
Make Up

A week went by and I still haven’t talked to Jacob Black.
After we went to Sam and Emily’s and I explained in grim detail about what I knew. Sam explained to me that I must never tell anyone what I knew. I agreed in hopes of getting away from all of them sooner.
I knew I hurt Jacob with the way I wouldn’t look at him as I talked to Sam. I hurt him with the way I didn’t talk to him in the car ride home. I hurt him by getting out of his car as quickly as possible and running to the front door slamming it shut behind me leaving him sitting there.
But if I looked at him, if I talked to him, and if I said goodbye, I knew I wouldn’t have been able to stay away from him.
Bella has been up to my room a couple times talking to me about what happened and telling me she was sorry. But there was something about the way she took in all I was telling her. She didn’t seem too worried about the fact werewolf’s exist. But more about what Sam told me about them and what I knew.
And once I told her every bit of information I took in, she sighed in relief but quickly covered it up. I didn’t mention it but still she acted as if I missed something important, what could be more important than the fact Jacob, her best friend, was a werewolf?
I shivered slightly thinking about the wolf I saw on the beach that night. His russet fur so silky and dark in the night sky. His enormous body that moved with such agility and speed it was like he weighed nothing.
Each bark and growl was clear in my mind and sent more shivers down my spine.
I was now in my room sitting on the bed feeling the empty hole in my heart ache. I wanted to talk to him, or just see him one more time. Even if I could hear him laugh I’d be happy.
But I was still too scared. Whether it was of the giant wolf he turned into or the fact that he might not want to see me as much as I wanted to see him now, kept me from speaking to Jacob.
I fell back with a huff letting my back hit the soft mattress and comfort me.
No matter how many times Bella told me it was better that I wasn’t with Jacob I still couldn’t help but want to be with him.
Every second that went by made me regret my fear, I mean I only had so many days left before I went back home, why was I wasting them sitting on my bed sulking. Oh yeah because the guy I want to see turns into a wild animal who could rip me to shreds. That’s why.
I felt stupid thinking that Jacob would actually hurt me.
The day he took me home I ran upstairs confused and crying, again. Bella came up as soon as she got home and when I questioned her about being afraid of Jacob she laughed and said Jacob, nor the pack, wouldn’t hurt us on purpose.
She also told me who was all in the pack. I felt even worse thinking that Emily, of all people, was going to hurt me.
Shaking my head I rolled onto my side and saw my cell phone on my nightstand.
If there was a light bulb over my head it would have lit up as I sat up and reached towards my phone.
I flipped it open and scrolled down through my contacts till I got to the name Jacob.
I sat looking at the screen for a moment. Should I text him? I mean it would make me feel better to talk to him and it would be easier than seeing him. I was still sort of scared of him.
But then again what if he’s mad at me for being so rude my last day with him? He probably wouldn’t want a girl like that texting him.
After another minute I decided one text wouldn’t hurt. If he responds then he responds. He needed to respect the fact that average people are freaked out of half man half wolf things and we need to take baby steps to start seeing each other again.


I hit send and set my phone down in my lap. It felt like minutes passed by when only seconds did. I looked towards the clock which read 10:24… he couldn’t be asleep already? Could he?
I would feel very bad if I woke him up. Ok maybe this wasn’t a good idea.
Suddenly my phone vibrated and I looked down at the front screen which said ‘New Txt Message’ while a little enveloped opened.
I opened up the phone and saw Jacobs name right above the option ‘read txt.’
I smiled and opened the message.

Hey. Havent heard from u in awhile. How r u?

I sat thinking of what I could say. I could say fine and ask him how he was, or I could be honest. Honest could get me hurt though….
Finally I started the message.

Just peachy. Did u know that life sucks without u? lol

I sent it and once again waited. I realized how bold I could be over text which probably wasn’t the best thing when it came to face to face situations.
My phone vibrated again.

Haha really? I nevr thought about it before… I guess it would suck haha.

I smiled thinking about him actually saying that.

How have you been?

Another minute went by and it vibrated.


I looked at it confused wondering what he would say.


I was excited to read it when it vibrated again.

Ive been pretty lonely without havin u around.

I gulped.


Another minute went by.


Before I could text back I got another message.

I really miss you.

I looked at the text for awhile wondering what I could say. I mean I could say I missed him a lot too without being all jokey about it or I could just change the subject all together.

I miss you too.

I sent with a shaky breath.

Im sorry.

