
Barks and Bites

The next couple days were pure bliss. Jacob and I hung out from morning till dusk.
Our second day hanging out he took me to First Beach and we walked around the sand collecting shells that I would bring home to my mom, she loved collecting shells.
He also showed me his bikes. Apparently Bella and he built them and I was surprised to learn she rode one, not so surprised though when he told me she fell off. I mean even though we weren’t the closest family I still knew Bella, she was a very clumsy person. Not saying that I wasn’t though.
While showing me his bikes he showed me some things about cars I never knew. My dad attempted to teach me but I was too young to care then. I wish I would have cause when Jacob was talking cars I felt as if he was speaking a different language.
He basically made fun of me the whole time when I tried to help him work on tuning up the bikes. But I definitely returned the favor by getting grease all over him, which ended up on me also. I never thought I would come back from Washington saying I’ve had a grease fight with someone.
One day we went down a trail to a river. It was an easy hike and we brought a lunch, well I brought one lunch. Jacob brought about four. He could really eat, but then again being his size I don’t blame him.
Anyway at the river Jacob tried to get me to swim and I explained that I couldn’t. He then again laughed at the fact I’ve lived next to an ocean for how many years and I still didn’t know how to swim.
But did me not being able to swim stop him from pulling me in. Definitely not. Instead of having a heart attack like I thought I would have, I actually felt very safe and relaxed while Jacob held me in the water. Clinging onto him for dear life was easy for many reasons too. 1st I didn’t want to drown, 2nd he was freaking hot in the freezing cold water, and 3rd… well his body was something I would gladly touch.
And yesterday Jacob took me to Port Angeles. I, to say the least, fell in love with the place. It was a small shopping town with many cute stores and local restaurants. It reminded me of my home town but a lot less people.
While there we walked from store to store along the strip and shopped. It was nice and I got couple souvenirs for mom. Then we ate lunch at this small shop and headed home for dinner.

Today was Friday and I sat downstairs starting a book I found on a shelf in the hallway. It was a mystery novel and I figured it would be a good waste of time while I waited for tonight to roll around.
Tonight Jacob was taking me to a bonfire. I was very excited when he asked me. I mean I finally get to meet the people he’s been talking about for 4 days straight and I was also hearing the legends of his people.
Also the aspect of not being alone on a Friday night was a very good feeling. I mean after the first day here I thought I’d be spending the rest of the 29 days inside wishing they’d go faster. But now that was different. I’ve seen more of Washington in these last couple days then I’d ever thought I’d see in a lifetime and I haven’t even been to Seattle.
Smiling I realized I just read a whole page without actually paying attention. I had no idea what was going on with my main character.

Once I got a couple more chapters into my book I heard the front door open and shut. I turned to see Bella walk into the entrance of the living room. She stopped when she noticed me.
Ever since that one day Bella and I haven’t said more than two words to each other. I wasn’t mad at her or anything because obviously whatever she was mad about wasn’t that big of deal because Jacob was still hanging out with me.
I could tell that something was on her mind though. Like she wanted to talk to me about something but couldn’t find the words or courage to say it.
She smiled a hello and I returned it. Quickly both our smiles dropped and we sat in awkward silence. She was staring at the couch in front of her and the whole, her wanting to say something, came to my mind.
I wasn’t one for trying to bring something up. In all I’m a very passive person but this was getting to be a little too much.
“Um Bella?” I sighed setting down my book. She looked up at me with her eyebrows raised.
I looked down trying to search for the right words before I looked back at her. “If you have anything you want to say to me, well, go ahead. I mean I won’t get mad at you or anything if that’s what you’re thinking.” Honestly I couldn’t get mad at her, one cause she’s family and two cause she’s done nothing wrong except expressed her opinion, not exactly a fault in my book.
“Um.” She said looking down like I did earlier. Then she made her way around the couch and sat down.
“Look, Delaney, you’ve been hanging out with Jacob a lot lately.” She started.
I felt a bit of a sting trying to figure out where she was going with this. I mean Jacob wasn’t too happy about her talking to him so I haven’t brought it up with him at all. But she WAS Jacob’s best friend and maybe she was sad he’s not hanging out with her anymore.
