
Call Me Jake

7 long days. 7 freakin long days in Washington.
I sat at the kitchen table on a Friday morning. My head rested on my chin as I used my spoon to swirl my uneaten cereal. I found myself getting up very early because I would go to bed early, because I have nothing to keep me up late.
Charlie left for work an hour ago and Bella was upstairs. Here I sat already showered and cleaned up for the day.
I wore sleek black yoga pants along with a long light blue shirt with a very low V-cut. I wore a cute white tank top and white sandals. It wasn’t very cold out but it definitely wasn’t hot either.
The doorbell rang and made me sit straight. I waited for a minute looking towards the ceiling wondering if Bella was going to answer it.
Another ring made me get up and walk towards the front door. Looking out the blurry glass I saw a tall dark figure standing there.
I opened the door a crack and stuck my head out. I almost gasped when I saw Jacob standing there looking toward the ground.
Jacob looked up and smiled seeing me. I looked at him confused and decided it was safe enough to open the door all the way.
I leant against the door as I continued to look into the light brown eyes which made my heart do flips in my chest.
Instantly all the sick feeling I had the last couple days went away. I felt like my world was spinning regularly once again and relief washed through me.
I couldn’t help but smile a little. This feeling was amazing. I felt so relaxed and peaceful. But how did Jacob make me feel this way. Last time I checked he was the reason I was so uneasy in the first place.
“Hey.” He said finally breaking the silence. He looked as relaxed as me. Maybe he isn’t sick anymore.
“Hey.” I smiled but still wondered why he was here. It couldn’t be to see me… could it? Thinking that made a blush creep onto my cheeks.
I suddenly remembered that Bella was his best friend. My smile faded instantly and my good mood died down. “Um, Bella is upstairs if you want me to…” I started turning towards the stairs but something caught my arm before I could leave.
“No.” I heard Jacob say as he stepped closer still holding onto my arm.
I looked at him, my breathing becoming quicker the closer he stepped towards me. I slowly pushed myself against the opened door as Jacob stood right in front of me looking down into my eyes.
His looked so amazing. I gulped feeling the heat come off his body and make my body so warm. I didn’t even think about how unnatural his body heat was. I didn’t care; to me it was too good to be true. It was like a part of California was with me when I was near him.
“I’m not here to see Bella. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today?” His voice sent chills down my spine and I almost didn’t even process what he asked me.
“You wanna hang out… with me?” I asked and then felt instantly stupid. I made myself sound like a freak of nature whom no one hangs with.
He chuckled a little. His laugh was so incredible. I wanted to hear it again.
“Of course. I realized I was kinda rude to you the first time we met.” He said as he closed his eyes and he rubbed the back of his head. He then smiled a guilty smile. I couldn’t help but smile slightly also. “And I didn’t want you to have a bad impression of La Push just because of me. So I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and I could show you around.”
I felt like I was on cloud nine. He wanted to show me around! I was basically screaming in my head like a little girl. This was definitely a new feeling, but it was one I really liked.
“That sounds great.” I tried to hide how happy I was but I let a smile slip onto my lips. He matched it with his stunning pearly white smile of his own.
“Great! Are you ready?” He looked me up and down and when he realized he was basically checking me out he stepped back a little and a small blush formed on his cheeks. “Um… I mean, cause we don’t want to waste the day and all.”
I laughed as he stuttered, it was about time I wasn’t the only one who acted like a fool. I nodded. “Yes I’m ready.”
“Ok then lets go before Bella sees me hanging out with someone other than her.” He laughed making his way out the door and I laughed too although I was a little confused on what he meant. Why would she care?

When we were driving I finally realized just how beautiful Washington is. All the trees, rivers, lakes and mountains. It was all so majestic. I couldn’t believe I didn’t notice it before but for some reason with Jacob around everything seemed better.
Talking to Jacob was almost the easiest thing on earth to do. It was right behind laughing and smiling with him around. I don’t know why he made me feel this way.
Although I was a little scared when I was with him. As much as I got along with him, I still didn’t know him. Feeling the way I did around him made me nervous. I never usually got along with someone so quickly. It was different. He was different.
“So where are we going?” I asked once I finally quit laughing about a story he just told me about his friends. Quil and Embry. The way he talked about them, I felt like I already met them. I said multiple times that I would like to and Jacob promised me I would.
“It’s a surprise.” He smiled glancing at me then back at the road.
I smiled and looked out the window towards the trees. “Can I at least have a hint?” I asked looking back at him.
“And why would you need a hint? Not like your going to know what or where it is even if I told you.”
I smiled realizing he was right.