I looked at it confused again.

For what?

For everything. U shouldnt have found out about me the way u did.

I sighed while thinking about it again. He was right about that, but it was the past. The fact was I knew now so I might as well get over it.

Well I know now, doesnt matter how I found out anymore.

I guess…

Now its my turn to say sorry.

What did u do?

Avoided you for a week which made us both miserable.

I felt really dumb now. Texting him felt so normal and easy like this whole week never happened.

Ya haha. Just dont do it again.

I smiled but then it faded thinking about when I had to leave. I won’t have a choice next time Jacob…

I dont plan to.

What r u doin?

U mean besides txting u? lol

Haha ya.

Layin on my bed, waitin for 2morro.

I knew that tomorrow I would be going to see Jacob no matter what. I was ready for this hole to be filled again.

Can I come ovr?

I reread the text just to make sure that I got it right.


Haha ya.

What about Charlie? And Bella?

…do they have to know? ;)

My eyes widened and something about that text made my heart pound and my insides burn with desire. I knew I couldn’t say no to him if I tried.

Ya I guess… but how u gonna get in without them knowin? Idk but I think Charlie is downstairs on the couch.

Haha dont worry about it. Ill c u in a few babe.


I set down my phone and ran to my dresser instantly going through my clothes and throwing them everywhere. Do I dress in decent pjs or do I dress in more… scandalous ones?
Was I really about to sneak a boy in my room? God how will my mom be able to recognize me, I basically left California one person and I will be coming back another.
I glanced out my window hoping that he wouldn’t get here too fast. I mean it took about 20 minutes or so, so I think I had enough time to decide.
Shoving my things back in my drawers I took what I was going to put on into the bathroom and locked the door.
Quickly I brushed my teeth and gargled with mouth wash. Then I retouched my makeup and took my hair out of my bun. Running my hands through it and flipping it a couple times I decided the wavy messy look would look best.
I then grabbed some peach scented lotion and ran it over my body taking off my old pjs as I did so.
Finally I slipped on my short dark blue silky-lacy shorts and the silky-lacy tank top to match. Messing with my hair more I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. There were times when I absolutely hated the guy who invented mirrors and then there were times when I realized I was a pretty hot 17 year old girl. This was the hot 17 year old type of time.
I opened the door and peaked out before running back across the hall and shutting my door quietly to not draw attention. Luckily Charlie and Bella never came in my room at night and if they did they always knocked first.
I quickly straightened up my room throwing all my dirty clothes in a pile in the closet and closing the door. I then went to my bed, after straitening out the sheets, I sat down bringing my knees up to my chest. I didn’t know whether he was going to text me or whatever.
Suddenly a small pebble hit my window making me jump.
Slowly I walked towards it seeing another small pebble hit my window. Opening it up and looking down I smiled seeing Jacob standing there… without a shirt.
My smile faded as my eyes wandered down to his chiseled chest and tan skin in the night air. My heart basically stopped in my chest.
“Keep the window open.” I heard him say.
I nodded and backed up. Using the tree Jacob easily climbed up and jumped through my window. Now that looked nearly impossible as Jacob Black standing in my room at night.
But he proved me wrong by being in my room and being able to do that.
I smiled once I looked into the same brown eyes I’ve been missing for the last couple days. He smiled once he caught my blue eyes but quickly his smile faded as he eyes wandered down my body slowly.
I followed his gaze to my body and blushed while shifting my weight from one foot to the next.
Biting my lip I looked at him as he finally pulled his gaze off of my legs and to my face again. The look in his eyes sent a chill down my spine and making me breath a bit deeper. His eyes were dark and looking into mine as if he’s never seen another girl before.
He gulped making his neck muscles ripple under his skin and I looked away from him not able to say something.
“You look…” He started but stopped.
I looked back at him seeing his eyes looking around for the right words. He looked uncomfortable and I swear I saw a blush on his cheeks. I smiled loving the fact I could affect him in such ways.
“You look… hot.” He let out a breath and I smiled even wider. The blush on my cheeks was burning and almost matched Jacob’s blush.
I looked down letting my fingers slide over the silky fabric. “Thanks… I wore it for you.” I admitted shyly not able to look up at him.
“Really?” I heard him ask in shock.
I bit my lip and nodded.
Suddenly a pair of hot hands were on my hips gripping them tightly. I gasped as Jacob pulled me close to his body and leant his head down so his breath was running down my neck and shoulder. His lips barely grazed my ears and made me shiver in delight.