“Bella I know he’s your best friend, I would never try and take that from you.” I quickly spoke hoping she didn’t mean it that way.
“No, it’s not that.”
A breath of relief flowed through me but then again anticipation rose along with it.
“Jacob is my best friend and he’s… well he’s, complicated. And I’m not saying that you don’t know him, but do you know him well enough to be hanging out with him so much?” She asked looking into my eyes.
I looked away from her gaze and to the floor. I admit I’ve been hanging out with him a lot but since when is that a bad thing.
“Yeah we’ve been hanging out a lot, but I don’t see why we can’t?” I said softly.
“Laney, as much as I care about Jacob and his happiness, your family. And I just don’t want you to get hurt.” She said quickly.
“Hurt by what?” I was very confused. Did she think that Jacob would hurt me?
“Jacob isn’t like most guys. He’s different.” She continued.
She sighed and looked to the ground. “I can’t tell you that. Listen Laney, could you just do me a favor?”
I just looked at her waiting for her to continue.
“Don’t get too close to Jacob. Please. He needs to straighten some things out and he can’t do that if… well if you’re in the picture.”
I felt hurt by her comment for some reason. Although it still made no sense to me. “So you’re basically telling me to stay away from him?” I questioned in a more harsh voice than I intended.
She looked up at me again and I already knew that she didn’t want to agree with what I just said but did. “If you can.” She said.
What did she mean by if I could? I could stay away from anyone whom I choose and if it happened to be Jacob then I would. But I didn’t want to stay away from him, Bella did.

I got out of the shower still thinking about the conversation Bella and I had earlier that day. Thank god Charlie walked in when he did, breaking up then end of our very awkward conversation.
I still hadn’t agreed to Bella that I would stay away from Jacob. I mean I was still planning on seeing him tonight. But I had a funny feeling that whatever she was talking about with me, she already talked about with him. I’m definitely going to get some answers from him.
I put on my underwear and slipped on a pair of dark blue jeans and a long grey tank top. I started to towel dry my hair putting some product in it to help it curl a little. Then I decided to put it up in a ponytail.
I then began to put on some make up, not to much but defiantly more than normal. I did want to look somewhat decent when I met all of Jacob’s friends. I would be lying if I said I was nervous. Extremely nervous was more like it.
Along with nervous I was also extremely excited. This made me tremble and made it very hard to put on eyeliner.
Once done with makeup I grabbed onto the bathroom counter and looked at myself in the mirror. I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths trying to focus on the sounds of the ocean. Waves hitting the beach constantly and rhythmically. Slowly I calmed down and opened my eyes to look at myself.
This wasn’t me. Me never got excited to meet new people, me never would actually want to meet new people willingly, and especially me wouldn’t be going with a boy to meet new people.
Taking one more breath I left the bathroom and went to my room. On my bed lay a University of Washington sweatshirt that I bought in Port Angeles. I was, in fact, a Huskies fan. But that’s only because Jacob said he was. Honestly I have no idea who there rivals were.
I put on the sweatshirt and pulled down my tank top a little. I went over to my closet and grabbed a pair of black tennis shoes and some socks. After I was completely ready I sprayed myself with some perfume and walked back into the bathroom for one more look.
Deciding I was ready I went downstairs and into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.
“So what time is Jake coming?” Charlie asked coming in. Over the last couple days Charlie and I have been getting along better. This also made me feel bad because he started to talk to me more than Bella.
I think its just cause of Edward though. Bella is completely in love with the guy and Charlie absolutely hates it. But he loves Jacob all because of Billy, his best friend, and Jacob’s dad. Plus Charlie gets along with pretty much everyone on the reserve.
“He should be here any minute.” I said looking at the clock. It was a couple minutes past 8.
“And when will you be home?” He asked as he searched the fridge for food. Bella was the cook in the house but whenever she was gone I would try and make something for us. But tonight both of us were going out leaving Charlie home alone.