Finally we turned off on a dirt road and I waited for uncomfortable feelings of being somewhere I don’t know with someone I don’t know sink in but it never came. I felt as if I’ve done this a thousand times before.
My smile faded as I looked towards my lap. How come all of a sudden I change just because of Jacob?
“Hey, you alright?”
I looked up to see Jacob giving me a concerned looked and I instantly smiled trying to relax him. “Yeah… I’m just wondering where the heck we are?” I laughed looking around at the forest passing by.
I heard him chuckle and my worries washed away. “You’ll find out soon enough.” He said slyly and I eyed him wondering what was going on in that gorgeous head of his.
The dirt road started to come to an end and there was a small place to turn around. Jacob pulled off to the side and turned off the car.
“Were here.” He said looking towards me.
I looked around noticing nothing but trees. The only hole where there were no trees was the road we just came from and this small path just in front of us.
I raised my eyebrows and turned to look at his smiling face. “This is the best of La Push?”
His smile faltered a little.
Seeing the look on his face I pushed my lips into a thin line trying not to laugh.
He caught me though and a smile graced his lips. “This is only part of it. Don’t worry we have a full couple days ahead of us.”
His smile seemed to get wider. “Yeah, La Push maybe small but if you know it as well as I do then you know all the secrets it has to offer.” He sounded as if he was trying to hint at something but I shook it off.
“Well did we just come to sit in the car?” I laughed.
His eyes widened in shock and I let out another laugh trying to cover it with my mouth.
“Oh ya.” He shuffled around taking the keys out of the ignition and opening his door.
I opened mine and instantly a salty smell filled my lungs and the sound of the ocean was heard in the distance.
“The ocean?” I questioned shutting my door and looking at him over his car.
He nodded and smiled once. “Follow me.” He said as he started to walk towards the path.
Looking around I followed trying not to fall on any root or rock.
“So you’re taking me to the ocean?” I asked a little disappointed because the ocean was something I definitely knew about. I mean I lived right next to it all my life.
“Yup.” He said glancing at me from ahead.
“I did tell you that I lived in California right?” I asked.
Jacob stopped right before a tree that lay fallen across the path. “You mentioned it.” He said all nonchalant.
I looked at the log in front of me and then Jacob who stood next to it with his hand towards me. I grabbed onto it and took a big step on the log. His hand was just as warm from when I first met him. And it sent tingles up my arm.
I blushed and let go of him as soon as I was on the log. He easily climbed up right after me.
“But did I ever mention that I lived right on the beach… all my life.” I said trying to balance on the log and walk a little ways till I could jump onto the path.
Jacob jumped off the log and landed on the path with ease. I looked in aw as he held his hand out once again to me. Once he noticed the look I was giving him he smiled.
I blushed again and looked towards the ground while taking his hand and hopping off the log.
“You never told me that. Must be really nice.” He smiled warmly. He acted genially happy to be learning stuff about me.
“Ya…” I said dreamily as we stood there looking into each others eyes. “It’s always… warm.” Wait warm?
I looked down and noticed how are hands were still linked.
Quickly I pulled my hand away and looked to a tree away from Jacob.
I heard him chuckle and then continue to walk deeper in the woods.
I gulped and followed with wobbly legs. “I’m not saying that I don’t love the ocean… I do. But it’s just… I’ve seen it before.” I admitted. I didn’t want to ruin his idea but I just didn’t want him to waste his time trying to please me.
He stopped in front of a bush and by the smell in the air and the loud crashing of waves I could tell we were here.
He turned around with a small grin on his lips. “Trust me Laney; you’ve never seen it like this.” He then pulled back some bushes and my mouth dropped in shock.
Slowly I walked forward letting the strong ocean breeze hit my body and blow my hair back.
It was beautiful. I felt like I was standing on top of the world. Well the feeling was close when I looked down and noticed how tall the cliff actually was.
I took a short step back feeling my heart accelerate and decided that I shouldn’t look down at the waves crashing onto the rocks.
Once again I looked back up and again the beauty of it made me feel so lucky to be here. I could see the ocean running for miles. It was the most vibrant blue I’ve ever seen. And it sparkled in the places where the suns rays hit it.
The sun was blocked in many places by big white fluffy clouds and I wondered what happened to this dull grey morning.
“You like it?” Jacob spoke from right behind me.
“Jake… it’s beautiful.” I said not being able to find the right words to fit it. I then noticed I called him Jake. I turned around to face him. “I mean Jacob… sorry.” I blushed looking down, my hair now blowing into my face.
