"Revive Me With Just One Touch..."

"I'll remember that this isn't over.."

Jalen never forgot. 
                        Tony always remembered.

One a promise of love,the other a promise to keep her memory alive.

When police showed up at theonce beautiful pastel blue home,it was a scene to horrible to speak of.
Two bodies lay on the ground wrapped in each other,a loving mother and a caring daughter.Or so they thought.

The story was too gruesome to tell.

Velair,the name of a once beautiful girl.
Anna Maria,the name of the horrid mother who ended her.
A hate so strong it burned to the very pitts of hell.

Police surveyed the crime scene.
There were definite signs of a struggle.A slight back and forth between both victims.The details themselves were sketchy.

"When'd you get that scar on your cheek?",Anna asked.

Velair glared daggers at her,"What scar?".

"This one".

An icy blade tore at the side of her face,blood splattered onto them both.Velair didn't scream,instead stood on her feet with her own weapon in hand and lunged at her mother.

"What the fuck did I ever do to you?!",Velair screamed.

She was immediately thrown against a wall and punched in the face multiple times.Her lip swelled until it split in half and blood dripped down her chin.

"You were born!".

Velair lay there taking the hits,until the opportunity came.Her knees flew up and hit Anna in the gut,as she flew back Velair lifted her foot and kicked her in the face.Hard enough to rip the skin under her eye and chip a few teeth.

"You couldn't live your own life!You had to destroy mine too!".

Aiming and dodging,both women continued to fight.The collecting pool of blood grew immensely as punches were thrown.

A jaw was broken,eyes were bruised,ankles were sprained,backs were slammed against hard concrete.

Velair fought strong, managing to twist her blade through the woman's shoulder and into the wooden floor.A growl escaping those foreign lips.

"You ruined mine!You spawn of the devil!",Anna screeched as she was stapled to the ground. 

Velair froze.Her body untangled itself away from her mothers.

A spawn of the devil,that was exactly what Velair was.
How could she ever be anything else?

A smile grew on Anna's face,she'd struck a nerve."You came along and tore us apart!Always needing things we couldn't afford,always whining!It's a miracle your father didn't kill himself!".

The words made Velair's blood boil.

Her father had been her world and she his.Her mother had killed her long ago,when she decided to push a knife through her father's still beating heart.

While Velair had been lost in her thoughts,her mother had managed to pull out the knife keeping her to the floor and flung it at Velair.
It pierced the flesh of her thigh.

Unexpected,a strangled cry tore from her throat.

Velair grabbed onto the handle,pulling the knife out and threw it back at her mother.It scarcely nipped at the skin on the side of her skull.

"He never loved you..",Anna snickered.

Velair had been broken one too many times to care for anything that psychotic woman said.
She reached behind her back,smoothing out her shirt and feeling for the cool metal.

"Maybe",she spoke softly,"maybe he didn't".

The elder woman was taken back,"No..no one loved you!".

Velair's fingers found the trigger,her hand gripping onto the base.She slowly pulled it out of her belt and behind her back.


The calm tone in her voice was getting on Anna's nerves,she was supposed to fear her.

"No one gave a shit about you,you little bitch!".

Velair managed a smile as she stepped closer to her mother.She was well aware of the woman fiddling with the stainless steel weapon in her hand.

The second the revolver was revealed so was the 12" long 3" wide knife her mother was hiding.
Both lethal props positioned against both womens stomachs.Right by the liver.A single bullet,a single knife stab would be a slow and torturous death.

Wasn't that the target?

"I hate you",the emotion shone in Anna's brown eyes.

Velair looked straight at the woman,"I love you too,Mom".

Someone close by had heard the noises coming from the home and reported a domestic problem.
They didn't know how right they were.

Jasper had stayed true to his word,he had gone back to the house.Late enough that he wouldn't be able to save his sisters life.Early enough that he had heard her last words.


