
Werewolves Exist

My head has never felt so heavy before. Every part of my body was tingling like my limbs have fallen asleep and haven’t moved for a long time.
I felt something cold and moist on my forehead and started to hear faint talking.
I fluttered my eyes open and sat up groaning as my head weighed about a thousand pounds. A wet cloth fell from my forehead and landed in my lap. I picked it up and set it on the bed.
Looking around the dark room I didn’t recognize anything. Whose bed was I in?
Whose room?
I moved my legs over the edge of the bed so I was sitting on it and glanced around the room once more. My eyes finally adjusted to the dark and I could make out objects and such. I then realized I wasn’t wearing my sweat shirt anymore. Where did it go?
I looked towards the door where the voices were coming from and saw a stream of light from under it.
Looking to my side I saw a desk by the bed. On the desk were a lamp, a clock, and a frame with a picture.
I picked it up and squinted trying to make out the two people.
It was Sam and Emily. He was holding her from behind while she smiled brightly. They were standing next to this house with a ‘for sale’ sign that had ‘sold’ written across it.
So I was still at Sam and Emily’s.
I stood up. My legs wobbled a bit but soon I got used to all my normal abilities.
Looking towards the door I gulped. What if Jacob was still out there? What if Paul was?
It didn’t take much to connect that they were related to the huge wolves that were fighting on the beach. But something didn’t make sense, why did I feel like I knew they were wolves? Suddenly I remembered the stories Billy told only moments before I passed out.
So they were true. The things about there people turning into wolves is all true. I wonder what else was true?
I shook my head a little. What was I thinking? I should be scared out of my mind right now? I mean the guy I hung out with was a werewolf. That sentence should have freaked me out.
And don’t get me wrong. It did. But not as much as it should have. Honestly it felt like something I already knew. I mean after the legends and the way these guys are all freakishly strong and incredibly hot. Well that’s just not normal stuff. But wait, does that mean more of them are… wolves.
I’m already betting Sam was. He was, after all, ordering them to stop fighting.
Wait… was Emily one? Or Kim? They weren’t hot when I touched them, but maybe that’s a boy wolf thing?
Hell, the whole reservation could be wolves. Even Billy? I bet he doesn’t even need that wheel chair.
I sat there letting myself take in everything I just learned. Well everything I thought I learned. Surprisingly it was a lot easier than expected.
But then I remembered what Paul was saying. He was yelling at Jacob about him trying to get closer to Bella by using… me.
This was even more upsetting than the wolf thing.
I just didn’t know why Bella didn’t tell me right away… wait, maybe she was afraid of Jacob. If she knew about the wolf thing then maybe she was afraid he’d… eat her.
I gulped at the thought and then realized my situation. I was in a house with werewolf’s right outside the door. They may have eaten dinner to last them a week but whose to say they didn’t want desert. Maybe I’m desert.
I instantly stood up and looked around for my nearest exit. I wasn’t about to be dog chow. I saw a window and quickly ran by the bed and to it.
The floor boards squeaked under me but I don’t think it was loud enough for them to hear.
I looked around for lock, my fear making it hard to concentrate, and then I found the little latch.
I opened it slowly noticing how it made a loud screeching sound as I did. Just a little further and I could squeeze out.
“Laney, dear, what are you doing?” I heard Emily asked from behind me.
I turned around instantly a dropped my hands behind my back. “I… I was…” I glanced behind me at the open window. “Uh…” Quick Delaney think! “I was trying to get some fresh air.” I said quickly then smiled. “My heads still dizzy and I figured fresh air would do me good.”
Emily eyed me worryingly.
I just smiled wider. “Well I’m still a bit out of it so I’m gonna get some more sleep if you don’t mind. You should come back and check on me in an hour or so… or never.” I said the last part more to myself.
Emily again looked at me confused. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” I answered quickly.
“Maybe you should have a glass of water? You look pale.” She said sweetly.
I forced a smile. Playing nice must be how she lures the victims in.
Sam then walked in the room standing behind Emily. I looked at him in fear; he was bigger than I remembered. I swear to god he wasn’t that big before.
“Laney.” He said calmly and in a deep voice. “We need to talk to you.”