I heard him chuckle. Then his hand came up and gently took hold of my chin. He lifted my face till I was once again looking at him.
Once his brown eyes were staring straight into mine like he was studying me he let a small smile form on his delicious lips. “You can call me Jake.”
I smiled slightly and looked away unable to stare deeply into his brown eyes. It was like he could read my soul and it only made my heart pound more, not that it wasn’t already pounding hard because of us being so close and his hand holding on my onto my chin.
Slowly his fingers moved over my cheek and I closed my eyes sighing silently, feeling his warm fingers barely touch my cool skin.
He tucked some strands of hair behind my ear and held his hand just below my ear.
My heart was basically going crazy in my chest. His fingers just kept sending electric jolts there and to my brain making me feel fuzzy and light headed.
My eyes fluttered open and the look I caught in his eyes made it so I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to.
They looked so warm and deep. And there was a shine that pulled me in. It was like I was being drawn closer to him without any choice. But it felt as if I had no desire to choose something other than looking into his eyes.
“Delaney.” He barely whispered as his word caught on the breeze around us. He started to lean forward. I felt his hand glide along my neck and at once I followed moving my head towards him.
It felt like only seconds took forever. He was only inches from my lips and his breath ran across my face. Mine, on the other hand, was stuck in my throat unable to get out.
I closed my eyes waiting for his warm lips to touch mine.
A phone rang loudly and made me jumped back. I opened my eyes to see an angry looking Jacob standing straight once more. From being only inches away we were now a couple feet from each other.
Jacob reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone that lit up and rung loudly. Why couldn’t it have been on silent?
Jacob looked at the screen and then back up at me. “Sorry but can I take this?”
I nodded smiling trying to push away the awkward feeling that built up in my gut. Jacob smiled but I could tell it was forced. I don’t know what made him so angry all of a sudden.
He turned around and opened the phone putting it up to his ear. “Hello.” I heard him say but then tuned out his talking by turning around.
The burn in my cheeks was almost unbearable. Hopefully the breeze from the ocean would cool me off.
I looked everywhere and anywhere to think about anything other than what just happened… or I should say what almost happened.
Was I really about to kiss him? I mean we were leaning towards each other and it really felt like we were about to kiss but I don’t know. It all felt so fast.
“Laney.” I heard him say from behind and I cursed feeling the hotness still on my cheeks. I put on a smile and turned around.
“Yeah?” I said happily. But my smile faded seeing the look on Jacob’s face. “What’s wrong?” I asked taking a step towards him.
He just looked down at his feet. “I need to take you home now.” He said not looking at me.
My face instantly dropped and I felt my heart sink so low I’m sure it drowned. I knew this was too good to be true. Gulping I forced myself to look at Jacob. “That’s alright. Let’s go.” I walked past him before he had a chance to look me in the eyes. I didn’t need to get tricked by the brown shine again.
The whole walk back to the car was silent. And I mean dead silent, it even seemed like the ocean went quiet with the mood. When we got to the log I didn’t give him a second glance as I pulled myself up and got myself down.
Once we were driving again I refused to look towards him so I kept my stare out the window at the trees which once again weren’t amazing anymore.
“Look, Laney, I’m really sorry…”
“I know… Jacob, its fine.” I said quickly still not looking at him.
“No it’s not fine.” He said louder and angrier. I now looked towards my lap only looking at him out of the corners of my eyes. He was gripping the steering wheel tightly and his arms were flexed showing each one of his muscles which would have been something extremely attractive if they weren’t so intimidating. “Bella called me.”
I now looked at him confused. “Bella? What does she want?” I asked. Was I supposed to check in or something? But why wouldn’t she just call my phone? Maybe something was wrong with Charlie.
“She wants to talk to me.” He sighed as if she were a pest bugging him. All this still confused me.
“About what?” I asked.
“It’s… its nothing.” He said avoiding my gaze.
I decided to drop it. Even though I felt like I knew him forever, truth was I didn’t. “Alright.” I said again looking into my lap. I had no idea how to feel about this situation. I mean at least I knew why are date- I mean hang out was cancelled, which did make me feel a little better. But the fact that it was cancelled by Bella had me confused.
She was Jacob’s best friend, maybe she didn’t want him to be with me. But Bella never seemed like that type of girl caring about who people dated. But still I felt a little hurt that my own cousin was making me feel so mixed feeling.
I then wondered why Jacob would be so angry. I decided that, that was a fair question to ask. “So why are you so angry?” I asked glancing at him.
“Cause we were about to…” He said loudly and angrily before cutting his sentence off.
I blushed and looked to my lap again knowing exactly what he was about to say.
