‹ Prequel: Fame Ruins It

Fame Ruined Us

Sweet Like Poison

I woke up the next day to find Drift had fallen asleep above me. I smiled and sat up looking at his face. I knew i should be in love with him but he was so just not Alex. I frowned and walked up to my teeny tiny room (we all shared the house) and sat down at my desk. I was in the mood to write so i brought out a piece of paper and started to think about Drift. I smiled and knew what i was gonna write.

i wanna boy who taste sweet like poison
makes me scream when he touches my lips
I'm gonna get him if i can
i know he wants me, i know he wants me
I'll be screaming

knock me dead...on the floor
blinded by how he leads me on
i know I'm too easy to fall for guys like him
cant help myself when his lips taste sweet like poison

when he blows a kiss...he leaves me breathless
i was screaming...i love the way he flirts
i love the way he tease
this isn't just to please me
believe me he just wants me
hes out of this world

knock me dead...on the floor
blinded by how he leads me on
i know I'm too easy to fall for guys like him
cant help myself when his lips taste sweet like poison

knock me dead...on the floor
blinded by how he leads me on
i know I'm too easy to fall for guys like him
cant help myself when his lips taste sweet like poison

i love how he knocks...me dead on the floor
i woke up, hes coming for more
i woke up, hes coming for more
i woke up, hes coming for more
i woke up, hes coming for more
hes got me screaming, I'll keep dreaming
hes got me screaming, I'll keep dreaming
hes got me screaming, I'll keep dreaming

hes got me
hes got me going on

knock me dead...on the floor
blinded by how he leads me on
i know I'm too easy to fall for guys like him
cant help myself when his lips taste sweet like poison

his lips taste sweet like poison
his lips taste sweet like poison
his lips taste sweet like poison
his lips taste sweet like poison
his lips taste sweet like poison
his lips taste sweet like poison

he just...taste sweet like poison

I re-read through what i had written and almost threw the paper away. This wasn't about Drift this was about him. I out my head on my arms and cried knowing how much i missed having Valee here to stop me from doing this. Pulling out the small razor i kept hidden in one of the locked drawers, i slashed small lines across my wrist. I gasped when the pain hit but smiled when it cleared my mind from before.

I kept cutting until i had gotten the thing i wanted most written in blood on my arm. Alex. I walked to the bathroom and washed my arm off before bandaging it and pulling my sleeve down. I knew i shouldn't be doing this but it's the only remedy i have for this pain. I walked back downstairs and saw everyone was still asleep so i laid my head back down in Drifts lap and stared at the ceiling until i felt he was starting to wake up.

"Hey babe," he smiled sleepily and i kissed him quickly.


"Sleep OK?"

"Yeah i did," i smiled and lied.


I got off his lap and walked back upstairs to get clothes and take a shower like my normal routine. I jumped when the hot water hit my cuts but soon relaxed and let the pain wash over me. The hot water went cold to soon and i sighed getting out to get dressed. I walked back downstairs to find that Zoey had found the new song and was showing the others.

"Wow this is amazing girl!" she yelled when she saw me.

"Thanks chicka but i think i just wanna hang out today," i smiled and walked out the door.

They knew where i was going. I had found this place in the park that i loved and i went there all the time. It was hidden from the world and i knew no one else had found it. I got there and walked into the thick trees before seeing someone in my secret place. Valee. I ran back to my car and drove away before she could see me. I liked that place because it reminded me of her but that was her spot. The one she had told me about once a long time ago.

I missed her like crazy but i knew i couldn't go back. There was only one person i kept in touch with and that was Jack. I pulled out my i-phone and sent him a text.

To: Jacky
I just saw Valee in my place!!!

My phone vibrated a few seconds later.

From: Jacky
Did she see you?

To: Jacky

From: Jacky
Good because i don't want her to break down again she misses you so much..,can't you just call her and tell her why you left?

To: Jacky:

My phone vibrated again but i didn't answer. I couldn't face Valee after what i had done to her and the guys.
♠ ♠ ♠
well I'm giving you another look into Nights new life
I'm hoping Angie will get back to me soon so she can post some on Valee's!!!
comment please!!!

♪♫Kailyn Karnage♪♫