You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory

Chapter 2



I groaned as Aaliyah burst through my door that used to be locked.

"What the fuck do you want?" I shielded my eyes from the light in the hallway that was now spilling into my room.

"You have no idea who we saw tonight, do you?" She was panting, almost as if she had sprinted down the hallway.

"Aaliyah, we see lots of people every single fucking day, now I hope you have a better reason for waking me up." I removed my arm from over my eyes and squinted at Aaliyah's blurry figure at the foot of my bed.

"We saw Avenged Sevenfold!" she screamed.

"I swear to God, Aaliyah."

Charlie was now walking into the room, looking as if she had been rudely awakened too.

"I was just telling Saph," she breathed. "I had the radio turned on and was getting ready to go to bed when I heard Avenged Sevenfold come on."

"And your point would be...what, exactly?" Charlie was being sarcastic now.

"Well...I can't believe you guys didn't see it."

"You're starting to piss me the fuck off, Aaliyah," I groaned, and layed my head back on my pillow. "Just fucking get on with it already."

"Those guys that we saw at the bar tonight were Avenged Sevenfold!"

I sat bolt upright, and Charlie was staring at her in disbelief.

"No it wasn't," I said. "If it were, I would've recognized them. Or, at least, Charlie would have. I mean, we're the ones with the Avenged Sevenfold tattoos, for fuck's sake."

"I swear to God, it was them!" She stared between the two of us. "I know how you two are about them, now why would I lie to you about it?"

"Ok, so even if it was them," Charlie started. "It wouldn't matter anyways. I know they come to fucking Vegas all the time, but that was probably a once-on-awhile deal. I doubt we'll see them there again any time soon, if we see them there again at all."

"Oh, come on, Charlie," I laughed. "If it meant getting close to Zacky, you'd jump through rings of fire, for Christ's sake."

Aaliyah laughed at her, and Charlie flipped the both of us off, blushing slightly.

"Now both of you need to get the fuck out of my room." I kicked Aaliyah off the bed, Charlie still standing at the door. "I got class in a few hours, and we gotta be at work at 4:00 tomorrow. And I need my fucking sleep."

Aaliyah couldn't stop laughing, and clutched onto Charlie for support as they walked out of my room.

"Thanks for closing the door!" I yelled.

"You're welcome!" they both yelled back.

I got out of my comfortable bed and went to close my door. It took me a few seconds to get comfortable, and I fell asleep again about 20 minutes later.

SAPPHYRE'S P.O.V. (December 16, 2006)

"Saph, wake up," someone hoarsely whispered from next to me.

I took the pillow from under my head and shoved it on top instead, only to have it yanked off seconds later.

"For fuck's sake, Sapphyre. Get your ass up now, or we're gonna fucking be late for class."

That was Charlie, and she slapped my arm before exiting my room.

I really didn't want to get up. It felt like I had only been asleep for an hour, but I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 12:30 pm, so I had actually been asleep for about seven.

"Fuck school," I muttered before rolling out of my bed.

I crawled out of my bedroom door and down the hallway to the bathroom, helping myself up once I was in reach of the counter. I pulled myself up and splashed some ice-cold water on my face, which succeeded in helping me to wake up. I did my whole morning routine, then walked back into my room and rummaged in my closet for something to wear. I was only going to one class, but I still wanted to look decent.

Fuck it. I'm going comfortable today. And besides...I'm gonna be dressed in skimpy clothes and heeled boots all night tonight anyways.

I took out a pair of black sweatpants and a tight-fitting, white Vengeance University t-shirt. With my clean underwear, bra, and black flip-flops, I was set and ready to go. I put my hair up into a messy bun as I slid on my sandals, and put on my reading glasses. Why put them on now? Because I was going to an American Literature class, where I would be reading. I feel lazy, and put them on now so I wouldn't have to do it later.

"Hey!" Charlie exclaimed, walking into my room, ready to go. "I've been looking for that shirt forever!"

"It's my shirt. I don't know what you're talking about." I smirked mischievously

"I want my fucking shirt back, Sappy."

"You'll get your shit back," I said, shoving my books into my backpack. "You always do."

