
Meeting Edward

“So you’re ok?” My mom questioned once more into the phone.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Yes mom, for the millionth time I’m fine.”
I heard Charlie chuckle as he made sandwiches for him and myself. I smiled and played with the cord on the phone.
“Well sorry for being a worried mother.” My mom scolded once more. “So you unpacked yet?”
“No because you would have yelled at me for unpacking before I called. My stuff is in my room though.”
This time both Charlie and my mom chuckled. It sounded so much alike.
“Ok. Well will you be a dear and give the phone to Charlie?”
“Yeah. Charlie.”
Charlie turned around and looked at me. I held the phone towards him. “My mom wants to talk to you.”
He nodded and took the phone from me. I moved around him and towards the half made sandwiches. I finished them and put mine on a paper plate and leant against the counter and watched Charlie talk to my mom. He nodded and sighed a lot while he listened to her ramble about what I can and can’t do.
I may be a lot like my mom but I never got her ability to worry like a crazy woman. She worried about anything and everything when it came to me.
“Here.” Charlie said when she was finally done talking to him. I smiled and took the phone.
“I want you to call everyday ok?”
“Yes mom.” I laughed.
“I’m serious. Make sure you brush your teeth and if you want to come home at anytime I’m just a phone call away.”
“Mom.” I stopped her.
“Alright, alright. Have fun baby.”
“I’ll try.” I sighed.
“Ok. Well I already miss you.” She sounded like she was about to cry again.
“I miss you too mom.”
“Bye baby. I love you.”
“I love you too. Bye.” Finally she hung up the phone. I handed it to Charlie who put it on the receiver and grabbed his sandwich. He then grabbed and beer out of the fridge and sat at the table.
Once again silence filled the room. I decided even pointless chatter was better than this.
“So… where’s my cousin?” I looked towards Charlie taking another bite.
He sighed and looked out the window. I looked at him confused while he sat in silence chewing his sandwich loudly.
“Uh, Charlie?” I questioned after a minute.
“She’s out with Edward.” He said bitterly and I looked at him in shock. Edward? Who was Edward?
“Who’s Edward?” I asked.
He took a chug of his beer and still refused to look at me. “Her boyfriend.”
Bella has a boyfriend? I mean from what my mom described she was like Charlie, very content and not outgoing. People like that don’t have boyfriends. I would know, I’m one of them.
Suddenly I realized that this was the same boy who broke Bella’s heart. Awhile ago, we got a call from Charlie and my mom told me that some boy left Bella but I didn’t know he was back.
Why would she take him back?
“Is this the same guy who…” I couldn’t even finish.
Charlie nodded.
Now I know why he was so angry. He must really hate this kid. I’m surprised he’s still alive.
I wonder if I’ll ever meet him? Did I even want to meet him? Putting my plate down I stared at the counter. My mom was explaining that boys who could just break your heart like that aren’t worth getting hurt over. But my mom was hurt like that, if my dad came back would my mom go back to him? I mean Bella did.
Shaking my head I decided that was enough talk for one day.
“I’m gonna go and unpack.” I said leaving Charlie in the kitchen with his own thoughts.

It was dark when I saw a black Volvo pull up next to Bella’s old truck.
I got up from my bed and looked out the window but hid slightly so whoever was out there wouldn’t see me. A guy got out of the drivers seat and I looked at him in aw. I have never seen a guy so… so white. I mean there’s white skin but then there’s WHITE skin. His hair looked fake and it was a deep brown in the dark sky. He dressed like someone who had butt loads of cash lying around.
He opened the passenger door and I gasped seeing Bella get out. This was Edward.
“What the hell?!” I said out loud and Edward turned his head and looked up in my direction. Instantly I dropped to the floor, covering my mouth with one hand.
Shit! He so saw me.
After about a minute of crouching I peeked my head up and looked towards the car. They were gone. Sighing with relief I slumped back down on the ground.
“Laney!” I heard Charlie call from downstairs. “Come down here.”
Shit. This couldn’t be worse.
I stood up and straightened out my tank top. My basketball shorts hung low on my hips and I tried to fix my hair a little by putting it in a messy bun again.
Slowly I walked downstairs to see Bella, Edward, and Charlie all standing in silence.
A creek of the floor brought there attention to me. My breath caught as the three all stared.
I decided to rest my gaze on the closet person to me. Bella looked at me and smiled slightly. “Hey Delaney.” She said quietly as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
I smiled and walked the rest of the way down the stairs till I was in front of her.
“Hey. Long time no see.” I smiled. Bella and I rarely did anything when meeting each other. I mean when it came to family things, yeah we hung out and stuck close to one another but we never talked about our lives or stuff like that. This must be why it was so awkward meeting her… boyfriend.
This brought me to look at Edward. His honey brown eyes looked at me and sent a chill down my spine. You know those uneasy feelings you get around people you not only don’t know but don’t trust, well that was happening now.
“Ahem.” Charlie coughed making me look at him. He was looking at Bella as if trying to talk to her.
“Um Laney.” I looked towards her again. “This is my boyfriend. Edward. Edward this is Laney. My cousin.”
Edward then smiled and to me he looked like a TV ad. His smile seemed almost fake like that.
“Nice to meet you Delaney.” He said holding out his hand.
I forced a smile and took his hand. “Yeah.” Holding his hand made me even colder than looking at him. He was like touching a cold counter top. “Nice to meet you too. Edward.”
Once we let go of hands his chill ran through my body giving me goose bumps. I stepped back and towards the stairs.
Edward looked towards Charlie, and as if reading his mind he looked at Bella. “Well I should get going Bella.”
“Ok.” She said glaring at Charlie who just shrugged his shoulders.
For some reason I felt oddly out of place. Usually I was fine with watching but here, I don’t know, it felt wrong.
“I had a long flight so I’m gonna hit the hay. Good night Charlie, Bella… Edward.” I smiled at each person and then turned quickly and tried not to run up the stairs.
Once again I watched out the window only moving when I saw them ready to kiss. I wasn’t going to watch that.
Sighing I sat on my bed in the plain white room. Just like earlier all I could think was how long my stay here was going to be. And with Edward here, it might as well be a month longer.
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sorry it was such a short chapter, but the next one is super long. I PROMISE
comment please :)