I smiled at Charlie who tried to act as if he was making casual conversation but was actually letting his father side slip out. I didn’t mind though. Growing up without a dad was hard so I appreciate his fatherly actions. Even Billy, when he tells us to be careful or have fun or asks us when we’ll be back. Jacob gets annoyed sometimes but I take it as a sign of care.
“I don’t know… When the stories are over I guess.” I shrugged leaning against the counter as Charlie grabbed some leftovers and unwrapped them.
“Well alright. Just check in when you get home ok.” He said giving me a look.
I smiled. “Will do Uncle Charlie.”
He smiled and then put the food in the microwave.
The doorbell rang and I felt my heart start to race. “I’ll see you later.” I said all too happily as I walked out the kitchen.
“Be careful.” Charlie called as I opened the front door.
Jacob stood in a skin tight black muscle t-shirt and a pair of dark blue ripped shorts. He smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth, when he saw me.
I smiled also when I looked into his now dark brown eyes. He looked amazing. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster the more I looked at him and his muscles.
“You ready?” He asked.
I nodded unable to work words past my lips.
I walked out the door shutting it behind me and followed him to his… motorcycle. If fact the same motorcycle that I helped tune up
My eyes widened in shock as we walked up to it. I stopped a couple feet away and Jacob glanced over at me right before getting on. “What’s the matter?” He asked concerned.
I looked at him with wide eyes and then pointed at the bike. “We’re riding that?”
He chuckled a little and looked at it and then back at me. “Well I figured since we fixed them up a little we might as well try them out. She runs smoothly.” His hand slid up and down the seat and I gulped.
“No, no, no. If I touched it, that thing isn’t safe.” It probably is the most dangerous thing on the road.
Now he laughed. “Aw come on Laney. I promise you its fine. I even brought you a helmet.” He said as he held out a black old fashioned helmet to me.
I took it but kept staring at the bike uneasily.
Jacob got on and started it up. It made a loud revving noise and then purred. He scooted up and looked at me.
“Hop on.” He said glancing at the spot behind him.
I took a couple steps forward but stood next to the bike. My legs refused to go any further.
I looked up from the black seat and to Jacob whose brown eyes looked deeply into my blue ones. My breath caught in my throat as he stared at me intensely. “I promise nothing will happen to you.”

I don’t know if it was the way he said it, or the way he looked into my eyes while he said it. Either way, just because of him and his stupid promises, I was now on the back of Jacob’s motorcycle holding onto him as if my life depended on it.
“Hold on.” I heard him say as we turned onto the highway going much faster than in the residential area. I don’t know why he told me to hold on because I was already hugging him as tight as ever.
I pushed the side of my face into Jacob’s extremely hot back, which felt very nice with the cold air whipping by us. My eyes were shut tight, I was too afraid to look at the world passing by us in a blur.
When we went around a corner I scooted even closer to Jacob then I could have imagined. My hands gripped his shirt.
His chest moved up and down as he chuckled by my actions. Ya I bet he’s never had to ride in the back, I thought bitterly.
I felt one of his hands rest on mine. He stroked my skin softly instantly relaxing me. I loosened my grip and took a deep breath feeling the cold air burn my lungs in the most soothing way.
Suddenly I realized Jacob was holding the bike with one hand. “Jacob Black you better grab that handle right now.” I scolded loudly over the sound of the wind and the bike.
He chuckled again and I felt his hot hand disappear from over mine.

After awhile we started to slow down again and I built up the courage open my eyes.
I didn’t really recognize the area. I figured the bon fire would be on First Beach.
“Jake.” I said loudly.
“Ya?” He turned his head slightly in my direction.
“Where we going?”
“To Sam and Emily’s place. The bon fire is at the beach off there house.” He said taking another turn.
Now we were headed down a dirt road and I saw lights from house through the trees and the night sky.
Jacob stopped abruptly making me close my eyes again. When I opened them again I saw the house the light was coming from.
Just over a small hill I saw an orange glow along with the night sky. I heard faint laughter and the beach waves in the distance.
Jacob turned off the bike and I let go of him and got off. My legs felt spread out like I’ve been riding a horse for hours. I heard a chuckle and turned to see Jacob smiling at me.