A grunt answered Jasper.
He made his way down the stairs and into the basement,heavy gargled breathing met his ears.


It was silent for a while as Jasper found his way into the dark.

"J..Jah...Jasper?",the sound echoed in the corner.

He ran in that direction,"Velair?Velair are you alright?".

He pulled a lighter from his backpocket and got some light going.
He looked into her half-dead eyes.She was in so much pain.

"J-Jasper..",a soft smile played on her lips.

It fell almost as quickly as it appeared and a groan filled the room.
Jasper move the flame down and looked at where her hands rested.He put his hand on top of hers,the blood colored his skin.

"Velair,I'm sorry..".

One hand moved up to his face and brushed the hair out of his eyes."It was the drugs,I know.It wasn't your fault.Not any of this".

"I'm so fucking sorry..."

She smiled up at him,the last time he would ever see it again.
Silent tears pooled out of his eyes and dripped down his cheeks.

"Jasper?",her voice was so low he had to strain to hear it".

"Yes, darling?".

Her smile grew slightly as she looked into his eyes.The bright ocean blue didn't scare her anymore.

When she didn't speak up Jasper felt a wave of panic wash over him,"Velair?".

He pulled the flame up to light up their faces.Her breathing was becoming low and even,her eyes were drifting closed.

He grabbed onto her chin and made her face him,"Baby,baby!You can't leave me!Velair?!".

Her eyelids opened sligtly,her smile never faltering.

"You found me".

Now who's to say people don't get a second chance?Who's to say?

Velair woke up with a stir,a light salty breeze caressing her face.Her eyes blinked open as she pushed herself up on her elbows.
The sky was a blend of violets,pinks,and oranges.Sunset.
The grass beneath her swallowed her hands up to the elbows,it swayed freely in the wind.A feeling of complete and utter peace surrounded the are where she sat.


She craned her neck at the sound of her name.The voice that had spoken it had the most beautiful voice she had ever heard.Like a windchime being blown in the wind.

A light, bright as the sun,blinded her for a few seconds before diming down."Hello?".

A figure walked towards her,a young girl to be exact.A much too young girl.

"Hello,Velair,"she offered Velair a smile,"How do you feel?".

Velair hadn't inspected herself,she'd been too confused about where she was to realize she wasn't in pain.

"Good?",the confusion she felt only grew,"Where am I?".

The girl reached for Velair's had and pulled her to her feet."You're in the crossroads".

Velair followed the strange girl to a nice little clearing.At the sight of it her heart ached for the ones she'd left behind.

"The crossroads",she repeated.

The young girl led Velair over to the pool of water.Her reflection stunned her,she had no bruises,no cuts,no burns.Her fingers traced over the skin.

"Am I d-dead?".

A light laugh shook through the small girl,"No.No, you're at the crossroads".

Velair was getting very impatient with the nameless child,"What the fuck is the crossroads?!".

"The crossroads is where you go when you're soul has unfinished bussiness",Velair opened her mouth to ask a question,"No you're not a ghost".

She shut her mouth.

The girl smiled at her,"You're on the bridge between heaven and hell.I'm your guide,Vana."

Velair stared blankly ahead,"Where am I going?".

"You haven't done anything bad enough to be banished into hell,but..".

Velair's turned to face Vana."What?".

Vana turned towards where they had come,peeking at Velair over her shoulder."There also isn't a place for you in heaven".

Velair's brain stopped.

"Where the fuck am I supposed to go then?!".

Vana shrugged,"Back".

"Back?",Velair shouted,"Back where?!".

The words spoken by Vana turned Velair completely inside out,upside down.

"You have to go back",Vana spoke softly,"Back to life".
♠ ♠ ♠

I was debating on it all weekend,right before
I wrote the ending of the chapter.

Oh there will be a sequel..a beautifully..possibly short sequel.
A sequel,nonetheless.

I promise more Mike/Tony battling.

All comes soon.

Leave me comments.
