At Least I Know I'm A Sinner

At Least I Know I'm A Sinner - M. Shadows [02]

ANNA'S POV (March 1, 2006)

"Rory! Anna! Torrence! Let's go!" one of my other best friends, Courtney, screamed down the hallway of our house to wake the three of us up.

"Why the fuck are you here, Court?" I mumbled into my pillow as she opened my door to let in the blinding white sunlight that was lighting the hallway, and not my room.

"We're going shopping remember? Syeira's birthday is in four days and we've postponed this shit long enough. Let's go!"

A slight chuckle could be heard in her voice as she slammed my door. I now had to get out of bed.

"Who the fuck is going to watch Jase, then?!" I screamed through the door.

I didn't expect an answer. If I did, it'd be far away and muffled from my door, but the door swung open again, and my light was turned on.

"I am you idiot."

Syeira poked her head in my door. I didn't even realize she was over here.

"How the fuck do you and Court always find a way into our house?" I asked as I continued to lay in my bed.

I then realized the two of them found a way in without a key.

"The spare key in your flower pot you dumbass. You need to get a new hiding spot for it," she said with a laugh, then shut the door, her long black hair narrowly missing getting caught behind.

"GET UP!" Court's voice came right back from the end of the hall to my door and this time her fist collided with my door as she passed my room, the loud sound causing me to jump.

"I'm up, I'm up."

I tugged on a pair of jeans that were just lying on the floor and I heard her walk off again.

"ON TOP OF SPAGHETTI! ALL COVERED WITH CHEEEEESE!! I LOST MY POOR MEATBALL! WHEN SOMEBODY SNEEZEDDD!!" I could hear Torrence scream as she slammed the bathroom door shut, calling it for the next half hour. Good thing there's more than one bathroom in this house. That whore is a morning person, and I hate every minute of it.

"Okay. I wish she'd quit singing that already," Rory said as she walked into my room without knocking, like just about everyone else, and sat down on my bed as I hooked my bra on.

"Yeah. You're telling me. I'm surprised Jase can stand it. I want to shoot my brains out every time she does that."

We snickered and Rory stood up and stretched, her short shirt coming up, exposing her navel, as her shorts only sat on her hips.

"Okay, time to get ready."

Rory let out a large breath when stating that, and walked out of my room as I pulled a semi-clean She Wants Revenge shirt over my head. The fabric clung to my body, just as my pants did.

"LORD, JESUS CHRIST! Holy Mary, mother of Jesus, son of God, the Creator of our earth, FORGIVE ME OF OUR SINS! FUCK!" I suddenly heard Syeira curse and I practically ran out of the door to see what she did to my son, only to see her staring at his dirtied diaper.

"You're kidding right?" I leaned on the door frame as I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

"This boy takes large shits. You do this shit. Pardon the pun."

Her face flushed crimson and she threw the box of baby wipes at me. I still had to slump over to quit laughing at Sisi's reaction of Jase's diaper.

It will get no better than that, unless he takes a piss. She might have to get over that.


Her voice traveled down the hall from Rory's room and I couldn't help but burst out in laughter again. The loud outburst caused Jase to squirm a bit under me and I had to calm him down.

"THEN WHY ARE YOU GOING TO BABYSIT MY KID!?" I yelled back down the hall as I cleaned Jase's butt to now look clean, spotless, and shiny. Without diaper rash.

"Because I'm getting paid for this shit. You done?" Syeira said as she walked down the hall back into the living room and looked on as I finished putting on Jase's diaper and I nodded as I picked him up, gave him a quick hug, and then handed him to her.

Syeira is great with kids. She just should never have her own.

"Okay. Now get the other girls, and you bitches get the fuck out of your own house and go buy my birthday presents," she said with a chuckle as she held Jase on one hip and pushed me out of the front door with her free hand. Mallory, Torrence, and Courtney came out just as I was being pushed out and the four of us went to Court's car.

As we pulled out onto Main St. and headed for the nearest mall, Court's cell started to ring and she looked at the caller ID and smiled briefly.

"It's Brian," she said.

Rory and Torr looked back at me at the same time. We've never met her mysterious Brian. Nor have we met Sisi's mysterious Zacky.

"Mabel's whorehouse, this is Mabel speaking," Court said into her phone. She answered with such a serious face, I swore she should've gone into acting.