“You’ll get use to it.” He laughed and I just glared while I took off the helmet and set it on the seat.
Being away from Jacob made the night air feel extra cold. I guess that’s the downside of hanging out with someone who’s so hot all the time.
He walked around the bike and both of us began to walk towards the house.
I looked at the old looking place. It was very charming. Its paint was yellow and chipped and the shutters barely hung on the windows. Yet the glow from the inside made it feel warm and cozy.
I took in a breath and along with salty air I smelt something utterly delicious. Looking at Jacob he smiled. “That’s Emily’s cooking. Her food tastes amazing.”
I nodded and smiled.
The front door was like a sliding glass door that was already opened. We walked up the porch steps and into the small dining area. The smell now hit me ten fold and I swear my mouth started to water.
But when I walked in I expected to see tons of people and be extremely nervous. Well I was nervous but there was no one.
“They all must be down there already.” Jacob said.
Suddenly a door to another room opened and out walked a girl sliding on a jacket. Her eyes lit up and a smile formed on her face when she spotted us standing just inside the front door.
“Jacob, it’s about time you got here.” She said walking into the kitchen. Her eyes went from Jacob’s to mine and I just smiled and looked to the ground. I tried incredibly hard not to stare because no matter how pretty she may be she had three long scars down her face.
Trying to focus on something other than the scars I scanned through my head the many names Jacob has given me the last couple days. Was it Erika… no. Elisabeth… no.
“And this must be Delaney.” She smiled and I looked up as she walked towards us.
She held out her hand and I smiled taking it. “Nice to finally meet you Delaney. I’m Emily.” Emily! That’s it. So she was the amazing cook.
“Nice to meet you too.” I smiled letting go of her hand.
“Is everyone already down there?” Jacob asked as Emily went back to the kitchen to grab a big bowl full of salad. That was a lot of salad.
“Yeah you guys are the last to arrive. Do you think you could help me carry these bowls out there?” She asked with a polite smile as she walked towards us carrying the big bowl.
“Sure, sure.” Jacob said as we made our way past her and to 2 more bowls of salad. Holy crap that’s a lot of food!
Both Jacob and I grabbed a bowl and followed Emily towards, what I’m sure was the beach.
“So Delaney.” Emily started.
“You can call me Laney.”
She smiled making me smile a little. I was already starting to like Emily. She seemed very kind. “Laney.” She said and then continued. “How long are you in Washington for?”
My heart sank thinking about when I would be leaving. I tried not to let my face show how much I disliked that question but I think Emily could tell how my face dropped slightly. “Just a couple more weeks.” I answered lowly.
“Well then I guess your just gonna have to come over as much as possible then. I mean I just met you and I wouldn’t want you leaving until I get to know you.” She gave an encouraging smile trying to change the subject.
I smiled and glanced at her and then Jacob who walked behind us. He looked down at the bowl he was carrying with a sad face.
I slowed down until I was walking next to him. I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong but then was interrupted.
“JACOB!” Someone screamed and I looked in the direction of the fire seeing tons of guys Jacob’s size standing around it.
Two of them were walking towards us and one was walking towards Emily. I recognized Sam who grabbed Emily’s bowl from her and set it on a table full of food.
Jacob and I copied setting our bowls on the table also.
“Hey so is the girl you can never stop thin- talking about!?” One asked coming up to Jacob and wrapping his arm around his shoulder. They both were looking at me, Jacob with a caring small smile and the other with a huge grin as he eyed me up and down.
I smiled and looked towards my feet.
Another guy came up and stood on the other side of Jacob so now three boys were standing and staring at me. Thank god it was dark cause a blush was definitely forming on my cheeks.
“Guys, this is Delaney. Delaney, this is Quil and Embry.” He nodded to Quil who had his arm over him and Embry who stood on the other side.
“Nice to finally meet the famous Laney. I can call you Laney right?” Quil spoke taking his hand from Jacob’s shoulder and holding it out to me.
I nodded and grabbed onto his hand. His hand was just as hot as Jacob’s. What was with these boys? “Nice to meet you too. Jake’s told me a lot of stories about you all.” I said with a giggle.
