‹ Prequel: Fame Ruins It

Fame Ruined Us

All I want is your happiness

Jack's POV

I sent one last text to Night telling her how much Alex and Vallee need her, but I stopped when Night wouldn't reply. I made my way through the clearing and over to Vallee who was sitting on the cliff. I came up behind her and held her in my arms.

"Hey." Depression seeped through her lips with just that one word. I held her closer.

"Hey. We're leaving again tomorrow." She sighed and nodded her head.

"I know. Where do you think she is?" She asked, staring off in the distance. I sighed and told her that I didn't know. I hate this! i hate lying to her! I know where Night is!

"Where ever she is. I know she misses you too." I said plain and simple.

"Yea. Right. She hates me! I should have never yelled at her! i should not have held our band back! i'm an idiot who ruined my brothers life and lost my best friend." She yelled and started to cry. She got up and started to climb down the cliff.

"Valee you know it's not your fault! None of this is your fault!" I grabbed a hold of her arm and turned her towards me. She was crying. I brought her in and kissed her passionately then held her against my chest.

"Can you take me home?" She asked and I nodded.

We drove in silence and walked into her basement.

"Surprise!" Nicole and Haylee screamed. i smiled knowing that my idea of getting them back together would make her slightly happier.

"NICOLE!!! HAYLEE!!" She screamed and ran into their open arms. I ran over and embraced them in a huge hug. Alec then walked downstairs with a smile on his face.

"What?" Vallee asked.

"Manager just told me… that the lead singer that's opening for us on warped tour is hot!!!" He yelled.

"Sometimes. I swear your the girl and I'm a gay guy." Valee laughed and shook her head.

"I'M HER GAY LOVER!" I yelled. She hugged me.

"Yes Jack.. Your my gay lover." She smiled.

"Wait..? You..? him? Together!?" Nicole stuttered. Then Haylee and her screamed and jumped up and down.

"We knew it!" Haylee yelled.

"She gave into my awesomeness five months ago." I smiled.

"You know what?" Valee stared off into the wall.

"What?" Alex asked. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?"

"Dude stop reading my mind!" Valee yelled whilst laughing. "I think we should be a band again!"