At Least I Know I'm A Sinner

At Least I Know I'm A Sinner - M. Shadows [06]

MALLORY'S P.O.V. (March 3, 2006)

I didn't notice anything on the ride home, other than the fact that time seemed to be going extremely slow. I was numb...numb to everything.

I couldn't help feeling somewhat angry with Matt. Matt got so damned pissed off this morning when I couldn't remember anything about last night, and yet, he goes and tells me that he doesn't want to get together yet. It honestly hurt me more than I thought it would.

"Mal, we're home," Anna whispered in my ear.

I was grateful to be able to get out of the car. Matt rode in the car with me, Anna, and Jimmy; the tension was so thick, you could've cut it with a butter knife, and I'm sure everyone else in the car felt it, even if they didn't yet know what was going on between us.

The guys decided to come up and stay for awhile. I spent most of the rest of the afternoon locked up in my room. On the computer, playing my Playstation, or reading. Basically anything that took my mind off Matt. But going out to the living room with everyone else became somewhat unavoidable as I got hungry and had to pee really badly.

I saved the game I was playing, turned the Playstation off, then raced to the bathroom because I was about to piss myself. When I was finished with my business, I, almost regretfully, walked towards the living room.

I let out the huge breath that I had been holding when I noticed it was only the girls left at the apartment.

"You can stop looking so worried, Mal," Sisi said from the couch nearest to the door. "The guys left almost two hours ago."

"They went back home cause they figured you and Matt needed your space tonight," Courtney said, answering my un-asked questions. "He wanted to stay, but didn't want to make things worse, so the guys took him home. They didn't want us to leave you alone, but they didn't want him to be alone either, for...well...obvious reasons."

"And you need to cheer the fuck up anyways, cause tomorrow's my fucking birthday!" Syeira yelled from the couch. She threw her fists up in the air in triumph, which caused me to laugh.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost 7:00," Courtney said, checking her watch. "Why?"

"Cause I need to go get my check. We get paid today, but we're off work tomorrow. And I won't really wanna go get it then because I'll be spending the entire day in Sisi's service."

I bowed in Syeira's direction and when I stood back up, she was looking at me and flicked her hand in my direction, saying "Be gone." I laughed at her and grabbed my keys off the wall and slipped on my flip flops that were next to the door. I patted my pockets to make sure I had my cell phone in them, which I did, and headed out of the apartment.

"Grab my check for me while you're there!" Torrence screamed as I shut the door behind myself.

Literally 15 seconds after I started driving, my cell phone started vibrating in my pocket. I kept my eyes on the road while I fished it out of my pocket, then looked at the caller ID when I had it in my hand. It was Torrence calling, and I knew that she was calling to remind me to get her check. I just rolled my eyes and threw my phone onto the dashboard, continuing to drive and ignoring her call.

About five minutes passed before she tried to contact me again. She sent me three text messages within the span of about 30 seconds and they all said the same thing:

"Don't forget my check, or I'll kill you."

Knowing that she would keep sending me messages and calling me until I answered or got home, I shut off my phone completely and turned the radio on to a random station. Flyleaf's All Around Me was playing on the first station I came to, and since I love that song, I left the station there. It stayed there for the next 20 minutes, until I got to my work.

The line outside was already a nice size when I got there, but it was almost 7:30 already, opening time, so I guess it wasn't really that much of a surprise.

I drove around to the other side of the parking lot and parked facing the part of the crowd that had extended past the building. I got out of the car and locked it, making my way back towards the employee entrance. As I was walking, I noticed a small group of girls staring at me with the "I hate you, you fucking bitch" stare. One of them looked semi-familiar to me, but I didn't think I knew who any of them were, so I shrugged it off, and went inside. Luckily, my boss was already passing out checks when I walked in.

"Mallory, check," he said, handing me my check without looking at me.

"I need Torrence's too, please."

"Torrence can come get her own damn check," he snarled and walked away, passing out other checks as he went.

"Who put sandpaper on his fucking toilet seat?" I mumbled under my breath.

I folded my check and stuffed it into my back pocket, then went back outside to the car to get my cell phone and call Torrence. I got into my car and grabbed my cell phone from the dashboard and dialed my sister's number. She answered after two rings.

"Did you get my check?" That was the way she answered her phone.

"No," I replied. "The bossman won't let me take it. He said, and I quote, 'Torrence can come get her own damn check.'"

"He's such an asshole sometimes."

I nodded in agreement, knowing that she couldn't see it. She sighed, and I could suddenly hear multiple voices coming from her end of the phone.

"What's making all that noise?" I asked.

"Oh," she said. "The guys all came over after you left. Said they were bored and wanted to hang out. But stay there, and we'll be there soon."