I closed my bag with my books and shit in it, my purse, which I had just thrown my cell phone and car keys into, slung them both over my shoulder, and signaled to Charlie that I was ready to go.

"God, I hate this fucking class," I said as Charlie pulled onto the highway that would take us to UNLV. I just layed my head back and attempted to get half an hour's more sleep before class.

"No way, bitch," Charlie said, reaching over and pinching me. "If I can't sleep any more, then your ass can't sleep either."

"Fine. Jesus."

I sat up and flipped through her CD's that were sitting in the glove compartment. I settled on Paramore's Riot album, and switched the song to Misery Business. We sang obnoxiously loud to the chorus, causing old people to stare at us from their Oldsmobile's. We pulled into the parking lot of the school 10 minutes later.

"Just think about it this way, Sapphyre," Charlie said as we climbed the stairs to the second floor, and our classroom. "This is our last fucking week of class!"

"Yeah, that's about the only good thing that's gone on this week."

You see, my boyfriend of eight months broke up with me a few days ago. Maybe that's not that big of a deal, but it still sucked. I mean, eight months is a long time to be with someone.

"Oh, Jesus." She rolled her eyes. "You're still upset about Luke?"

"Yeah. I mean, we were together for almost eight months, Charlie."

"He was an asshole." She lowered her voice as we entered our classroom, labeled "The Fish Bowl" because one side of the classroom is nothing but glass panes, and made our way for the seats in the back where we always sit. "He was way too overbearing and controlling. You deserve someone better."

My attention was caught by our teacher walking through the door, demanding that we take out our notes so we could spend the entire 2 hours reviewing for our final the day after tomorrow.

"Don't forget," Ms. Daughtery called two hours later as the class gathered their stuff to leave. "Whatever notes you can fit on a 7x5 note-card can be used on the test."

"God, I won't be sorry to leave her class the day after tomorrow," I said as I drove this time and pulled out of the school parking lot. "And I'm fucking hungry, so I think it's Taco Bell time."

Charlie agreed, and we went through the nearest Taco Bell drive-thru, getting our fill on Grande Chicken Quesadillas, Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes, and Cinna-Twists. We decided to grab some lunch for Aaliyah too, because we knew she be upset as hell if we showed back up to the house without food for her too. Especially if it was Taco Bell.

"I love them!" Aaliyah was screaming when we walked through the door. Her computer speakers were turned up all the way and was blasting 'Eternal Rest' by none other than Avenged Sevenfold.

"Turn it down! I don't want the neighbors to call the cops for a noise complaint." I smiled as I walked into Ally's room and threw the bag of her Taco Bell onto her keyboard and turned down the speakers myself.

"Oh!" She immediately began to dig in. I laughed harder and left her room, shutting the door behind me.

"Work can fuck me in the ass. I don't care!" I heard Charlie scream as I was coming back down the hall.

"What the hell?" I looked at her after she slammed her fist onto the counter.

"Oh. Work called. Our schedule's for next week are in. They are effective tonight. And they fucking cut back my hours like a son of a bitch! I don't work tonight. So have fun," Charlie pouted, and threw herself into one of the kitchen chairs.

"Do you want me to call Mr. Boss-man and ask him to let you work?" I picked up the cordless phone and threw it up and down in my hand.

Oh, Mr. Boss-man is not his name by the way.

"Don't fucking worry about it. I'll quit and then you don't have to call. He'll be losing one of his best coyotes and decide to call us instead." She pouted in her chair and I just smiled and rolled my eyes. I took the phone into the other room and started to dial the number to the bar.


Fucking boss-man-dude-guy. I want to kill him!

I slammed my fist onto the counter and went and threw myself into one of the kitchen chairs.

"Do you want me to call Mr. Boss-man and ask him to let you work?" Sapphyre picked up the cordless phone and threw it up and down in her hand.

"Don't fucking worry about it. I'll quit and then you don't have to call. He'll be losing one of his best coyotes and decide to call us instead." I seethed. I fucking hate him.

Why the fuck did he cut back my hours?

I just want to scream.