"No, hey babe," she said.

She laughed momentarily before her tone changed as she stopped laughing.

"We're on our way to the mall. Join us. You need to meet them."

Court soon frowned slightly before repeating that he should go to the mall and then she flipped her phone closed as soon as she finished. Then, she switched her phone off, and smiled smugly to herself.

"I demanded he come and then I ended the call and turned off my phone. He has to come now," she explained since I would guess the look on all three of our faces was most likely pure bewilderment

All of us laughed at what she did to her boyfriend and Rory turned on the radio and System Of A Down started to blast through the speakers.

Twenty-five minutes later, and we were in the parking lot of the Huntington Beach Mall and all of us headed towards the entrance and food court. I hope I actually have some money to buy something for Sisi.

"Oh! There they are," Court said.

I nearly stopped dead in my tracks. Jimmy stood there in shock, staring at me, just as I stared at him, and Brian and Court went and greeted each other warmly. Mallory, Torrence, and I only stared at that one guy Matt and Jimmy, realizing now who Court had been living with her whole time in Huntington Beach.

"Okay, you need to walk now," Rory whispered in my ear, and she placed her hand on my back and pushed me forward, forcing me to walk. Jimmy just stood there. I felt anxious, excited, nervous, and most of all..... scared.

"H-Hey Anna," Jimmy stuttered slightly as both of our eyes bulged out of our heads.

"Hey Jimmy," I said, choking on my words, that seemingly sounded more of a whisper than anything.

"Wow...this is awkward," he said, stating the obvious.

I just chuckled nervously and stared at the ground.

"Anna this is...." Court started.

She cut herself off when she realized that I was already acquainted with Jimmy.

"Oh. Nevermind. I guess you guys already know each other. Well anyways, let's go."

Courtney dropped the whole subject, and me and Rory dragged ourselves behind Courtney, Torrence, and all of the guys. I didn't know any of them, except for that Matt guy and Jimmy. It was awkward with them around and I'm just about forced to stay with them all day.

"FUCK YOU ZACKY!" Court's shrill voice rang through everyone's ears and me and Rory looked up from our small conversation about Jimmy and I saw, who I assumed to be, Zacky, running off with the scarf Court had been wearing around her neck. Her boyfriend, Brian, was laughing as Court chased after that other guy.

I chuckled a bit and that caused Jimmy look over his shoulder at me. I blushed slightly and dropped my head again and I saw his mouth twitch into a smile and he turned his head around quickly and started to chat animatedly with Matt.

"Goddamnit. That was a workout," Court said, sounding out of breath as she came walking up to Rory, Torr and I. The guys walked in front. The three of us just laughed as she practically gasped for air.

"Oh you're not even fat. Quit over-exaggerating," Brian called over to her and her eyes narrowed as her middle finger shot up quickly in reflex.

"Sit on it and twirl sweetheart," she said, and Brian stuck out his tongue and Courtney merely mimicked him. They both laughed and soon Brian fell behind just to give her a quick peck on the lips and then rejoined the men in front.

We were equal. Jimmy, Matt, Zacky, and Brian versus Courtney, Torrence, Mallory, and me.

"So you never told us who your new girlfriend was Zacky boy," Matt, in front of me, called out to Zacky who was talking even more quietly to Brian than Matt was to Jimmy. It was like a day full of secrets.

"New? We've been together for four months," Zacky said. "Why do you care Matty? Jealous because you're losing your lover?"

Zacky stopped his conversation shortly and shut Matt up, and you could see Matt's face flush so slightly. It was as if he already had those natural blushed cheeks that weren't really natural.

After that "catty remark", Brian and Zacky laughed heartily to themselves and then started to talk in full volume to where everyone could now hear their conversation. It was a conversation about women, cars, and their band. Mostly about their band.

"Oh! I want to go in there! I think Sisi would love something from there!" Torrence called out from right next to me towards Agaci, this clothing store, and walked in before anyone even knew what she was talking about. Needless to say, the boys were even dragged in.

"Yeah, I should probably find something for my girlfriend too. Her birthday is tomorrow. At least...I think it is," Zacky said as he scratched his head and looked around at all of the clothing racks and shoes that sat on the various tables.

"Hmm. That's funny. We're shopping for one of our best friends. Her birthday is tomorrow too," Mallory said with a laugh.

