
Jacob Black

I flipped through the channels about 5 times now. I’ve been here only 5 days and its felt like 5 weeks.
Today was a somewhat cloudy day. I wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a simple grey t-shirt with a white tank top under. I also wore nice white converse that I worried about in the Washington mud. It was so muddy here. I hated it.
I brought my legs up onto the couch and sat Indian style as I flipped through the channels one more time hoping to find something decent.
I decided True Life was the best way to go and threw the remote onto the coffee table.
Today Bella was once again with Edward. I found out that when she’s not with him she’s with another guy. Jacob. Apparently that’s her best friend but it seems like something else is going on because whenever Charlie would bring him up Edward seemed to cringe slightly.
I found out Charlie liked Jacob way better than Edward and I actually felt bad for the guy, I mean when your girlfriends dad likes another guy more than you it must be hard. At least Charlie does a good job hiding his dislike, like if Edward could read his mind then we might have problems.
But I have yet to meet this mysterious Jacob guy. All I know is that he’s a 17 year old, Native American kid who hangs out with Bella just as much as Edward.
Also Charlie is pretty much best friends with his dad… Billy. I think his name was. I’ve seen him once when Charlie stopped by to grab some cash. Billy was sitting in the car and they were going to the bar to watch ‘the big game’ as he put it.
“Laney.” I heard Charlie call. “Laney… oh there you are.” He said coming into the room.
“Here I am.” I said unenthusiastic still watching TV.
He was putting on his jacket while he looked at what I was watching. “I’m headed to Billy’s to watch the Mariners play the Red Sox.”
“Ok.” I sighed.
He stood there for awhile and looked at me as if I were a pathetic puppy. “Well do you want to come? I don’t know if Jake will be there but I’m sure it’s better than sitting here and watching…” He looked towards the TV confused. “This.”
Sit here, or sit there? That’s the question.
“There’ll be pizza.” He smiled.
I looked at him and then smiled. “Alright. I’ll go.” I turned the TV off and stood up.
“Good. Good. You ready?” He looked me up and down. He looked nervous about how much time he had before the game and how much time it usually takes a girl to get ready.
I smiled. “Yes, let’s go. We don’t want to miss the… pitch off.” I said.
He chuckled. “The first pitch.” He corrected.
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” I said grabbing my jacket from the hanger and making my way out the front door. Right behind me Charlie followed with a laugh. “Maybe we could teach you some baseball while your there.”