“Then let’s not let it go to waste.” He said huskily into my ear.
His words and body made it impossibly hot between us. This only fueled to the hotness that pulled in my womanly area.
I realized that in a short amount of time Jacob and I went from not knowing each other to being friends, to not talking, to the point of making out at any second. I don’t know why but all that just turned me on more.
I felt his lips touch my shoulder, kissing it gently. I let out a shaky breath as his hands gripped at the fabric on my hips. His fingers barely dug into my skin and I realized my arms were still at my sides.
I let my hands rub up his strong arms feeling his heat under on my skin and touching every muscle he had to offer.
He kissed my shoulder again, but in a different spot. He continued to give my skin soft pecks as my hands rubbed up and down his arms and over his shoulder a bit.
Jacob’s lips met the soft spot right under my ear and I gripped onto his forearms while his breath ran over my ear again.
“You smell so good.” He said in a deep lust filled voice.
I let out another breath that was held in my lungs for a long time. This one came out much heavier and almost could have been a moan.
Jacob slowly leaned away from me till he was looking down into my blue eyes.
My lips parted while I stared back at him. I never have seen so much in one person’s eyes. It was like he was speaking to me through them and I could pick up everything he was saying.
My heart pound as it filled with joy and warmth from Jacob’s presence.
Jacob slowly leant down towards me. I closed my eyes and pushed up on my toes meeting him half way. Our lips met and sent chills of fire down to every inch of my body. It was like an electric shock and I never felt so much in one kiss before.
It was absolutely amazing.
Jacob started to move his lips against mine and I followed his movements meeting in all the right spots making it the most passionate kiss I’ve ever had.
One of his hands came up and grabbed the back of my throat pulling me into him and deepening our kiss. His other hand moved to the small of my back and pushed me closer to him till our bodies were touching.
I let my hands rest onto his shoulders while my finger held onto the smooth muscle.
Jacob took a small step forward and I felt him push into me increasing the heat that made my heart pound.
Along with the heat I felt something else when Jacob pushed me into him. In my mind I was going crazy wondering if I should be feeling his erection but my heart and lower section both agreed it was more than fine.
Finally I pulled away unable to breathe anymore. Jacob seemed to have no problem and let his mouth wander down to my neck again. This time kissing my skin deeply and letting his tongue run across it.
I panted trying to catch my breath as my mind became fuzzy from lack of oxygen and Jacob’s hot actions.
When he finished sucking a spot on my neck he kissed his way up my neck and to my mouth again.
We kissed again. The heat between us built with every second that passed and I let my hands start to run down his chest and to his stomach.
He sucked in his stomach feeling my fingers feather over his skin. It was so hot and moist and felt amazing. His muscles that lay under the skin were hard and each crease was a perfect chisel onto his body.
I didn’t realize how low my hand had gotten till I felt muscle that was part of his six pack and actually going down. Then I touch the denim of his shorts.
Jacob growled into my mouth and let both hands come up and grab my head pulling me into the kiss.
I let my fingers run across the denim, barely touching the skin underneath.
Again Jacob growled and I felt myself getting wet for him.
He then pulled away still holding onto my head and resting his forehead on mine. We stood there breathing deeply against each other. My hands held onto the top of his shorts while his held my head. His thumb ran up and down my cheek while his other fingers ran through my hair.
He opened his eyes and I did the same as we stared closely at each other. I loved feeling his head against mine. It made me feel relaxed for some reason.
“We need to stop.” He whispered.
I continued to breathe deeply and just parted my lips to agree. But I was unable to speak; honestly I wanted to keep going. But I knew we couldn’t.
I just nodded slightly.
We stood there exactly like that for about 5 minutes.
“That was amazing.” I said quietly, I was surprised I actually said that out loud.
I looked into Jacob’s eyes while he smiled. “Yeah it was.” He agreed. This made me smile too.
Jacob, still having his forehead against mine pushed his lips forward pecking the end of my nose like a child.
I just smiled wider and let out a breathy laugh.
“You missed.” I smiled.
He smiled too and then bent down a little so his lips pecked mine. I kissed back and one peck turned into two… and three… and then four.
By the forth one we stayed together kissing deeply. Not as deep as before but deeper than pecks.
Again we pulled away and rested our foreheads on each others.