She hung up the phone before I could answer, so I shoved it back into my pocket and locked the car, then made my way back inside. It was still kinda hot outside, so I decided to spend my waiting time inside.....where it's air conditioned.

The group of girls from before were staring at me again as I walked back inside. This time, the one standing in the middle flipped me off. Perplexed, I returned the favor, then went inside. The chatter of people in the main area of the club got louder and louder as the bouncer started letting people inside.

I sat down on one of the back couches and pulled an ashtray towards me. I lit a cigarette and inhaled, then blew out the smoke as I turned on the TV. I settled on an episode of Family Guy and as soon as I leaned back into the couch to get comfortable, my boss came back to the room, looking for me.

"Mallory, there's someone at the bar asking for you."

He walked away before I had a chance to ask who it was, but I figured that it was the gang.

But then, I thought, there was no way that they could've gotten here in the 10 minutes since I've talked to my sister, even if Brian or Courtney had been driving. So I guess it couldn't really be them.

I walked out of the back room and went to the bar. I didn't see anyone I knew except for the girls from the parking lot earlier that had been staring at me. To my surprise, the one that flipped me off smile at me and waved me over to where the group of girls had been sitting.

I walked behind the bar and stood in front of them.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"How's it, Mallory?" said the one that flipped me off.

She knew me, but I didn't know her, and it was starting to freak me out a little.

"Who are you, and how do you know my name?"

"You don't remember me?" she asked, a little too sweetly.

"Obviously not," I said.

"Wow," she said, shaking her head slightly. "Steal a girl's boyfriend from her, and you don't even recognize the girl you stole him from in the first place the next day."

It was Matt's fucking ex-girlfriend, Heather. She just continued to smile at me, and her "posse" laughed at me as I stayed quiet.

"It's good to see you, Mal." I felt like she was mocking me now. "You look great."

"Can the fucking sweet talk, Heather. You're giving me a zit."

That wiped the smiles off their faces and caused them to go silent.

"I know you didn't come all the way out here to make friends with me, Heather. How you knew I worked here, or even knew that I was gonna be here, is beyond me. But I know you're not here for shits and giggles, so what the fuck do you want?"

She was staring daggers at me, as was I at her.

"You should know why I'm here, Mallory," she finally said. "I want to kick your fucking ass for stealing my boyfriend from me."

"And you needed four other girls to help you with that?" I asked sarcastically with a smile.

Normally, I wouldn't have had the guts to smart off to five girls who were thoroughly pissed at me, but there was security and other employees everywhere, as dumb as Heather looked, I knew she wouldn't try anything.

"You're lucky we're surrounded by people who can actually stand you," she seethed.

Told ya.

"Likewise," I said back.

I just continued to stare at her and smile, which pissed the five of them off even more.

Through my peripheral vision, I saw light from outside bounce off the walls as the main door was opened. To my relief, in walked Syeira, Torrence, Courtney, Anna, and all the guys. Even Matt was with them.

This should be interesting.

"Hey, Mal," they all said in unison as they approached the bar.

"Hey guys," I said back.

"Matty!" Heather squealed.

She jumped off her bar stool and ran up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the mouth.

Even though we weren't dating, it still sucked to have to sit here and watch Matt's ex-girlfriend try and suck his face off. Heather's friends were enjoying watching my pained expression, and how much it was upsetting me.

"Get the fuck off," he snarled as he pushed her off of him.

"Oh, I forgot," she said. She looked at me, then looked back at Matt. "Your girlfriend's watching."

"I'm not his girlfriend!" I yelled. It was true, no matter how much I wish it wasn't.

A couple co-workers looked at me, then went back to doing whatever they were doing before. My sister and everyone else was looking back and forth between me, Matt, and Heather.

"Yeah, right." She smirked at me.

"Actually, I've always had a thing for Zacky. Maybe I should start dating him instead," she said thoughtfully.

She smiled at Zacky and tried to walk over to him, but Syeira stepped in between Heather and Zacky.

"Touch him, and I swear to God, I will kill you right here and now with my bare hands," Syeira threatened.

She had a manic glint in her eye that would tell anyone that looked at her she was being dead serious.

As if to reassure Sisi, Zacky wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her neck before resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Heather, you're not fucking wanted here," Matt suddenly said. We all turned to look at him. "You're not wanted here by me or anyone else except for these whores you call friends. So just fucking leave the rest of us alone already."

"Matty, you don't mean that," Heather said, walking in his direction.

"The fuck I don't," he replied. "When I said we were over, I fucking meant it Heather."

"You'll fucking pay Matt. You and your new little slut," she threatened, nodding in my direction. Matt only rolled his eyes at her.

"Whatever Heather." He walked past her and put his arm around my waist, dragging me further down the bar. I had to walk backwards because I didn't know what the fuck he was trying to do.

You couldn't hear anything else said with the others still with Heather, but I did notice Sisi raise her hand and Zacky pulled it down.