Sapphyre smiled at my ranting, and I almost wanted to punch her. I was too pissed for this shit. She went back to her room and I heard her slam the door.

I stood up from my chair and went into the living room and grabbed my Taco Bell bag and fished out my Cinna-twists. I'll just sit here and enjoy these little twists of goodness.


My quesadilla was the best thing in the world as I shuffled my list of Avenged Sevenfold. I heard Sappy talking on the phone in her room. I should run in there and shout "SAPPY!" just to piss her off, cause she hates it when I call her that. But I put my music on pause and walked to her room next door to see what was up.

She was on the phone with Mr. Gibberton.

"She's one of your best employees! Why did you do this?" Sappy cried out into the phone mic. "Oh, so you think she's a show-off know-it-all?" and there was another pause.

"For crying out loud! Why don't you just fire one of the trainee's then! Charlie's the one who trains them anyway! Why do you think your staff is so good?" insert another pause.

I really wish I could hear what the fuck our boss was saying.

"Alright then. The three of us will see you tonight." Sapphyre smiled smugly to herself and walked back to the kitchen where Charlie was eating her Taco Bell in a huff.

"You're working tonight. You're welcome." Saph put the cordless phone back on its charger and Charlie stared at her in disbelief as she walked back to her room. I laughed at their reactions from outside my door.

I left the two to their own devices and went back into my room to start up my Avenged playlist again, starting with 'An Epic of Time Wasted'.

"Will you turn that down?!" Sapphyre cried at me and banged on the wall. I laughed and turned it down a couple of notches.

Time to get ready for work!


"Let's go back out to Coyote Ugly tonight." I decided to say something before Brian brought it up. If Cassidy was going to be pissed, she could at least be pissed at me and not Brian.

"Dude, again? We were there last night, and we've got to get to LA tomorrow afternoon." Matt sat in his little recliner chair in his hotel room.

"For the love of fucking God, Jimmy." Matt looked at him and took one of the drumsticks in his hand, that he was using to beat on the coffee table with, and hit him upside the head with it before throwing it back into Jimmy's lap. "Stop with the fucking drumming already."

We all laughed as Jimmy rubbed at his head and threw the drumstick he had in his hand at Matt and they hit him in the throat and chest.

"Fucker!" Matt picked up the drumstick and threw it right back at Jimmy.

"Stop!" Mackenzie, Matt's girlfriend, cried from sitting next to Jimmy. That last drumstick bounced off of Jimmy and hit her in the cheek.

"Sorry babe." Matt smiled and Jimmy mocked him. Matt punched him in the shoulder. "Shut the fuck up dude." And Jimmy mocked him again.

The two girls, at the same time, muttered, "Boys."

"Since when did a deadline for anything stop us from going to a bar? I asked. "One where there are hot chicks dancing on the bar, no less. Let's fucking go!" I stood up from sitting on the floor. Everyone groaned.

"Fuck you guys. Come on! Lets go!" I tried to get people up. "Since when have you guys been so enthusiastic about going to a bar?" I said sarcastically and laughed, getting a couple chuckles out of everyone else.

"Okay, I'm leaving." I gave up and walked out.

Knowing how the guys really were, I waited just outside Matt's hotel room door, and, sure enough, less than five minutes later, everyone else walked out of the room. That short-ass mother fucker we like to call Johnny Christ disappeared on us again, and we had to walk around the hotel lobby for almost half an hour before we found him loitering around the buffet area.

"Put that shit down," I said. I took the plate that he had just filled and threw it in the trashcan behind me. "We're going back to Coyote Ugly."

"That doesn't mean that I didn't want to eat that, you bastard," he said, throwing his fork at my face, barely missing.

"Yeah, well, we're going, so get your ass up."

I pulled him out of the booth and pushed him in front of me, and we all eventually made it out to the cars.


"Where's my white Coyote Ugly shirt?" I screamed, throwing up dirty clothes that littered my floor. "Charlie, did you take it again?"

"Sorry!" I heard her laugh and I groaned.