“Oh god well don’t believe him if he’s ever said that he’s the ladies man of the group.” Embry said laughing and earning a punch in the arm from Jacob.
Embry then held out his hand for me. “Embry Call at your service.”
I smiled and shook his hand. His was also hot. “Nice to meet you.” I said with a smile.
He then pulled me a little closer as if to whisper something to me. “If you ever need help putting Jake in his place just give me a call.” He winked and I laughed. “I don’t want to brag but I could kick his ass for you any day.”
I laughed more letting go of Embry’s hand and covering the smile on my mouth.
“Wait a minute.” Jacob said glaring at Embry. “Who are you kidding?”
“Yeah Jacob’s right Embry. We all know I’d whip both your guy’s ass.” Quil said interrupting Jacob.
Jacob then glared at him.
“What the hell are all you talking about?” Another guy spoke coming up beside me. He draped his arm around my shoulder and I felt the heat radiate off his body. All these guys had two things in common, hot and huge.
“Hey baby, my names Paul. Now where did Jake find a pretty little thing like you?” He joked and I smiled.
“Paul…” I heard Jake… growl? I looked towards him and now he was really glaring at Paul while everyone else was all smiles.
“Didn’t ya hear Paul? She’s from the sunshine state. California!” This other guy came up on other side of me holding a soda in his hand.
“That’s Florida stupid.” Embry laughed. “The dummy here is Jared. Just tune him out, we all usually do.”
Jared frowned and glared at Embry. I laughed and tried to shrug Paul’s arm off before Jacob ripped it off. Right now he was staring at Paul’s arm like an enemy.
“So I have one question for ya?” Paul leaned towards me and I looked at him waiting for his question.
“You got any sisters?” They all chuckled and little and I shook my head.
“No.” I said. None that he can have anyway.
“Yeah but aren’t you cousins with that Bella girl.” Quil pointed to me.
Jared and Paul both eyed me instantly. Oh great here it comes.
“Your Bella’s cousin?!” They both said together looking at me as if I were crazy. I just nodded and blushed.
“Well isn’t that weird.” Jared said.
“Weird, I think it’s hilarious.” Paul said laughing as he looked at Jacob. Jacob was no longer glaring at Paul but looking uncomfortable talking about this subject. All the boys continued to comment about my relation with Bella and laugh.
“Guys leave the poor girl alone.” Emily scolded and they all looked towards her. “Can’t you see your crowding the poor girl?”
They all looked and noticed there was a circle and I was basically the center if Paul didn’t have his arm around me.
“Come on its time to eat.” Sam said already grabbing a plate along with Emily.
In only a second all the boys were grabbing plates and piling on the food.
I went to stand at the back of the line with a smile.
“Hey you must be Delaney right?” I heard a light voice behind me and turned around. There stood a girl about my age. I smiled. “Yeah and you are?”
“My names Kim.” She said holding out her hand. “Welcome to our little club.”
“Club?” I questioned shaking her hand and moving forward in the line.
“Yeah well when you’ve been around as long as I have you’ll realize that all these people are the people you’ll see around most. These boys are always hanging out with each other.”
I raised an eyebrow not really understanding what she meant. I’m guessing it was like a high school crowd. The same people always hanging out and stuff. Was I now part of the group?
I smiled thinking about actually being part of something. Even in California I only had one close friend and we weren’t even that close. Other than that I mingled but only in school when I had to.
But here was different. Ever since I met Jacob things have been different. I was never used to different and yet I found myself enjoying much more than I would have expected.
Finally I got my food and saw Jacob sitting on a log next to a guy I didn’t know. Now this guy looked a lot like the rest but a bit smaller.
Jacob caught my gaze and waved for me to come sit next to him.
Once I sat down Embry sat next to me with a smile. All the guys were stuffing there face with food while everyone else ate at a normal, slower pace.
“Laney this is Seth. Seth this is Delaney.” Jacob said leaning back so I could see the boy sitting next to him.
Seth set down his fork and swallowed a big mouth full of food. He then held out his hand in front of Jacob.
“Nice to meet you… Laney?” He questioned.