I was only listening to everyone's conversations, still feeling awkward around Jimmy as we kept throwing glances at each other. A silent communication. A silent flirting.

"That's cool," Zacky laughed as he fingered a thin white shirt in his hands and then moved on to a different rack of clothing.

"Hey, guys. I think she'd like these," I held up a pair of shoes to Torr and Rory, as Court was off with Brian in a different store. They had already bought something for Sisi that I never saw, and they just left without saying anything.

"Yeah she would like the black heels," Torr agreed and then stole them from me to go buy them herself as a gift to Sisi from her.

"Well there went my gift idea. Ooo!" I chuckled to myself before a large sparkling necklace caught my eye and Rory laughed.

"Okay, if you like that, Sisi will like that," Rory said, and I grabbed the necklace, laughing at Rory and I walked to the register. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Zacky still looking at the clothes, scared and timid, and Jimmy stood next to him, staring at me.

This was all in my peripheral vision of course.

There were 4 people in front of me, and most had more than 10 items. I was going to be standing there a while.

"Hey," came a whisper in my ear and I turned and nearly hit my head against Jimmy's head.

"Oh shit. Hey," I turned back around and widened my eyes. I couldn't believe he was talking to me. What did he want? It's bad enough that he was a "customer" to me and now I have to see him again, much less for the couple of hours I am stuck with him.

"We should start over," He said. His voice was low, his lisp nearly non-existent and I could tell he was serious.

"Start over with what?" and I took two steps forward with the dwindling line in front of me.

"Start over period. The whole relationship we had. Forget everything."

"Why do we have to talk about this here?"

My tone was more rude than I intended for it to be, and he leaned back up and just looked down at me. Hurt, I must add.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I moved forward again, though this time Jimmy didn't move with me. He walked away, ignoring my apology. Can't say that I blame him.

I felt bad about how I acted to Jimmy, but Jimmy walked out of the store, and I couldn't take it back. Not now, at least. Zacky got in line right behind me, looking more paranoid each second.

"Think my girlfriend would like this?" he held up a pair of earrings that took him nearly half an hour to pick out. I smiled and nodded.

"Who is your girlfriend?" I asked, only curious because he didn't really reveal it to anyone else when asked.

"Oh. Her name is Syeira," he mumbled and I smiled.

"I know a Syeira! Except her name isn't S-I-E-R-R-A. It's S-Y-E-I-R-A," my oblivious self exclaimed, and I turned back around with one person left in front.

"That's how her name is spelled. Do you know her?" he caught on more quickly than I did.

"Probably. Did you meet her through Courtney?" The realization dawned on me and he shook his head, then shrugged.

"Well yes and no. Courtney brought her over once, but it was Brian that introduced us because they were talking when Court left the room for a second and I had gone in," Zacky explained.

"Yeah, she never really mentioned her boyfriend. Didn't realize it was you though," I laughed and then I was in front of the register.

"Will this be all for you ma'am?" the woman smiled and I smiled back and nodded as she asked for the name of a sales person who helped me. No sales person helped me, so I told her that.

Zacky and I didn't talk much after that, and I left the store in search of the others because they all just seemed to have flocked over to Charlotte Russe across the hall.

"Torr, didn't you buy those shoes for Sisi?" I asked as I saw Torrence looking for more things for Syeira.

"No. They didn't have her size," she said with a shrug and went back to looking at green sweaters and shirts.

"I want. To go. Home," Rory said as she walked up to me. I laughed at her segmented words, causing her to laugh back.

"We've only been here for what? Forty-five minutes?" I said as I checked my watch.

"Yeah. But I don't want to be here. Court is with Brian; Zacky seems to be scared out of his mind in these girl stores; Matt keeps staring at me, and Jimmy seems to be both mad and sad after he talked to you in line at Agaci. Yeah, I saw that shit," she said as she chuckled slightly and I only mimicked one breath. I still felt badly about Jimmy.

I walked a little ways down the hall to wait for everyone else and found a recliner to sit on, one of the few that wasn't taken, and I sat down.

"So, should we?" came that familiar lisp in my ear, and a shiver traveled down my spine.

"How would we?" I looked up into the dark blue, azure eyes of that lanky drummer I met at a party just two weeks ago.

