
Goodbye California

I woke up to the summer sun shining in my window making me moan and roll over for 5 more minutes of beautiful, wonderful, most amazing sleep.
“Laney!” My mother screamed from downstairs. “Get your ass up young missy! We need to get going!”
I grabbed my pillow and put it over my head with a grunt. Then I heard nothing but silence. It was so relaxing I let out a sigh that was cut short to my door opening.
“Laney. Get up.” My mom said and I rolled onto my side away from her with an annoyed moan.
“Delaney Lee Swan. You better be downstairs and ready in less than 10 minutes otherwise I’ll keep you at your uncles for way longer than a month.”
I shot up in an instant, quickly regretting it as my head became heavy with the sudden movement.
“10 minutes.” My mom scolded and was out my door.
Finally I started to move, not as fast as before though.
All I had to do was change and do something with my hair. My mom made me pack everything last night and even shower, knowing that I wouldn’t be up till the last possible minute.
I grabbed my clothes and walked into my bathroom across the hall. The small window in there looked out towards the beach. The sun was already shining onto the water and sand. It was calling out to me, telling me to stay here and not go to Forks, Washington.
Sighing I shut the curtain and changed into my old ripped short shorts and a dark blue t-shirt. I decided to put my messy blonde hair into a bun. Not a pretty bun either, hey I was short on time.
After brushing my teeth and washing my face I put all my bathroom products into my bag. I applied little makeup and shoved it into my bag also.
I looked at the huge suit case and stuffed duffle bag sitting in my room. My mom basically shoved my whole closet into these things. Looking back at my closet I saw only a couple shirts still hanging there.
“Laney!” I heard her yell from downstairs and I picked up the bag and threw it over my shoulder. This thing weighed tons!
Grunting I tried to pick up the suitcase but settled on dragging it across the floor.
“Coming!” I yelled along with a grunt as I carried and pulled more than my body weight.
Standing at the top of the stairs I decided to just toss the bag down letting it roll down the steps and hit the wall with a loud thud.
“What was that?” My mom asked from the kitchen.
“Nothing.” I said barely lifting the suit case high enough to carry down the stairs.
Once everything was in the car I walked back into the house and into the kitchen where a bowl of cereal was waiting for me.
Sitting at the counter I poured a glass of oj and began to eat.
“Now make sure you call when you get there.” My mom said drinking her coffee.
I nodded while trying to eat my cereal faster. I knew I had to get into that airport before I changed my mind.
“Did you pack your tooth brush?”
“Yes.” I attempted to say with a mouth full.
My mom sat there looking down at her coffee. A sad look plastered to her blue eyes that she shared with me.
I stopped eating and swallowed. I knew exactly what she was thinking. I mean I was her baby. My older sister was always coming and going through high school and we both knew she would choose a college on the east coast. But me, no, I felt bad for mom ever since dad left when I was little. She was so hurt so I decided to be a homebody. Never going to football games on Friday night, never vacationing for spring break. I barely ever spent the night at my friend’s houses.
But because of me being home so much my mom realized I wasn’t getting out there and trying new things. I mean I’ve lived on the ocean for 16 years and I have yet to learn how to swim.
So she suggested that I spend a little time with Uncle Charlie and Cousin Bella up north.
Now not only am I nervous about going without her but I have to spend the second half of my summer in Washington. Not exactly the number one destination for vacationing if you ask me.
“Well…” My mom sighed, snapping me from my thoughts. “We should get going.” Her voice was so soft. I could tell she was starting to regret the decision also. I was hoping she would. I really didn’t want to go.
I nodded and put my dishes in the sink, and then we were out the door.
The car ride was silent. I usually really got along with my mom. We were very much the same, both content with our style of lives. Not big on doing or trying new things. Very easy going personalities.
Since I was never big on new things, drugs or drinking was never a problem. Even boys were out of the question. I mean I did like the occasional few but other than that I’ve never been further than a simple kiss.
My sister was the complete opposite. She was always going to parties. Always had a boyfriend. Always tried new things. She was, apparently, very much like my dad. At least that’s what my mom said.
Don’t get me wrong. She was an amazing big sister, she actually taught me a lot when I was younger, she got me to open my shell, if it wasn’t for her I’d probably have no friends what-so-ever.
The car stopped and I noticed we were at the airport. It was extremely busy and people were everywhere. I wasn’t very big on the chaos of things so I did look very uncomfortable as I stepped out of the car.
My mom was already grabbing my bags out of the trunk and I saw an empty cart not far away.
I pushed it towards my mom and she packed the heavy bags on. She then closed the car and locked it up while looking around at the huge building.
“Alright let’s get your ticket.” She said putting her hand on the small of my back and leading me into the big doors.
I looked around in aw at the place. It was huge, and noisy. People were everywhere, speaking tons of languages, and walking every which way.
I quickly pulled my cart to the side while my mom stood in line for my ticket.
It took about a half an hour until she was finally out of line and talking to the lady. She motioned me to bring my bags over. They weighed and tagged them and then they were on there way to some back room. I once again moved out of the way while I waited for my mom.
Finally she was walking towards me. I saw the small white paper in her hand and my heart dropped. This was actually happening. I was really leaving.
“Come on. Security is this way.” Her voice sounded shaky and I could barely hear it with the loudness of the airport. I started to follow her until a long line for security was only feet in front of us.
We both stopped and stared at it. I turned and faced my mom. What I saw I didn’t expect. Tears were running down her face.
My mom hasn’t cried since my father left, not even when my sister left. I looked at her confused. I wasn’t a crier. The last time I cried was when I was 7 and that’s because I broke my arm.
She sucked in a breath and finally turned towards me. Her blue eyes looked so sad and I could barely even stand looking into them.
“I’m sorry. It’s just…” She stopped talking and covered her face, crying into her hands.
“Mom please don’t cry.” I rubbed my hand up and down her arm and instantly she pulled me into a hug.
I let her cry into my shoulder while I held onto her tightly. I felt my eyes getting wetter and my vision became blurry. Quickly I pushed my face into her shoulder and shut my eyes tightly close. I tried so hard not to cry.
“You’ve never been so far away from me before Delaney. It… it scares me.” She said finally taking in deep breaths. She pushed me away from her and held me by the shoulders.
I kept my eyes shut trying to control myself. It was only a month. One month. Opening my eyes a blinked a few times and smiled. “I’ll be back before you know it.” Since when was it my job to comfort her?
“I know baby.” She smiled. “Say hi to Charlie and Bella for me.”
I nodded and let out a laugh. Closing my eyes I tried not to cry again. My nose was getting runny and some tears threatened to leak from the corners of my eyes, but I kept a smile on my face hoping it would help.
Once again she pulled me into a tight hug. “I’m going to miss you.” She whispered into my hair. Her hand rubbing my back gave me the comfort I was looking for.
“I’ll miss you too mom.” I said my voice cracking the slightest.
After about 5 minutes of standing and holding each other we let go. “Just a month.” I said. It was more for myself but I knew my mom needed to hear it too.
“It’ll be good for you.” She finished.
She let go of my hand and I started to walk towards the line. Turning around I saw my mom about to cry again. “Bye honey, I love you!” She waved trying to smile for my sake.
“Love you too… Bye.” I waved but it was weak and timid. I didn’t want to leave; I loved staying with my mom. Why was I doing this?