“That’s what most people call me.” I smiled shaking his hand. “It’s nice to meet you too Seth.”

Once we were all done eating, which took about an hour with all the boys getting seconds and thirds. Seriously they ate like elephants.
Billy showed up along with more ‘elders’, as Jacob told me, to tell the legends. I sat in my seat between Jacob and now Seth waiting for them to start.
I heard Jacob yawn and then felt heat against my back. Glancing over at Jacob I noticed how he moved so he was leaning slightly back and his arm was set behind me.
I leant a little into him not only for the warmth but I felt like I was drawn closer to him. I mean Seth was just as warm and right next to me also but something about Jacob made me desire to be closer.
Billy began to tell the legends of the people I started to focus more on him and less on Jacob… if that were possible.

Once the stories were over I sat there looking at Billy in aw. Everything he just told us painted a picture in my head and seemed to come to life.
Werewolves and cold ones, which Jacob told me, were vampires. It all seemed so magical.
“So did you like it?” Jacob whispered into my ear.
I blushed and nodded as I looked down at my feet feeling Jacob’s body up against my side and his mouth next to my ear. His breaths went down my neck sending shivers of delight through my body.
“Laney you should come with us tomorrow.” Seth said from beside me.
Jacob now leaned away and looked at Seth too.
“Where are you guys going?” I asked Seth and glanced at Jacob who was smirking.
“Were going to the cliffs.” Seth said grinning at me.
“Wait is that the same cliff you took me to?” I turned to look at Jacob.
“Not the same one but the one we’ll be going to is similar.” He answered.
I remembered how gorgeous the whole thing was and I also remembered are ‘almost’ kiss. Thinking about it made me smile and I decided returning to the cliffs would be a very nice idea.
“Yeah I’d love to come.” I turned to Seth and he smiled widely.
“Seth lets go.” A girl said walking by us and kept going without giving us a second glance. Seth rolled his eyes with a grunt. “Alright, alright. I’m coming.”
“Who was that?” I asked Jacob.
“That’s my sister, Leah. I would avoid her if I were you.” Seth answered before Jacob could. He then got up and started to walk away but then turned around swiftly. “Oh and don’t forget your swimsuit.” He called and then continued to leave.
“Swimsuit?” I questioned looking over at Jacob.
He smiled and got up. “You’ll see.” He looked down at me and held out his hand.
I took it and I didn’t expect him to pull me up so hard but he did and I stumbled towards him. Luckily he caught me with his arm holding me to his chest.
I looked up at Jacob who had a sly smile on his lips. His brown eyes looked like honey with the glow of the fire and I only got caught deeper in them.
My breath came out short and the heat between us rose to unimaginable temperatures. While I was starting up into his eyes I knew blush burned on my cheeks but again the feeling of being unable to look away came back to me.
His arms tightened around me slightly and I noticed that his chest muscles were right up against me. I let my eyes wander down his body and then quickly snapped them back to his eyes. He grinned evilly at me and I couldn’t help but smile a little.
I then noticed how beautiful he actually was. His tan skin looked shiny and perfectly smooth in both day and night. His hair was always so glossy and soft looking. I always had the urge to run my fingers through it. And his smile. His smile was something that I could live with for the rest of my life. His teeth were sparkly white and when his lips would move over then I had urges to kiss him.
That certain urge was making its way through my body right now actually.
My lips parted a little and I noticed his eyes glance down at them. They then wandered down my body and to where our chests were touching.
“If your not going to make the move Jake then get out of the way cause I’ll sure do it.” Paul yelled and made all the guys start laughing.
This time instead of suddenly pulling away we just slowly parted as if we were separating something not meant to separate.
Jacob then turned his head towards Paul with a glare. “Shut up Paul!” He yelled towards him.
“Aw come on Jake we were only kidding.” Jared said again all them laughing.
I smiled at them but Jacob seemed sick of there jokes.
“Maybe you were but I sure as hell wasn’t.” Paul laughed again. “Hey Laney if you get tired of Jake over there you can come on over here.”
“That’s it.” Jacob said angrily starting to walk towards Paul.