My arms were now wrapped around his lower back holding onto him there while his did the same around me but actually being able to reach all the way around.
“I really like that.” I laughed again and he smiled.
“Well I’m glad I could be of service.”
I smiled and looked into his brown caring eyes. Now that the lust was gone they were much softer. A very warm cozy type of soft that made me feel safe and relaxed while I looked into them.
“We should get to bed.” He said.
I looked at him confused. “We?”
He grinned. “Well yeah I couldn’t go home now. It’s dark and you never know whats out there. I mean there could be lions… and tigers… and bears.” He faked fear pulling further away from me.
I laughed and leant back also. “Oh my!” I faked gasped making him chuckle.
He knew that he was the scariest thing out there. Speaking of that…
“Jacob how did you get here?”
I mean I had a feeling but I didn’t know for sure.
He looked away from me and then looked back. “Ran.” He said hesitantly. He was being gentle with the subject of his wolf stuff and I don’t blame him. I would be too.
“Do you do that a lot? You know… run in… your wolf body?” I asked trying to think of the technical term.
He chuckled hearing my choice of words. “It’s much faster than going by car or anything really. And with all the woods it’s easy to do without being seen.”
I nodded my head as he spoke.
“Plus it’s really relaxing sometimes. Well at least when you’re the only one phased.” He said as he let me go and walked over to the window and shut it.
“What do you mean?” I asked as I walked over to my bed and sat on it India style.
“Well when were in our… wolf body…” He chuckled mocking me and I just playfully glared at him. “We can hear each others thoughts.”
I looked at him confused. “You mean when you’re a wolf… and lets say Quil’s a wolf, you can hear each other think?” Wow being a wolf is complicated stuff.
“Pretty much.”
“What if you don’t want them to hear what you’re thinking?”
Jacob was now walking around my room picking up pictures I had of my mom and I in California and looking at them.
“It doesn’t work like that. We can’t pick and choose what they hear like talking. Everyone, when in wolf form, has a direct line to your thoughts. Whatever you happen to be thinking about, whether it be about what you ate for breakfast or… someone you kissed, they can hear you thinking about it.” He looked at me and I instantly blushed. So everyone is going to see our kiss!
He smiled but then frowned. “Listen, Laney, we don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want to.”
“No. It’s actually really interesting once you get past all the freaky aspects of it.” I smiled reassuringly and he eyed me before he continued to look at pictures.
“How does it work for Leah? I mean that must be hard for her, being the only girl and all.” I spoke looking down at my lap feeling bad for the poor girl.
“Wait… how did you know about Leah?” I heard Jacob asked.
I looked up and forgot about Bella telling me things also. “Oh well, Bella sorta told me some things. Nothing much though, just basically who was all a wolf and who wasn’t.” I quickly tried to protect my cousin who wasn’t a welcomed person among the wolves. Which I still didn’t get. I mean she was only trying to protect me so why would they dislike her so much.
“Who’s this?” Jacob asked holding up a picture with my sister and I. She had her arm wrapped around my shoulder while we stood right by the Tower of Terror at California Adventures.
“That’s my sister Breanne.”
Jacob nodded and put the picture down and skimmed over the rest.
I yawned as he made his way towards my bed.
“Looks like someone’s ready for bed.” He smiled standing in front of me.
“No I can stay up longer. I haven’t got to talk to you in a week. What have you been doing?” I asked my voice sounding drowsy only making Jacob chuckle.
“Besides thinking about you?” He questioned.
I smiled and blushed.
“Come on.” He said lifting up my sheets.
I crawled into them feeling the brisk coldness touch my skin and make me shiver.
“Jacob?” I asked as I sat under the covers. He looked at me waiting for me to continue.
“Could you maybe… sleep up here… with me?” I said shyly looking at my hands in my lap. I heard him laugh and then the bed shifted as he lay down next to me.
I smiled as we both got comfortable. My head lay on his shoulder while his arm wrapped around my shoulder and my arm rested on his stomach.
He pulled up the covers and I felt instantly warm with his heat covering me. My eyes got heavier and heavier until I finally closed them.
“Goodnight Jacob.” I yawned again.
He chuckled making me move up and down with his body. His hand stroked my back lightly. “Goodnight Laney.” He whispered reaching over to turn of the lamp that sat on my desk.
Slowly I drifted off to sleep with the warmth and steady breaths of Jacob right next to me.
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Alright well i didn't get the 10 comments i wanted but i never stick to those things anyway hahaha.
i hope you like this chapter and thank you to everyone who commented. please comment i really like seein them :)