"Simple," he said as he extended his hand. "Hi, my name is Jimmy, and you obviously know my friends and just about everything about me. Let's pretend that night never happened. Or the money."

"It's not that easy," I said as I snickered at his stupid introduction, and his face broke into a smile and his shoulders heaved with his own laughing.

"I know it's not that easy. I was merely stating and making an example," his smooth talking patched up where holes had been.

"Well, Jimmy. My name is Anna and I'll pretend you never tried to pay me to fuck you."

I found it difficult to keep a straight face at my own remark, and he was the first to crack.

"Okay, I see we're all friends again. Time to go to Journey's," Mallory said, coming up from out of nowhere and literally pulled me off of the recliner, and Jimmy made sure I didn't hit the floor first.

I couldn't help but laugh at everyone trying to get all of the birthday shit done, and I almost wanted to slap Jimmy just for laughing at me, but I thought better because apparently everyone else was already at the end of the mall's hall. We had to literally run to catch up.

"I think that it's about time I call Johnny and make sure he didn't burn down the fucking house," Matt stated as he pulled out his cell phone. We had caught up to them and we were now walking, normally, and I looked at him all weird.

"Johnny? Who's Johnny?" my slow self asked to anyone around me who would listen.

"Our bassist," Zacky answered without even looking back at me and I mouthed "Oh" over exaggeratingly.

I didn't listen to Matt's conversation, I more of listened to Rory and Torr's conversation about Matt, then I joined them.

"You like him, don't you?" I asked Mallory.

I could read Mallory's face and she blushed a deep crimson. Splotches littered her now paper white face that was once an ivory color, the blood draining it to her cheeks and nose.

"Yeah, she does," her twin couldn't help but join in the mockery and we heard Matt flip his phone shut. That ended our conversation.

We were too quiet, and too guilty. And I'm sure everyone could tell.

"What?" he looked at us accusingly and Torrence and I giggled madly as we waited three seconds to answer.

"Nothing," we said at the same time. Our giggles turned into laughter.

"Okay?" one side of his mouth turned up in smile and he went back to talking to Jimmy and Zacky. Brian and Court were in their own little world.

"So is Johnny going to come join us too?" Court looked over at Matt and he looked up from talking to Zacky and shrugged.

"I don't know," and he laughed at something Zacky said and Court just dropped it.

"Make a move Mal," I nudged her shoulder and she clicked her tongue. Rolling her eyes as well, she looked over at me and shook her head no.

"Chicken," I muttered and she laughed and pushed me a little into Torrence. "What!? It's true!" and she only laughed harder as I regained my sense of balance.

"Okay you two. Settle down," Torrence nudged me back and I rolled my eyes.

"She started it," I pointed accusingly at Mallory, and Rory stuck her tongue out at me.

"I'll finish it," Torr laughed and me and Mallory laughed as well.

"I'm going into Pac Sun," Zacky said as we reached Journey's and I broke away to walk behind him and Jimmy as Torrence walked with me as well. Matt, Brian, Courtney, and Mallory all went into Journey's.

"I'd rather go home," I heard Torrence mumble under her breath and I nodded in agreement.

"I want my Jase back. I don't think I'm too comfortable with Syeira watching him," I said, and Torrence let out a hesitant chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't think I'd want Sisi to watch my children either," and I fingered the brown and pink bikini I had in my hands.

"I should get this," Torrence said as she held up a blue and white, crochet bikini and I smiled and nodded.

"You should," and I gave another reassuring smile and turned around to see Jimmy and Zacky talking over the FOX brand shirts.

Jimmy occasionally looked up at me and then would look back at Zacky and then the two would laugh. I wasn't sure if they were talking about me or not, but I went to the sale rack to go find a pair of cheap jeans.

I didn't see any pairs that I liked so I went and joined Torrence in line. She was buying that bikini she showed me earlier, as well as a couple of Hurley shirts. Jimmy and Zacky were walking out the door as Courtney was walking in.

"Well, I think we can head home now. I got what I wanted," she said, and on reflex, Court pulled out her car keys and started to twirl them on her index finger.

"Where's Mallory?" she asked.

I looked past Courtney's head and saw her and Matt talking. Talking wildly, animatedly, passionately, blushing.

"Nevermind then," I smirked and turned to Torrence as she grabbed her bag of new goodies.