“I mean…” He tried to save the situation but failed. “We… we were…” His voice calmed down as he searched for the right words.
My blush grew with every word that left his mouth and I thought back to our almost kiss. A smile formed on my lips.
“I’m sorry for getting angry.” He said.
I barely processed what he said because I was once again on cloud nine. He was angry because he didn’t get to kiss me. I never felt so… important before.
I nodded and looked towards him. “It’s alright.” I said actually meaning it.

Once we got back to the house I noticed Edward’s car next to Bella’s truck. I didn’t give it a second thought but Jacob seemed to get even angrier than before. His hands gripped the steering wheel so hard that I thought he was going to break it. His breathing was deep and I think he might have been trembling slightly.
“Jake?” I said worriedly putting my hand on his arm as he stopped the car and turned it off. He just glared past me and at the house.
I turned and saw Edward standing there along with Bella. He looked calm and patient as always, but Bella. Whoa I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this way.
Her arms were crossed as she stood on the porch and glared right back at our car. What made her so angry?
As soon as we opened the doors Bella swiftly walked down the steps and towards us. Edward followed smoothly behind her.
I, being on the passenger side, was closest to the house and to Bella. But she wasn’t glaring at me; no she was glaring at the spot next to me.
I glanced to my side and there was Jacob standing right beside me. How the hell did he get right here so fast?
“Delaney. Jacob.” Edward said as soon as he and Bella stood in front of us. I felt more than awkward in this position.
I smiled slightly towards Edward but Jacob didn’t even give him a second glance. Well that was a lie; he gave him a death glare, but then focused back on Bella. “This better be good Bella.” He said to my cousin with venom in his voice.
I was a little scared that something was going to happen.
Bella just glared at Jacob as Edward and I stood watching like bystanders.
“Don’t you even start with me Jacob Black.” She said narrowing her eyes on him.
Uh oh… full names, never a good thing. I took a glance towards Edward who wore a smirk on his face but faded instantly.
“I can’t believe you have the nerve to show up here. And not only NOT tell me about it but go ahead and take h-”
“Bella. Your cousin.” Edward interrupted her. Now both he and Jacob were glaring at Bella, but I had no idea why.
She closed her mouth tight and then looked towards me. I was beyond confused and it was actually starting to make me angry.
“Delaney.” She spoke much softer towards me, that’s when I knew that they were going to be talking about me. I already knew what she was going to ask me next. “Could you please go inside?”
I looked at all of them and lastly Jacob who looked towards the ground sadly. Sighing I nodded and almost pushed my way past Bella and Edward.
“Wait.” Jacob called and I stopped right before the stairs. I turned and he was right next to me smiling. Man did this boy have mood swings, but I couldn’t help but be happy at seeing his smile, although the whole other situation made me very angry.
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t walk you to the door?” He gave me a stunning smile.
My angry mood disappeared at Jacob’s charm.
We walked up the steps and stood by the front door. I glanced back at Bella and Edward who were talking silently to each other. Once again I looked towards Jacob who held a warm smile while looking into my blue eyes.
“Thanks for such a great day. Really it was the best day I’ve had since being here.” I smiled; really I had nothing to compare it to but whatever.
“Well I hope I can beat it tomorrow.”
I looked at Jacob in shock as his smile grew. “What?”
“You didn’t think I was done showing you around did you? I think we’ll have to add on an extra day though for this one being cut short and all.” He gave me a goofy grin and I let out a small laugh.
“So I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Same time?” He asked.
I nodded. “That would be great.” My heart was pounding with joy.
Jacob gave me one last smile before opening the door for me. “My lady.” He bowed and gave me a cheeky grin.
I laughed and walked in. “Thank you my good gentleman.”
Once inside, with the door shut, I leant up against it with a sigh. How did this boy make me feel so good all the time? There was something about him that was easy to get along with, something in him that I was drawn too.
I heard Bella yelling and I remembered how angry she was at Jacob. Did she really not want us hanging out? I ran to the living room and peeked out the window being sure to hide myself.
Edward touched Bella’s arm and whispered something in her ear. She then turned around and looked towards the window. I gasped and ducked hoping they didn’t see me. What was it about those two that made it so hard to spy on?
Slowly I looked up and noticed Jacob and Bella getting into his car and Edward getting into his. They all drove off leaving me at this empty house.
If I weren’t so excited to hang out with Jacob tomorrow I would have been furious that they were basically talking about me behind my back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so heres the next chapter, i really hope you like it.
i need at least one comment tho! please people its killing me, idk if its good or bad or luke warm? its all bothering me.
anyway again i hope u enjoy