"Fucking bitch. I needed that," I whispered to myself and threw down the Vengeance University shirt I had been wearing today. I picked it right up again, knowing that Charlie would want that back soon. I threw it over my arm and walked to my closet and opened the door, instantly finding the red Coyote Ugly shirt that I would have to wear instead of the white one.

"Here's your damn shirt." I threw the Vengeance U. shirt at Charlie when she appeared in my doorway to tell me it was time to leave. I was just about to pull on my own shirt when she walked in.

"It's time to go and you're only half dressed? Although, I don't think anyone will object if you go like that." Charlie laughed at me in my lace, nearly see-through bra and I just smiled sarcastically before pulling the shirt over my head.

"Okay, you whore. Let's go." I smiled and turned off my light, closing my door.

"Aaliyah, let's go!" I screamed over her fucking stereo again. She wouldn't stop playing Avenged Sevenfold all day, and every time we told her to turn it down, she would for like ten minutes and then turn it back up again. I'm surprised no cops have knocked on our door from neighbors complaining of the loud music.

We got to the bar 20 minutes later, and there was already a huge line outside. We only had an hour before we opened, so we'd have to get our asses in gear if we wanted everything ready on time tonight.

Charlie shot a reproachful look in Mr. Gibberton's direction as we entered the bar. She could've fucking killed him with all the daggers she was shooting at him with her looks. Since he was standing behind the bar with his checklist, Charlie decided to go help one of the other girls with taking down the chairs, so Aaliyah and I went to help the fifth girl open the bar. Getting everything ready didn't take as long as I thought it would. The other girl had most everything ready by the time we got there anyways.

Before we knew it, the doors were opened, and people started to flood inside the bar. I recognized some regulars, but we usually get a pretty diverse crowd in here. I mean, come on. It's fucking Vegas!

Aaliyah started up the jukebox as people started coming in, then hopped behind the bar to help start making drinks. Even with five of us behind the bar at the time, it was still difficult to maintain order when making drinks. I think there were too many people behind the bar at the same time. Oh well.

I had just taken the money from a guy who ordered 8 shots of tequila, and 6 beers and was putting it in the register when someone came up behind me and started ordering before I was even done dealing with my previous transaction.

"I need five shots of Vodka, a Jack and Coke, a Rum and Coke, a Long Island Iced Tea, two Budweiser's, two Bud Lights, and a chilled shot of Stoley."

"That order sounds oddly familiar," I said, turning around.

"It should. You made the same order just last night"

I turned all the way around and came face-to-face with the guys from last night. And right now, there was no mistaking it. I can't even believe I had mistaken them before. But these definitely were the guys from Avenged Sevenfold.

Only this time, I had nothing to say. I was in shock.

"Y-yeah. Coming up." I started to blush considering it was Johnny talking to me this time instead of Zacky. It's amazing how I know who all of them are after I figured out that they were famous guys.

I'm a retard.

I told Charlie and the new girl Charlie was training, the order that we had from last night and they prepared it. Charlie knew what was going on as soon as I said it. I could tell because she had furrowed her eyebrows in recognition.

"Well, that wasn't as fast as last night." Zacky walked up to the bar with Johnny next to him.

"Well I had to walk all the way over here." I blushed madly and quickly busied myself with popping off the caps of the beers so he couldn't see my face. I saw him smile and look away at the direction of the jukebox. I think he did see my face.

"Here you go. $50 even." I repeated again from last night and they handed over the crisp $50 bill. I went to go put it in the register as they were walking back to their table.

"Thanks." A hand slipped around my waist as a hot breath spread down my neck from my ear. I turned to see Johnny slipping his hand off of me and walking away.

"So don't you think it's odd that they only have two girls? You'd think they had girlfriends, them being huge mega stars and shit." Charlie walked up to me as I closed the register and she was wiping down the bar.

"Maybe the other girls are back at the hotel? I don't know, but I highly doubt even if they were single that we wouldn't have a chance. Hello? They live in California and we're in the middle of Nevada." I rolled my eyes and collided with her shoulder as I walked away. We both smiled and she finished wiping down the bar.

"I don't want to be here." Aaliyah walked past me repeating those words until she reached the boss. Oddly, Mr. Boss-man was in a good mood, even after I bitched him out, and he smiled at Aaliyah and said that she could go.