"Ready?" Court asked and Torrence relaxed and loosened herself as she prepared to say, "YES!" as loudly as possible, and we laughed at her as she straightened herself again, then we all walked out.

"So should I come over?" Brian asked Courtney as we walked to the food court.

"I don't know. You can if you want." Courtney smiled and shrugged and Brian gave her a quick kiss.

"Sure. I'll follow you," he said.

We had reached the parking lot by then. Our group broke from theirs and we went in opposite directions, only to meet up in our cars once more to tell the guys that they could follow us back to the apartment.

The boys kept pace as we sped down the highway towards home. I was thoroughly impressed considering the way Courtney drives. But then again, she lives with Brian, and probably learned it from him.

We arrived back at the apartment complex and found two parking spaces next to each other, and we parked. I was amazed that out of knowing Courtney and Syeira so long, that I'd never met the guys they were with until now. Then again, they were always either in the studio, or on tour, or out of town for signings.

I pulled out my apartment keys as everyone followed me to the second story of the complex. We left Sisi's gifts in the car for safekeeping. She was kinda nosey sometimes.

I could hear Jase inside, crying. The sound was soon muffled, and then stopped completely. A part of me wanted to believe that Sisi just smothered and killed my child out of frustration, but I knew that wouldn't be correct.

Instead, I opened the door to actually witness Syeira sitting on our worn down couch, holding, and feeding Jase in her arms. She didn't look as worn out as I might've been with handling my son all day, but everyone filed inside behind me to see the sight, and Syeira looked up at us and smiled. That was before she saw Zacky.

It was awkward standing in my living room with four guys I had almost literally just met, and I walked behind all of them to shut the door. I glanced at Zacky, Sisi's boyfriend, only briefly as he awkwardly stood watching his girlfriend nurture my child and all in some place he'd never been before. But the look in his eyes was soft, and it nearly made me cry.

I wish someone would look at me that way.

"So this is it, guys," my voice shook slightly from nervousness, and I walked around everyone and relieved Syeira of Jase.


"Anna, did you take your Ritalin today?" I asked my strangely calm roommate, and best friend, as Sisi got up from the couch and walked past me to Zacky.

"Yeah, I did," she nodded as she held Jase in her arms and cooed with him. I simply shrugged and walked into the kitchen for a bag of chips and a beer.

"You guys want anything?" I held the refrigerator door open with my hip as I popped the cap of the bottle off.

"Sure" and "Yeah" echoed slightly out of sync and I laughed to myself and grabbed the whole case to set it out. It was an 18 pack of long necks.

I set the box on the coffee table and took a swig of my own Bud Light as everyone but Anna grabbed a bottle.

I plopped down in the only available spot on the couch, and it was between Matt and Anna. I could feel my cheeks warm up as I was literally squished sitting there. Sitting so close to Matt.

"Damn you're fat," Matt joked and I pouted and took a quick swig of my beer. He had to scoot over very little just to make room because I didn't want to hit Anna and Jase.

He put his arm on the top of the couch, technically around my shoulders, to get comfortable, I suppose, and I scooted just a bit closer to Anna. It was an awkward feeling sitting next to Matt. Especially when I have a "small" crush on him and his arm is behind my head.

I glanced at Torrence and she was intently watching the guys and she looked at me out of the corner of her eye and winked when she spotted Matt's arm. Needless to say, I blushed. Hardcore.


It was a tight fit, and only one of the reasons why I stretched out my arm. It also was a reflex action to put behind her, to make it seem like I really had my arm around her shoulder.

"Fucking Johnny is gonna set something on fire. I fucking guarantee that shit," I joked with Brian and Jimmy about leaving Johnny to fend for himself at the house and the guys laughed. They knew it was true.

"I'll put fucking $30 on that shit," Jimmy pulled out his wallet, and took out $30 to prove he had the money. I threw my head back in laughter.

"I'll take you up on that offer man!" I said, then my phone went off and was vibrating at the same time it rang.

I fumbled to pull it out of my pocket and got it in time to check the caller ID. The caller ID which told me it was my girlfriend calling.

"Hey babe," I said, trying to sound inconspicuous about hanging out at this other girl's apartment. More about the fact I liked this other chick, Mallory.

I glanced at her real quick, next to me, and I don't think she realized her head snapped in my direction, her eyes wide, when I said 'hey babe' to my girlfriend.

