We're All Just Locks or Keys

Going home and its issues.

Echo and Leora packed their Fairy clothing, kissed John goodbye, and left the human society. Echo felt her heart let out a sigh of relief when she finally realized that she was going home. She was going back to her true home.

Reaching their hollow, General Lucian greeted them. Echo knew about him and her mother. They are lovers. They are also both married. They’re adulters. They should be shunned from the village. If anyone found out, that is.

Echo left them to their adult business about the Festival, and moved to her room. She plopped down all of her suitcases and let out another sigh of relief. Any pretenses she had to uphold before, they all vanished. There was no point to even bother with facades when with Fairies; they’re notorious for knowing people’s true intentions. Well, Fairies of Purity. Echo could sense it, but couldn’t completely detect it.

“My Darling.”

Echo gasped. She grabbed for the ropes tightening around her neck, but nothing was there. “Master,” she choked out.

“Don’t scream,” he whispered softly in her ear, tightening his grasp on her.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered, choking.

“Good.” He loosened his grip, making her fall to the floor, coughing. He waited a few moments for her to regain her structure. “As you are an important figure here, I shall grant you your voice.”


“I’m not done.” Echo instantly silenced herself. “You are only allowed to speak when absolutely necessary. If you try to say anything beyond that, you know the terms.”

“Yes sir,” she whispered, knowing full well the terms. She didn’t want that, not now at least. A few words aren’t worth a fate worse than death.

“Good girl.” He stroked her hair, smoothing it out. She stayed stock still. “Now now, loosen up. You know what you must do.” She nodded slowly, keeping her eyes down. Holding her lock, she held it up to him. She could hear him chuckling.

She cried.


“Make way for Ulima Leora!” The announcer screamed, flying high above everyone. People on all the levels of the comb waved down to Leora, whooping and screaming, wanting the all famous Ulima to see and hear their prayers.

Leora smiled and waved kindly back to them all, Echo and Lucian in her wake. Lucian followed suit, but Echo kept her head hung low. No one wanted to see her.

Echo waited until she and her mother were safe in their room. She grabbed the nearest pen and paper, and began scribbling. Her mother sat, as usual, in her room, praying that the Olds would listen to her and her people’s prayers.

Echo knocked rapidly and swiftly on the door.

“Come in.”

Echo walked awkwardly to her mother and stiffly gave her the piece of paper.

Why must I participate in all of this? The people here don’t care about me; they just want to see you. If anything, I would just put you in more danger, and more stress. Of all times, this is the worst time for you to be stress Mama.

Leora sighed and beckoned Echo to sit beside her. She gave the paper back to Echo before speaking. “Because. You’re my daughter. I feel no reason to be ashamed of you. And if the rest of our people cannot see pass you ‘impurity’ then I shouldn’t be their Ulima.” Leora waited a moment and smoothed down Echo’s wild mane of hair. Her wings fluttered slightly, indicating her worried anticipation.

I shouldn’t be here, regardless. I’ll distract you. They’ll find something to pin onto me. Something, I’m sure of it, will go wrong.

Leora sighed when she finished the note. “Shall we go visit Soris to check?”

Echo paused. She wanted to find a way to leave this place, but she didn’t want to shame her mother in the act. She shook her head, hanging it.

“If you really want to know-” Echo shook her head violently, standing up. Leora sighed and nodded. “Ok then. We won’t. But if that’s the case, then you must stay.” Echo nodded, knowing the consequences. “Good. Shall we?” Leora stood up and took Echo’s hand. “It’ll be alright. I promise you.”

Echo nodded. There was no point to argue anymore. It was all going to play out, just as expected.
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FACT: Sors in Latin means 'Fortune'