"It should! What if I asked you if you're really that skinny!? Huh!? What if I asked if you were an anorexic or if you're hair was real!?" Alex still yelled.

"Calm down, Woman! I didn't think it was a big deal!"

"Well it is! So help me, Ross, if you weren't the guitarist for my second favorite band and her favorite band you would have been a dead man! Do you want to have kids!?"


"Then go say sorry to her before I kick you in the balls so hard you won't be walking for weeks!" She yelled. Ryan, scared for his life and his most prized possession, got up and ran off towards the bunks. Alex sat down satisfied.

"Wow. And I though Delilah was crazy." Joe stated.

"Can't wait to see what Delilah does if Patrick says something." Pete snickered.

"I can't wait until you say something to piss me off enough to beat you down with my foot and drag you to a swamp and drown you and your hair, that you think is oh so perfect, until there is nothing left!" Alex yelled. Patrick smiled...slowly slipping his arm around Alex's waist.
♠ ♠ ♠
Patrick's making the move on Alex.
Confusement isn't a word.
But it is now ;D
p.s. I'll be gone for the day. So Alex...