"How the hell did you do that?" She walked past me getting ready to go to the back and grab all of her shit to go home.

"He's in a good mood. And there are way too many people back here. He was just waiting for someone to complain." She laughed and went to go grab her purse.

"See you guys," she said to both Charlie and I as she walked past with her purse.

"Lucky bitch," I heard Charlie mutter.

"You whore, that could've been you! But no, you just had to have your damn hours." I laughed and Charlie shrugged.

"Yep. You're right. Blame me." She pouted and put the blame on herself. It made me laugh so hard.

We watched as Aaliyah was heading to the door, and then the guys from Avenged Sevenfold, okay well The Rev, stopped her and said something to her. She looked back at us, and both me and Charlie stopped to watch what was happening.

"Back to work!" Mr. Boss-man walked past us and yelled in our ears. We glared at him evilly as he walked to the back and just ignored him and watched her chat with the drummer for a little bit.

And then she sat down with them.

"What the fuck?" both me and Charlie said at the same time. Then we looked at each other because we couldn't believe what had just happened and we had said that at the same time. We didn't laugh or smile or anything, we were in fucking awe.

Synyster Gates put his hand up in the air, signaling for a waitress, and Charlie was the official waitress for that half of the room.

"Why can't they just come up to the bar?" Charlie bitched as she searched for a tray to put the drinks on when she'd come back from taking their order.

"Quit your bitching and go over there. You know you want to see Zacky." And I made her blush.

"Shut it," she snapped and walked off, the tray still on the bar. I pulled it towards me to get ready for their order that they'd put in soon.

I watched them give her their order, I saw her memorize it, and then when she walked away, I saw them stop her and Zacky started to talk to her.

Great. Now she's trapped.

A couple minutes of waiting for a drink order to be put in, she walked back, blushing madly and muttering under her breath.

"That was an experience." She laughed, out of breath. "Two Jaeger bombs, a crown and sprite, three Heineken, and another Jack and coke."

"What was an experience?" I looked at her oddly as I started to pull out the beer and she set out the shot glasses and full glasses for the mixed drinks. I got the liqour quickly.

"Apparently we're going back to their hotel after the bar closes." She looked at me as she stopped. I stopped too.

"What?" I had to start back up again or Mr. Gibberton was going to have both of our asses. We both looked at Aaliyah, at the same time, to see her laughing nervously with the guys. They were taking to her well, but she was kind of star struck, not to mention shy of large groups. Charlie started up again.

"Yeah. Apparently they want us to go back with them to The Palms tonight. Not to drive them home drunk again, but to actually stay and party and drink." She threw a lime into the Crown and Sprite and picked up the tray and walked off before I could say anything else.

What a fucking crazy night.


I had my arm around Mackenzie's shoulder when our waitress chick, I think they said her name was Charlie, came back with our drinks. She set them down and told us the total.

"Open a tab. You might as well," I let her know and she smiled and picked up her tray and left. Zacky watched after her.

"So she's the reason you wanted to come here." I called him out, forgetting one of her best friends was sitting next to him on the other side of the booth. Aaliyah, I think.

"No. I like the bar," he covered and Aaliyah looked at him. I think she could tell he was lying.

"Is he lying?" I looked at her, and her head snapped in my direction, her eyes wide. I don't think she could believe this whole situation.

At least she wasn't going crazy like a psycho fan.

"U-uh," she stuttered and Zacky looked at her. She looked back at him. "I'm not going to give him away." She let out a sly smile and Zack Attack let out a breath he must have been holding and we all started laughing.

"So you brought us all here for some bartender!" Brian socked him in the shoulder. Zacky just looked embarrassed as hell. Aaliyah was laughing to herself. Cassidy started up a conversation with her and Mackenzie joined. I wasn't listening to them.

I took back my Jaeger bomb with Johnny as Jimmy, Brian, and Zacky took swigs of their Heineken. Aaliyah wasn't drinking anything, and I wonder why. I invited them all back to our hotel later.

"I can't guarantee they'll come, though," Aaliyah was saying. "I think they might have class tomorrow."