I gulped after hearing those words come from his mouth. We all stood in silence and I swear my heart beat was the only noise. They stood still waiting for me but I just stood still from pure shock and fear.
Sam finally moved. “Come with me.” He said and I couldn’t help but obey as much as I didn’t want to. Emily stood till I was right behind her when walking out of the room.
I looked around and saw everyone from the incident. Jared who sat on the couch with Kim laying down on the couch her head in his lap.
Embry and Quil who sat at two of the chairs at the table. Paul who sat at an end chair and who turned around to look at me. And finally there was Jacob, who sat at the other end chair facing me.
My eyes glued to his brown ones and for some reason I felt safe already.
All was quiet as we came into the room. Sam walked over to the kitchen and sat at a bar stool. Emily joined him, standing by his side.
“Laney why don’t you sit down.” Sam suggested and instantly Jacob stood from his seat. It would have made more sense to take Paul’s seat considering he was closest to me but I instead walked all the way around the table and sat lightly on Jacob’s chair. If worst comes to worse I was ready to bolt out of there.
“Jacob would you get her a glass of water.” Emily asked.
“I’m fine.” I spoke lightly but Jacob went to the kitchen and got one anyway. He set it down in front of me looking into my eyes the whole time. He looked nervous, scared even.
What the hell does he have to be scared about?! I was the one I danger here!
“Laney.” Sam said sternly when Jacob backed away from me by two steps. They were all acting as if I was the monster here. I mean every eye was watching my movements.
“Do you remember anything before you passed out? If you do you need to tell us what.” Sam spoke and instead of looking into his stern brown eyes I looked into Emily’s soft ones. I was comforted by her gaze but still it was all too much.
Looking into my lap I closed my eyes and nodded. “I remember.”
If it could get any quieter in the room it did. All was silent except for breaths being taken and the ticking of the clock on the wall.
Sam shifted in his seat and spoke with a lesser stern voice. “What do you remember?”
“Ev-everything.” I stuttered. I could feel my body shaking from being scared out of my mind.
“I need you to tell me exactly what happened. From when the stories ended.” He said.
I didn’t want to say it. I didn’t want it to be real. I just wish I could go back to California. This is why I don’t like trying new things; this is why I stayed in my shell with my mom. She never made me scared or uncomfortable.
I could feel tears coming to my eyes and I tried desperately to hold them back. I missed her so much and I wanted her here. She would tell Sam to go away and stop asking me questions. She would yell at Jacob for using me. She would make everything better.
“Delaney.” I heard him say.
I let out a shaky breath and tears began to leak from my eyes. Thankfully my head was down so no one could see. But when they started to slide down my cheeks and drip onto my hands is when Emily spoke up.
“Sam.” She said softly. “Let’s not do this tonight. She’s been through enough.” I knew she noticed the tears. Anyone who could see my face noticed them. Luckily Jacob was behind me.
Sam spoke only to Emily but everyone could hear him. “We have to know what she knows.”
“She told you she remembered everything.” Emily sort of whined.
“That’s not enough, her everything and our everything could be different.” He said a bit angrier.
“But Sam, whether she knows now or not doesn’t matter. She’s Jacob’s impr-”
“That’s not enough Emily. She’s not only just heard the stories tonight but she doesn’t even live around here. She’s going back to California in a matter of days.”
This thought calmed me but also somewhere deep down broke my heart. The part of my heart that was a hole when Jacob was gone and was full of life when he was near.
More tears started to leak more knowing that, even if I lived here. Jacob would never be with me. He would always want to be with Bella. But she was with Edward, how could Jacob not see that she loves him.
The events from the last couple days flowed through my mind. None of it felt like a lie. Every smile and laugh, every story and conversation. I thought it was all real. That I was really connecting with someone and they connected back. I was starting to like Jacob Black and he was just using me.
I let out a sob but quickly covered my face; I was too embarrassed to see anyone.
My nose was runny and salty tears swelled my lips. I was shaking while my head was buried in my hands. Every breath I took you could clearly tell I was crying.
“I’m sorry Delaney but we need to know.” Sam spoke now to me.
“Sam.” Emily again said softly.
“Delaney.” Sam ignored her getting impatient.