Paul grinned like he has been waiting for this all night.
I quickly jogged and grabbed Jacob’s wrist trying to stop him. But he basically pulled me till he was right in front of Paul. Both were glaring at each other with there chests out and fist clenched. Jacob had his teeth gritted and glare burning into Paul, while Paul had a wicked grin and devilish eyes focused on Jacob.
“One more joke Paul, I swear one more joke.” Jacob growled.
“Or what Jake, you gonna beat me up?” He mocked. “You know, first it was Bella you were fighting for but now it’s her cousin? Are you trying to work up there family tree or something? Whose next, huh, Charlie?” Paul laughed.
What did he mean by first Bella?
“I said shut it!” Jacob shoved Paul who stumbled backwards.
Jared, Embry, and Quil all backed away as Paul quickly took a few steps and was inches from Jake now glaring at him with fire in his eyes.
“Laney.” Jared said trying to get me to step away from Jacob.
“Laney come here.” Kim said from beside Jared but I ignored them both.
Jacob and Paul were both taking deep breaths and like the other day when Jacob got upset, they started to tremble.
“It always has to be her Jacob. It’s like you can’t do anything unless your part of her life in some way. Even if it means breaking pack rules.” Paul said pushing Jacob further into anger and stepping closer to him.
“It’s not like that.” Jacob growled, and put his arm in front of me, slowly he pushed me behind him so now part of his body and arm was blocking me from Paul.
“Oh its not? Well I guess your right, considering the girl right next to you isn’t her. I mean I have to give you credit though, I never would have thought of using Bella’s cousin in order to get closer to her.” Paul said.
My heart stopped at his words. What did he mean? Was he serious? Jacob was… using me.
My head became light and fuzzy. My world started to spin around me.
“No!” Jacob yelled. Again shoving Paul back but this time walking towards him. “You don’t know what you’re talking about Paul!”
Jacob was now feet from me as he and Paul continued to yell at each other. Each second that passed made it harder and harder to breath. I tried taking in big breaths but it didn’t work.
I tried to move but only stumbled and landed on my knees. In and instant Embry was at my side. Along with Kim who tried to talk to me but I couldn’t understand either of them.
This is what Bella was talking about. She must have known what Jacob felt for her. She must have known he’d use me. But why wouldn’t she tell me?
I looked up holding my head to see Quil and Jared trying to calm the yelling Paul and Jacob.
Everything happened so fast after that.
Sam and Emily came running out from there house. Emily stepped into my view of all the boys as she tried to get me to talk.
“Laney honey. Can you hear me? Laney you need to get up.” She said grabbing my shoulders.
Her voice didn’t compare to the booming voice of Sam’s though.
“Paul! Jacob! I’m ordering you to stop fighting right now!” But there screaming was still heard in the background.
“Emily get her out of here now!” Sam yelled towards us.
“Kim, help me.” Emily said as she went to the side Embry was no longer at. I realized now I was hyperventilating as Kim and Emily lifted me up.
I wrapped each arm around their shoulders and tried to be aware of my surroundings.
“No!” Sam screamed. And then I heard dreadful ripping sounds that made me look in the direction of the boys.
Except I didn’t see what I thought I was going to see, which was Jacob and Paul yelling at each other or even hitting each other.
No, I saw two large wolves attacking each other. Barks and bites were heard over everything, even Sam’s yelling which I noticed was directed towards the wolves.
I looked to see Jacob’s face. Anywhere I just wanted to see his smiling face and warm eyes looking at me but instead I saw a huge russet wolf with big brown eyes glance at me before attacking the grey wolf.
Everything started to get dark and I felt Emily and Kim start to struggle with my full weight as they basically dragged me along the sand.
My head got heavier and heavier and finally my knees completely gave out and I was slowly dropped towards the ground. The last thing I saw was Emily leaning over me yelling for Sam and the others, before I blacked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so this is a long chapter and i really hope i wrote it well.
anyway thanks 4 subscribing and reading and thanks 4 the comment, Fighting.An.Eclipse
im glad u like the story :)
i hope to hear from more of u! really tell me what u think, good or bad.
comment pretty please