Three guesses says that Heather was trying to fuck with her or Zack.

I saw Syeira roll her eyes at Heather and push her shoulder with her fingertips. Matt finally stopped at the end of the bar. He had been keeping me out of a bar fight, I suppose.

"What the hell is going on Matt?" I looked at him as he watched the little standoff with Syeira and Heather. Courtney, Torr, and Brian were heading over here. Johnny, Jimmy, Anna, and Zacky were obviously still with Syeira. Well Sisi could hold her own, so I doubt they were there for her protection.

"Keeping you out of trouble," he mumbled, his arm still around my waist.

"You know you only fueled more to her accusations of us dating," I stated as the three now sat down beside us.

"I know. I don't care. I'm tired of her."

"So you're going to let Syeira get her ass in trouble over our ordeal?"

"No, I'm not. Heather is fucking with Zacky now. Not with you and me. This isn't the first standoff that those two have had. It's the first one in public though," he stated. I looked away from him, just as he looked at me. I could feel his eyes bore into my temple as I stared at the yelling between Sisi and Heather.

"So I really think we should get them to go somewhere where an assault charge won't put Syeira in jail, Matt." Brian looked at Matt as Courtney walked off to the bathrooms behind us with Torrence. I went with them.


"You know I can take him from you Syeira! Just like I took Matthew from Valary." Heather smiled maliciously and Syeira narrowed her eyes at her.

"You only believe that because of Matt and Val. I don't know what you had better to offer than Val did, but you won't be taking Zacky from me."

It was odd to have two girls fighting over me. One only doing it for revenge.

"Wanna bet?" Heather challenged and pushed Syeira out of the way, walked over to me, grabbed me by my face and kissed me.

You better believe I pushed that tramp off of me in a heartbeat.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me you cunt!" I seethed and Heather and her friend's jaws all dropped. I saw a ghost of a smile on Syeira's face. Anna, Jimmy and Johnny had widened eyes, but their expressions still indifferent to everything.

"You're as much of a pussy as your girlfriend is, and you call me the cunt?" Heather stomped her foot and poked me in my chest. I barely even felt it except for the nagging prodding of the tip of her manicured acrylic nail.

By then, I didn't catch it this time, but when Heather turned to walk out, Syeira was on that side and she lifted her arm back so fast and punched her, I couldn't stop her. We would have to run.

Heather fell to the floor, clutching at her eye, and everyone was dumbfounded. Some of us were actually laughing. I only grabbed Sisi's hand and ran out of the door and to the car.

We had to get the hell out of there!


Courtney, Torrence and I heard screaming from inside of the bathroom and we ran out just to see Syeira with her arm lowering with a clenched fist, and Heather was on the ground.

Oh shit.

Matt and Brian were laughing so hard and I saw Zacky grab Sisi's hand and just run out, dragging her.

"Well at least he's keeping the assault charge off of her record," Matt said inside of his laughter and Brian nodded. I saw Courtney smile next to me. I was more of appalled that anyone even let this happen.

"So now what?" I walked up behind Matt. I was so angry at him.

"We go home." He took my hand and we walked out, passing Heather as she stood up from the floor. Courtney pushed her back down again.

"Why the fuck are you guys just standing there! Help me up!"

We all walked out together, and you could hear Heather scream that to her girlfriends.

This was all surreal and I was still slightly angry at Matt. It was diminishing realizing the whole situation really didn't have anything to do with us after Brian and Matt explained everything in the car on the way back.

"So where are Zacky and Sisi going to be anyway?" I asked and Brian shrugged.

"Most likely at Zack's house." Matt glanced back at me as he drove.

"Then lets go there. Right now," I practically demanded and he shrugged and took the next turn at the light.

"Goddamnit, guys! I forgot to grab my paycheck!" Torrence suddenly exclaimed from the backseat.

We all just laughed at her as Matt continued to drive.


Zacky grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the club so fast, everything was a blur.

"Get in the fucking car," he growled as he dragged me to his car.

We got inside and he sped off so fast. He only did the speed limit, being a good boy, because he knew that what I just did was going to have a charge and a fine on my record so big, he'd lose me.

Aww he cares.

"So where are we going?"

We were turning down random streets, and he looked at me, his hardened features from Heather's attitude softening as he looked at me.

"My house. The long way."

I'd never been to his house yet. It was weird, and I don't really know why it's taken four months for him to finally take me to his home.

"Okay?" I didn't even know any way to his house.

"Syeira, you shouldn't have done that," he scolded, and I smiled as I looked out of the passenger side window.

"You know you enjoyed it."

"That's besides the point." He smiled and chuckled to himself.

"We're here," he stated almost fifteen minutes later.

Oh my god. His house was HUGE.
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Chapter 6. Please comment!