It wasn’t a long drive until we pulled into a long driveway next to a rusty colored house with a rusty colored garage next to it.
We got out of his truck and I walked slowly as I looked towards the garage. Charlie opened the side door without a knock and we were in the kitchen.
“Billy!” He called.
“In here!” I heard a voice call from another room. Charlie walked out of the kitchen and soon I was left alone. I closed the side door behind me and looked around at the place.
It was old and very used but still functional. On the counter sat a frozen pizza with an old oven preheating. On the table there were bags of chips and plenty of beer.
“Hey Laney be a dear and put the beer in the fridge please.” I heard Charlie yell from what I guessed was the living room.
I rolled my eyes and started to grab the packs of beer. After putting them in the fridge I stood in the entrance of the living room. I saw Billy, who I was surprised to see in a wheel chair and Charlie who sat on the couch next to another old guy like himself and a much younger looking guy.
All of them had beers in there hands and three more bags of chips sat on the coffee table.
Charlie turned around and looked at me as if he were surprised I was here. Some uncle he was.
“Oh guys.” He said louder so that they all stopped talking. “This is my niece, Delaney, I was telling you about.” All three of them turned there heads to look at me.
I smiled and felt a blush form on my cheeks. Once again the center of attention.
“Delaney. This is Billy.” He pointed to Billy who smiled very warmly at me. His long grey hair rested in a ponytail. He had the warmest eyes and for some reason I felt very safe around him. Like he would always help me no matter what the mess.
“And John.” The other old guy like Charlie smiled too. He wasn’t Native American like Billy and the other, younger guy who sat with them. No he had sandy blonde hair and bright green eyes and very white skin.
“And Sam.” The youngest of them all smiled and nodded his head. He had short cut black hair and chocolate brown eyes. He reminded me a lot of my sister. Not the party type but the leader type. He looked sure of himself and was comfortable with the situation around him. I felt almost honored to be in his presence.
“It’s finally nice to meet you Delaney. Charlie has told me a lot about you.” Billy spoke and I smiled a little and looked towards my feet.
“You can call me Laney. It’s nice to meet you all too.” I said looking back up.
“We could pull up a chair if you’d like.” Sam spoke and I shook my head.
“That’s fine.” I looked towards Billy. “Is it alright if I look in your garage?”
Billy nodded. “You might find my son, Jacob, out there. If you do tell him the game is about to start.”
I nodded and then left as they all turned back around and focused on the TV.
Once outside I wrapped my arms around myself as it started to get darker and a breeze started to pick up. I didn’t notice how warm it was in that house.
I walked towards the garage and stopped just before entering. I looked towards the forest which was something I’m still not used to. The darkness of the woods creeped me out.
Shivering I walked into the garage. No one was there thankfully. I think I met enough people for one day.
Looking around I saw so much… junk. It looked like a junk yard actually. Scrap metal was hanging, not finished engines sat on the ground. Tools and things lay everywhere.
This is exactly why I came out here. It reminded me of my dad’s old garage. I mean my dad was an ass for leaving my mom and I still don’t think I’ll ever forgive him for the hurt he put us through but he used to be a good guy.
When I was little he used to work on cars and he would take me out into his garage and let me hand him tools and such. He’d teach me things normal girls didn’t know, I felt special. My sister even didn’t spend this quality time with my dad.
His garage is where he’d be the dad I wanted. In the house he was either working or just too busy but in the garage he would tell me stories or play with me while still working on his car.
He was basically my dad when we were in here… or I mean there.
Sighing I walked deeper into the garage and let my hand touch the cool metal. I picked up and wrench and smiled.
Gasping I dropped the wrench which made a loud cling against the cement ground. I turned around with my hand clenching my chest.
There I saw something I didn’t expect. There was this guy. He wore a black muscle t-shirt with ripped up shorts.
He was super tall and his skin was a deep russet color, covering every inch of muscle that lay thick on his arms and chest where the shirt clung.
I finally looked away from his body and towards his eyes. They looked at me with shock. I didn’t blame him I would be weirded out too if I were him. Wait, who was he?
His eyebrows were scrunched together and his brown eyes wouldn’t look away from me. He had short black hair similar to Sam inside and for a moment I would’ve guessed it was him.
We stood there for about a minute or two in silence. “Um.” I tried to look everywhere but at him but it was hard. It felt like I had to look at him.
I remembered the wrench I dropped on the ground and decided that I should pick it up and scram.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” I bent down to pick up the wrench and placed it back where I found it. I was trying to look for the right words but I just kept stumbling around them. “Drop… it. The wrench. Your wrench. I’m sorry, you scared me, but it’s not your fault. I mean I was in your shed, so it’s my fault.”
I closed my eyes and scolded myself. Why am I acting like a complete idiot?
“You know. I’ll just get out now and you can look for… whoever you were looking for and once again…” I kept rambling as I walked towards him. Something I found very hard to do. I was finally right next to him and his confused eyes never left mine. “I’m sorry.” I smiled and then looked away as I quickly ran past him and towards the house.
“Wait!” He called from behind me.
I stopped. I don’t know why I stopped. I shouldn’t have stopped, but I stopped.
I refused to turn around though.
“Who are you?” He asked as he walked closer to me.
I stood in silence listening to his foot steps come closer and closer to me. Soon he was only a couple feet from me.
“My names Delaney, but people call me Laney.” I said still not turning around.
“Alright Laney. What were you doing in my garage?”
I suddenly realized who this guy was. It was Jacob. But that’s impossible. This cannot be the 17 year old who’s Bella’s best friend.
“I’m here with Charlie. I’m his niece.” I finally turned around to face him as he stood in front of me with his muscular arms crossed over his chest.
“But if you’re his niece than that makes you Bella’s…”
“Cousin.” I finished for him.
He looked to the ground and then back up at me. “But Bella never mentioned she had a cousin.”
I looked away a little embarrassed. “Were not exactly a close family.”
Once again silence consumed us and when I looked towards him he was, again, looking at me.
“Well, Laney. I’m Jacob Black.” He said holding out his hand to me. I looked at it for a moment and then took it in mine.
His warmth was incredible. He felt like he was in the sun way too long and his skin just soaked in the heat. I found a weird attraction to it. I wanted to feel more of it and not just on my hand.
After awhile we let go of hands and I looked back into his eyes. The look of them was so strange. I’ve never seen it before. But they were very much like his dads, I felt protected in a way. Maybe it was a family thing?
“Laney? Jacob?”
I turned around to see Charlie standing in the doorway. “What are you two doing out here? The games starting.” He said as he went into his car and came out with a bag of hotdogs. He wasted no time getting back inside the house and without a look back at Jacob I followed.