I tuned out Heather's voice. What she was saying wasn't important, and I merely nodded because it was all I could do while she talked to me.

"Okay, well I'll pick you up later then," I said, getting sucked into a dinner date. A date that she planned and threw onto me last minute. She would kill me if I had said no.

I shut my phone and slipped it back into my pocket and then went back to listening in on Brian and Jimmy's conversation. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Mallory look away, but not before I saw her eyes glitter. Shining from tears.

Fuck. Did she actually like me as much as I possibly like her?

"So guys, I think we gotta go. Heather wants me to take her out. You know I can't just tell her no," I said, and the guys all nodded.

"You're fucking pussy whipped, dude. Leave that bitch alone," Brian laughed and slapped Jimmy's hand and I laughed too.

"Wish I could. I think she'd kill me if I did leave her."

"So you guys are outta here?" Anna looked up from her son, I think she said his name was Jason? Or Jase. Something like that.

"Yeah. It was great meeting you guys. Well, not you Court." I looked over at her, and she faked hurt.

"Love you too Matty," she taunted and I flipped her the bird.

"No thanks. I have Brian," she said as she put her hand on his arm and we all laughed.

"Alright, well safe trip guys," Anna said as she looked up at me, and Mallory stayed quiet. Her twin, Torrence, had left the room just as Heather called, and Syeira was talking to Zacky, possibly making plans.

"Thanks," I said, trying to be courteous, and I walked to the door with the guys and we showed ourselves out. I really hope Heather doesn't find out that I was technically with another girl.

One that I like better than her.


"Well that was interesting," Torrence muttered as she walked back in from going to the bathroom and we all just shared a hesitant laugh among us.

"Fucking Matt has a girlfriend. I knew it was too good to be true," I coldly stated and Torrence and Anna frowned. Syeira kind of just nodded unconsciously.

"Well he doesn't like her. Not even any of the guys like her. So I think you'd have a shot of taking him away from her. By all means, you should fucking do it too, get rid of that girl," and I had to laugh at Sisi.

"Are you serious?" I honestly couldn't believe her.

"Umm, yes," and she stood up and stretched, taking her black hair out of its ponytail and letting her hair fall all the way down. "But anyways, I'm out. While Matt is trapped with Heather, I'm meeting up with Zacky. See you guys later," and Sisi walked out of the door. It was just the four of us girls left: Courtney, Torrence, Anna, and I. Oh, and Jase of course.

"Fuck!" Courtney exclaimed out of nowhere. "Brian's dad was supposed to show me some new shit on the guitar. I have to go guys."

Courtney was seriously panicking. I don't know what's so important on a guitar, but everything about music is serious in that little family. So, she practically ran out of our apartment, and it left the last of us in fits of giggles.

"So I don't have anywhere to go," I broke the silence after the laughter and we chuckled a little more.

"Let's make a movie night. After I get off of work of course." Torrence said and we agreed. "Which I now have to go get ready for, because I'm about to be late," and she jumped up and ran to her room in the apartment.

"I'm just going to call in sick," I muttered and Anna laughed as she finally got Jase to sleep.

"Yeah, do that. I don't want to go out tonight. And I don't want to be alone. I know I have Jase, but you know what I mean," she said with a chuckle as she stood up and went to put the baby into his cage/bed.

"Bye guys!" Torrence ran out, nearly half naked, and we called out our goodbyes and I just turned on the TV. We'd go to Blockbuster, or somewhere, when she got home. No use in searching for movies now.

Of course, I did have to go pick up the phone and call in sick. I called Torr to tell her too. She left in too much of a hurry.

"Alright. Let's do this thing." Anna threw herself onto one of the larger couches, fully stretched out, and pretended to snore.

I laughed at her as she opened one eye and laughed back.

"Well Jase is finally asleep, and all I'd rather do is take a nap. At least until Torrence gets home," she said, and a smile lingered on my face after my laughter and I nodded in agreement.

So I laid down as well, only on the smaller couch, where my feet were hanging off and a cold breeze licked at my toes. But nonetheless, I fell asleep to a deep sigh Anna let out and then steady deep breathing.

I hope Torrence didn't leave her key at home, or then she wouldn't be able to get back in. And a smile spread across my face one last time at that thought, before I fell asleep for the time being.
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Chapter 2. Please comment!