"Class?" Zacky asked.

"Yeah, they go to UNLV," she said.

"Alright!" Zacky looked triumphant. "College girls love to party!"


"Saph, come on. You've been stalling long enough."

Aaliyah was trying to shove me out the door.

"Fucking stop," I said, shoving her hands off me.

Truth was, I had been trying to draw out leaving the bar as much as possible. I wanted to go with them, but I didn't at the same time.

"Why do I have to go?" I asked her as we walked out the door behind Charlie and locked the doors.

"Because I promised," she said, linking arms with me and Charlie. "Plus, you don't have class tomorrow, and they want us to come. How often does this happened to regular bartenders?"

We walked over to our cars where all the guys and the two girls were waiting in their own.

"You guys didn't have to wait for us, you know," Aailyah said with a laugh. "We know how to get to The Palms."

"We know." Jimmy smiled at her. "But this way, you guys can't refuse."

Charlie climbed into her car and started it up as I climbed into my car with Aaliyah, and we followed the guys to their hotel.

"You know," I started as we neared the highway exit that would take us to our house. The guys, who were about half a mile ahead of us, just completely bypassed it. "They would never notice if we just took the exit home. It's not like they know where we live."

"Well, then I'll call them and tell them where we live." Aaliyah smiled at me. "Rev gave me his number in case we got lost."

I just rolled my eyes and bypassed the exit that would take us to our own home. The ride seemed to take forever, but didn't last long enough to where my nerves had gone down.

We pulled up to The Palms behind the guys, Charlie behind me.

"It's time to party!" Synyster yelled, wrapping his arms around a girl that had gotten out of the car behind him.

"Syn can be a little crazy." Matt laughed from behind me, his arm also wrapped around some girl.

"This is my girlfriend, Mackenzie."

"Call me Kenzie."

I shook her hand and gave her a small smile.

"I'm Sapphyre."

"That girl that Syn is wrapped around in his girlfriend Cassidy."

"I'm sure I'll get to meet her later," I said, walking next to Matt, Mackenzie, Aliyah and Charlie as everyone else walked ahead of us.

"Don't be too sure of that," Matt snickered.

I couldn't help but laugh, because I knew exactly what he was insinuating.

We got up to the room a few minutes later, a whole plethora of people already there. I can't really say that this surprised me.

"Hey guys. This is Sapphyre, Aaliyah, and Charlie. Guys, this is everyone," Matt introduced us.

I sent a wave of my hand around the room as there were hellos coming in from every direction.

"Come grab a drink," Johnny said, gesturing for the three of us to follow him.

We walked towards the back of the room where the keg was placed, along with several coolers full of hard liquor and a wide variety of beers.

"Pick your poison," he said as he helped himself to a Budweiser. Aaliyah took a water, Charlie took a Corona, and I didn't take anything.

"Time to mingle!" Zacky smiled stupidly as he threw his arm around Charlie's shoulder and drug her off, presumably, to meet some people. That left Aaliyah and myself standing alone in the little kitchen area, Johnny walking off after Zacky.

"This is awkward. I hate you Aaliyah," I muttered, irked, and she burst out laughing.

"Thank you, Sappy," She cooed and I rolled my eyes and walked off in the direction of Johnny, Zacky, and Charlie.

"Hey Sapphyre! Come here." I heard my name called from the left of me and I turned to see Johnny with a beer in his hand. "Why aren't you drinking?" he noticed that I was without alcohol.

"I'm good." I tried not to be a bitch, but then again it wasn't my idea to come.

"No you're not." He smiled and I felt most of my anger just melt away right there.

Was I actually getting attention from the Johnny Christ?

Wait why am I pissed again?

Johnny led me back to where I had just walked from. Aaliyah wasn't there anymore, and he shoved a Rolling Rock into my hand.

"Drink," he commanded with a smile, so I twisted the top off and took a swig to make him happy. "And to make sure you don't ditch that bottle, you're with me all night."

A warm feeling coursed through me. He actually was going to make me stay by his side all night?

Remind me to thank the girls in the morning.
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Chapter 2. Please comment!