It was the 5th inning and the boys attempted to teach me a couple things about baseball. Well all the boys except Jacob. Who went straight to his room after coming inside.
The whole time I kept thinking about him. Wondering if he was ok. Maybe he was sick? I mean he did feel very warm. Or maybe it was something I said? Or because I was in his garage.
Whatever reason it was I couldn’t stop from thinking about him and only him. I replayed the scene over and over in my mind and every time an image of him would burn there. He was probably the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.
“I’m gonna grab another slice. Anyone want anything?” I asked not actually leaving for pizza but just to not watch the game anymore.
Sam laughed a no, as the rest of the guys didn’t even notice me standing up and going into the kitchen.
I sat down at the table pushing the pizza box a little ways from me. I should have stayed home and I would’ve avoided this whole situation.
Footsteps made me look up from the table I was staring at and my breath caught in my throat when I saw Jacob standing in the doorway.
He stared at me with a blank face. Then he went to the fridge and grabbed a soda.
I looked away hoping to avoid any type of conversation. I mean the last one didn’t go so well.
I heard him open it but still haven’t left the room.
“So why haven’t you come with Charlie before?” I heard him ask. His smooth voice sent chills to my spine.
Still not looking up I spoke. “I live in California. This is the first time I’ve been to Washington in 11 years.”
He didn’t say anything.
“Why so long?”
“I don’t know.” I sighed. “Just don’t leave home that often I guess. My sister was the more adventurous one.” I realized I spoke a lot when I was with him. I don’t know why but it felt so easy. Like I’ve known him forever.
“Jacob.” Sam walked into the kitchen and Jacob instantly straightened up.
I looked from him to Sam and back.
“Uh Sam can I talk to you for a sec.” Jacob said finally. Sam looked away from me and nodded.
Both he and Jacob walked past me and outside and instantly I became curious. I was always one for minding my own business but still. It felt like this had to do with me, otherwise they wouldn’t have left right?

I don’t know how long I sat there staring at the door the two boys left from but it was enough for all the men to come in during the 7th inning stretch.
“So what was wrong with Jacob?” I heard Charlie ask opening the fridge to grab another beer.
Billy wheeled into the room coming up to the table I sat at. He was looking at me with a questioning look but I just looked away.
“I don’t know.” Billy answered calmly.
“Well… you were the last one to talk to him Laney.” Charlie said.
I looked up from the spot on the ground I was staring at to Charlie. “He seemed fine to me… I guess, I don’t know him really.” But I really wanted to get to know him. “He was a little warm.” I admitted.
I looked to Billy who was looking at me with an uneasy look.
I was very confused on what was going on. Billy looked as if I were talking about something I have no clue about.
“Whatever it is, Sam’s with him. Maybe it’s girl trouble.” John laughed. Charlie joined him and Billy quickly softened up and smiled while finally looking away from me.
I on the other hand didn’t find that funny at all. In fact it put me in a very bad mood and I don’t know why.

We were all back in the living room watching the final pitches of the game. The Mariners were losing 5-0 but apparently it was a common thing for them.
Common or not, none of the boys were happy about it. I smiled looking at all there mournful faces as they watched the TV.
A door opening and shutting caused us all to look towards the kitchen. Soon Sam showed up in the entrance to the living room.
“How’s the game?” He asked as if he never left.
“Were losing of course.” Charlie answered sounding very bitter.
I smiled and nudged him in the shoulder. He looked at me then finally smiled.
I was sitting on the couch between Charlie and John while Billy sat in his chair.
“Where’s Jake?” Billy asked.
I focused on Sam as he looked at Billy. He then took a quick glance at me before looking once again at Billy.
“He’s in the garage.” Sam answered shortly.
I was a little angry that I didn’t get more of an explanation. I was also dieing to figure out what they talked about.
“Well we should get going.” Charlie yawned standing up.
What? Go?
I continued to sit as he walked with Billy into the kitchen. Soon John stood up and followed them.
Finally I got up and walked into the crowded kitchen. John and Sam were sitting at the table as Charlie leant against the counter and Billy sat in the same spot as before.
“You ready to go Laney?” Charlie asked looking at me.
As much as I didn’t want to I nodded.
After many goodbyes I was walking out the door with Charlie following. I looked out towards the garage and noticed the lights on. Jacob was in there.
I stood by the car still looking at the garage as Charlie got in and started it.
He rolled down the window and bent over a little. “Hey you ok?” He asked.
I shook my head a little and finally looked away from the garage. Opening the door I got in and buckled up.
Backing up I tried not to look towards the garage but I couldn’t help my gaze from falling there.
I almost gasped seeing Jacob standing in the entrance way holding a towel and a tool. He was covered in grease and looked at our car as it pulled out of the driveway.
I watched him till he was out of sight.

Sitting on my bed that night I sighed. Ever since I left the Black residence I felt weird. I couldn’t place the feeling but it felt like when I left California just a couple days ago. But still this was an even worse uneasy sick feeling.
Why did I feel like there was a hole in my heart? A couple times I thought I was having a hard time breathing but realized it was all in my mind.
And all my mind could think about was Jacob. What did this boy do to me? I mean why did I care so much that he was upset, or angry, or whatever he was when I first met him.
I barely knew him… no not even that, I DIDN’T know him. Yet he affected me this much. Ugh how could Bella stand being a friend with a guy like this? I wouldn’t put up with it. I’m not going to put up with it. I’m going to forget all about Jacob Black so he can’t make me feel so pathetic anymore.
With that thought on my mind I turned off my light and went to bed.
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So yay! we've met Jacob! haha
i'm gonna go ahead and stop posting there. i wanna get a couple comments on what you guys think. idk y but i really like this story. i always wanted to try and keep the same plot as twilight but add some of my own tweaks :)
anyway hope u like it so far and give me some feeback, good or bad!

oh and this story will not stop the others i have been working on also, sorry about being so slow about those btw