“Goodbye California.” I said looking out the plane window as it lifted off the ground and into the air. I looked towards the airport window where I’m sure my mom was standing watching my plane leave.
Gulping I closed the shutter and looked over at the guy next to me. He was already snoozing using the complimentary pillow. By the looks of him he was business, with his shirt and tie and the laptop he placed under his seat.
Once the pilot gave us the ok I took out my ipod and put in my head phones. Leaning my head back against the seat I opened the window and saw nothing but blue sky and white fluffy clouds.
‘Animal’ by Neon Trees came on and I tried to focus on the song more than the butterflies that flew around in my stomach. I was more than nervous. Being so far from home with people who I could barely call my family. I mean I’ve only met Bella like three times and the only times my mom talks to Charlie is around Christmas and Thanksgiving.
I could only imagine what Washington was like. I’ve been there once, when I was 5. It was for Thanksgiving.
I’ve heard it was rainy 24/7. My stomach dropped at the thought. I hated the rain.
Sighing I closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep thinking about how slow this month was going to be.

After a long flight I was walking down the tunnel from the plane to the airport. I was fiddling with my hands wondering if I knew for sure what Charlie looked like. I mean my mom’s picture was from them in high school. He had long hair then.
I walked out into a big crowd of people and stopped uncomfortably shifting from one foot to the other looking at the sea of people.
“Delaney.” I heard my name called out from a deep voice.
Finally I spotted the face the voice belonged to and sighed. Thank god he didn’t have long hair. It was short and he had a very southern mustache thing going for him. He smiled awkwardly and walked over to me.
“Uncle Charlie?” I questioned stupidly.
“In the flesh.” He smiled again. He then pulled me into an awkward hug and I had to admit it was weird hugging a man. I was never used to someone with a bigger frame than me holding me.
He then pulled away and we stood there in silence. This was really weird. What was I supposed to say? Can’t I just get back on the next plane to California?
“Let’s get your luggage.” He said breaking the silence. I nodded and we were off.

Finally we were in his car and on our way towards Forks. I looked around the car and sighed. He had to bring his police car.
“So…” he started and I looked towards him, hoping we didn’t have to talk much.
“How was your flight?”
“Good.” I answered shortly.
“Good. That’s good.” His voice died as he looked out the window. He sighed again as silence consumed us again.
“How’s that sister of mine?” He said trying once more to start a conversation.
“She’s good. She wanted me to tell you hi.” I looked out the window at the many trees we passed. They weren’t lying when they said it was the Evergreen state.
“Oh, well that’s nice.” He nodded and then reached towards the radio switching the station to a baseball game. I relaxed when the radio filled the car. The pressure of having to talk was never something I liked with people I didn’t really know.
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alright i know what yur all thinking... jeeze maggie, what are you thinking startin ANOTHER story?!
well i'm sorry but ive been typing this 4 awhile and i wasn't plannin on posting it but its hard not getting feedback cause idk if this story is good or not.
anyway its something a little different because its starting halfway through Eclispe and its gonna have the same plot and such... till i get to the whole Breaking Dawn part of course