“Stop.” I heard Jacob say angrily. I felt a warm hand against my back reassuringly and I didn’t need to look up to know it was Jacob.
As much as I hated to admit it, his warmth was comforting and I found myself wanting more of it.
“Stop it right now. Leave her alone.” Jacob said as he knelt down till he was at my level.
“Laney, babe, its ok. Please, stop crying.” His voice was gentle and he wrapped his arm around me and let his hand rub my back gently. His other hand came up to my hands and tried to move them away from my face.
“Shh, its ok baby. I’m here; I promise I won’t ever leave you.” He whispered into my ear while pulling my hands away from my face.
“Jacob.” I said my voice very scratchy from crying. I slid off the seat and wrapped my arms around him letting him easily lift me up.
I was standing straight but barely on my feet as he held most my body weight. I cried into his chest burying my face into his warmth trying to get away from these nightmares. Even though he was one.
I shivered a little at the thought and his arms wrapped around my back tightly, pulling me into him more.
His hand came up and stroked my hair that at some point wasn’t in its ponytail anymore.
“I’m here.” He whispered into my ear. His voice and words started to chase away my fears.
“We’re leaving now.” Jacob said to Sam.
“Jacob.” Sam said sternly getting up off his seat. “We need to kn-”
“Look at her Sam.” Jacob said raising his voice which startled me. He squeezed me tighter and stroked my back a little. “You really think she’d be acting like this if she didn’t know anything?”
“Jacob’s right Sam.” Emily spoke.
Sam sighed. “Fine, but tomorrow we’re talking.” I could feel his gaze burning into me. I just wanted to run out of there with Jacob.
“Be careful Jacob.” Emily said and Jacob nodded before leaning down towards my ear again.
“Let’s go babe.” He whispered as one of his arms unwrapped themselves from my back.
I turned away from them all without a goodbye and walked out the door wiping tears from my eyes and Jacob’s arm wrapped around my shoulder.
Seeing the bike didn’t make me feel any better, I wasn’t really in the mood to ride all the way back to Forks on that thing.
“How bout you ride up front.” Jacob said grabbing the helmet and putting it on my head.
I sniffled and tightened the strap.
“Isn’t it dangerous like that?” I asked again with a scratchy voice. Tears still leaked out of my eyes but that’s what I get for not crying in such a long time.
“Only if you go high speeds or if you’re riding a long way.” He said sitting on the bike this time scooting back so I could sit up front.
I got on the bike and glanced back. “Can you see?” I asked.
He smiled and scooted up towards me. I felt a blush creep onto my already reddened and moist cheeks as Jacob’s chest came in contact with my back. He rested his chin on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me grabbing onto the handles. “I can see just fine.” He chuckled and then started the bike.

Once again we went up the dirt road and out onto the main street. I got nervous not being able to really hold onto anything so I started to scoot back closer to Jacob.
I fully slid between his legs trying not to think about anything but my bed when I get home.
“Put your hands on the bars.” He said into my ear.
I looked towards his hands that he lifted a little for me to slide my hands under his. I did as told and I felt as if I was driving it.
I smiled slightly. The front was much better than the back. Seeing the road go whooshing past you, feeling the wind blow into your face, everything seemed so extreme. It was amazing.
Jacob then turned us off onto an unfamiliar road. I turned my head a little.
“Where are we going?” I almost yelled.
“My house.” I thought I heard him say but soon enough we were pulling into Jacob’s driveway which confirmed what I thought.
“What are we doing?” I said as Jacob got off the bike he parked next to the garage.
“Well you need to get to bed.” He said taking off my helmet as I sat on the bike and stared up at him, sometimes he treated me like a child.
“No, I mean why are we here? Charlie is going to wonder where I am.” I said thinking about the last time I checked the time. For all I knew it could be early in the morning.
“Emily called him.” Jacob said as he put the helmet down on the seat behind me. “She told him you fell down and hit your head pretty hard. She didn’t even need to suggest that you should stay at her house for the night, he said it would be best if you did.”
I sat there for a minute trying to think about everything he just said. So Charlie thinks I’m at Emily’s but she let me come to Jacob’s. Alright.
I got off the bike and followed Jacob into his house. Quietly we walked down the hall and into his room. Once there he shut his door and began to look around through the clothes that lay everywhere.
I stood awkwardly not knowing what to do.
“Here, put this on.” He said tossing me a pair of, hopefully, clean boxers. I held them up and looked at him.
“Boxers? Really?”
“It’s the only thing I got that would even remotely fit you. My shorts would probably go down to your ankles.” He said turning around and looking through his clothes once more.
I looked down at my legs and then back at him. “I’m not that short.” I protested.
He just chuckled. “Sure, sure. Just put them on.”
I looked around for a place to change but there was nothing. Looking back at Jacob I saw him taking off his shirt.
I froze looking at his back muscles flex with each movement he made. His tan skin made every inch of him look all the more stunning and seeing his boxers just a little before his shorts started made my heart pound in my chest. Jacob was definitely gorgeous.
Blushing I turned around and tried to focus on anything other than him.
“Don’t look.” I said while glancing back at him. He was once again looking through his clothes.
“Ok.” I heard him say.
Turning back towards the door I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. I slid them down and put them neatly over the end of his bed frame. Then I slipped on the huge boxers that almost went down to my knees. The fabric was soft and felt wonderful against my skin.
“Done.” I said turning around noticing that Jacob wore basketball shorts now instead of jean shorts. Still t-shirtless I might add.
“So where am I going to sleep.” I said looking around his small room.
“In the bed of course.” He said as if it were obvious.
“But where are you going to sleep then?”
“In the bed of course.” He repeated.
I looked at him in shock as my heart stopped. Then a smirk formed on his lips.
“Kidding.” He said laughing a bit.
My mouth dropped and I glared at him while walking towards the bed and lying down with an angry huff.
“Not funny.” I said, although I smiled when I thought he couldn’t see.
Jacob found a blanket and moved enough clothes to make a spot for him on the ground. I gave him the second pillow that lay on his bed while trying to get comfortable.
“You sure you wanna sleep on the ground? I mean I don’t mind.” I asked one last time.
“Naw. You need your rest; you’ve been through a lot tonight.” He said and I regretted even asking him. I almost forgot about tonight. The thought of it brought tears to the edges of my eyes.
“Jacob?” I asked trying to sound regular.
“Hm?” He sounded sleepy.
“Was Paul telling the truth?” I asked instantly wishing I could take it back. I closed my eyes while I heard Jacob’s breath catch.
“Out of everything that happened tonight your only worry is about what Paul said?” Jacob asked, humor in his voice, I don’t know what he found so funny.
I didn’t answer.
“Delaney.” Jacob said but stopped. I heard him take in a breath. “Listen, what Paul said was out of line, he knows what I actually feel for you. He knew all the things he said wasn’t true, he was just angry about what Bella said to me and I think he was trying to make you upset as of way of getting back at her. He knows that it was wrong.”
It took a moment to process everything.
“So Bella knows about… well you?” I asked hesitantly.
He sighed. “Yeah.”
“What did she say to you exactly?” I asked rolling over onto my side to look down at him.
He up looked at me and I could barely make out his brown eyes in the darkness.
“She just told me that I was too dangerous for you to be around, nothing too bad. At the time I was pissed, but now… well she might be right.” He looked away from me and towards the ceiling.
I rolled back over onto my back unable to say anything. Maybe she was right. Maybe Jacob is too dangerous to be around. Maybe I should stay away from him.
Thinking about having to stay away from Jacob made me understand what Bella meant when she said ‘if you can’. I soon was questioning myself, whether I could stay away from this boy or not.
I knew there was more to him than being a werewolf; I knew that whatever I didn’t know about him had to do with me.
“Jacob.” I said.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“Goodnight.” I said.
It was silent for a moment, as seconds passed by I laid staring at the ceiling waiting for his reply. The reply telling me that no matter what he would be there, that no matter what he would tell me goodnight even if it wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
“Goodnight Delaney.” I heard him say as I closed my eyes and sighed.
Slowly I fell asleep, my mind running through everything I learned in only a couple of days.
I met Jacob Black less than a week ago, spent pretty much everyday with him since then, and then accidentally found out he was a werewolf.
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alright so i decided 10 comments for the next update.
i hope u enjoyed the chapters so far and i really want to hear what u think.