
Now Vampires Exist

I felt cold and way too alone. Quickly I opened my eyes and sat up. I noticed Jacob no longer slept next to me.
“Jacob?” I questioned looking around for him.
Looking towards my window I saw a daisy lying on the sill. I got up and walked towards the window letting the early rays of sun hit my skin. I picked up the daisy and smiled while looking out my window towards the road.
My heart raced with excitement and happiness. I’ve never felt so… so complete. Everything about this day seemed amazing and it hasn’t even started.
Quickly I turned around and ran out of my room and into the bathroom, I passed a very surprised Bella without so much as saying hi as I closed the door and jumped into the shower.
The quicker I get ready the quicker I can see Jacob.
That thought made me almost jump out of the shower with shampoo still in my hair.

I have never gotten ready so fast in my life but it still seemed to take ages compared to my beating heart. It was racing just at the thought of seeing him.
Jacob Black. His name ran through my head numerous times, along with his smiling face and laugh. I only met him a couple weeks ago and he was able to capture my heart and make my knees go weak with the slightest touch.

I blushed while looking at myself in the bathroom mirror and approving of my look. My hair was halfway dry, slowly the wavy curls turned into a lighter shade of blonde.
I approved of the slight makeup along with some gloss to make my lips shine and look a bit more delicious. Although they couldn’t compare to his lips.
I wore a light green t-shirt with a long silver necklace that had a white heart at the end. I also wore ripped up short shorts and my favorite white converse.
I ran downstairs and to the kitchen to see Bella making breakfast as Charlie sat at the table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.
He was the first to notice me as he looked up from the paper and smiled. “Morning.”
I smiled. And looked from him to Bella who turned around at the stove hearing Charlie greet me. “Good morning.” I said happily. My voice was light and filled with joy.
Bella looked at me confused while Charlie looked back down at his paper.
I looked away from Bella and went to the fridge to look for something quick and easy to eat.
Deciding that yogurt was the best way to go I went to grab and spoon and leant against the counter enjoying the sound of the sizzling bacon and the birds chirping outside.
While eating my yogurt I could feel Bella’s eyes burning into me but I decided not to look. I knew her look would kill my mood and I definitely wasn’t ready for it to die yet.
Charlie coughed a little while putting down the paper and then taking a big gulp of his coffee. He looked out the window and then towards us girls.
Now the comfortable silence became a little awkward.
Again Charlie coughed while neither Bella nor I said anything.
“So girls…” Charlie started and I glanced at him while Bella just started to get his plate of food ready.
“Anything fun planned for today?”
I stopped eating, holding the spoon in my mouth as I looked from Charlie to Bella who looked up from the food to me. Quickly I looked away from her and to Charlie’s wondering face.
I coughed a little while pulling the spoon out of my mouth and swallowing. “Well…” I said taking a breath and not looking towards Bella. “I was thinking about hanging out with Jake.”
Charlie instantly smiled and a loud ting sound had us looking towards Bella. The fork she dropped finally silenced while she stared hard at the plate of food.
I stood in silence as Bella slowly bent down and grabbed the fork. She set it in the sink and held onto the counter while looking down. She never once looked up at me.
“Really now?” Charlie said taking my attention away from Bella. He seemed to want to distract himself from her odd behavior as much as I had. “I’m guessing your fight is over then?” He spoke a hint of relief in his voice.
“Yeah.” I blushed looking towards the ground while thinking about the events of last night. We were definitely done fighting.
“That’s great. I’m glad you two worked out your problems.” Charlie said choosing his words carefully. I smiled and let my eyes glance towards Bella.
She seemed to have got a hold of herself because she was once again getting Charlie’s plate ready.
She walked over and set it in front of him and while she did so I spoke. “So I was wondering if I could barrow your car to go see him?” I said putting my spoon in the sink and throwing away my yogurt cup.
“Yeah sure.” Charlie said eyeing the food. “Thanks Bells, smells delicious.” He grabbed the fork and started to eat.
“I’ll drive you.” Bella said turning around, not a smile upon her face. It was actually blank as a piece of paper and I couldn’t help but wonder why she would want to drive me.
“Umm sure… I guess.” I said not able to find a reason to say no.
“Alright, are you ready?” She asked.
I looked at her shocked and wondered why she wanted to leave so quickly. I mean I did want to get to him as soon as possible but she couldn’t have possibly known that.
“Yeah…” I said eyeing her but she turned in a second and made her way out of the kitchen.
I hurried behind her and out the door to her big rusty truck.
If I hadn’t been so confused by her actions I would have been excited to see Jacob again.

We were about 5 minutes away from the house when I noticed that Bella passed the turn for the highway headed towards La Push. I looked back at the turn confused and then looked forward again.
“Um Bella? You missed the turn.” I said pointing behind us and looking towards her.
Her eyebrows were scrunched together and I couldn’t tell whether she was confused or angry. The way she gripped the steering wheel made her looked determined in whatever she was doing but I saw the slightest look of doubt in her form.
“Bella?” I questioned again. This time just wondering what was going through her head.
“I need to tell you something.” She said.
“Wha-” I started but she interrupted me.
“You need to know something before you go any further with Jacob.” She said. She glanced at me and instantly her look softened as did her grip on the steering wheel. Now I could clearly see the doubt she had.
“What do you mean Bella?” I asked my voice getting a little higher with a hint of anger. Not only was she not taking me La Push like I wanted but she was now telling me how much I can see Jacob or not. Whether I knew what she wanted me to know, or not, I would still hang out with Jacob.
“Do you remember the legends?” She asked before I could speak again.
I was startled to say the least. What was she talking about? First it was Jacob and now the legends.
“Well do you?” She asked getting impatient.
“Yeah?” I nodded slowly while looking at her confused.
Her eyes darted everywhere on the road as she tried to think of the right words to say.
“What do you remember?”
I thought about it for a moment. “Bella, I’m ok with Jacob being a wer-” again I was interrupted.
“That’s not what I’m trying to tell you. Now please tell me what you know.”
I sat in silence for a moment before I sighed. “I don’t know exactly. Just about how Quileute’s in the past use to phase into werewolf’s to protect the tribe and loved ones.”
“Anything else?” She asked sounding frantic which in turn caused me to get a little frantic.
“I don’t remember.” I almost yelled but calmed myself down. “I just don’t remember, but what does this have to do-”
“Do you remember what they had to protect their tribe from?” Again she interrupted me and I was getting quite tired of it.
“No.” I answered quickly and angrily. She was really starting to irritate me with these pointless questions; they had nothing to do with Jacob.
Bella gave out a frustrated sigh and I couldn’t help but glare at her. She was upset that I wasn’t getting whatever she wanted me to get.
“Does the term ‘cold ones’ mean anything to you?” She asked.
I froze. I remembered now. That’s what caused the first phase. A vampire. I completely forgot about that part o the story.
She glanced at me noticing the blank look on my face. “Laney?” She asked her voice sounding worried.
But I could barely hear her. It seemed like everything was drowned out of my brain and all I could do was put together the pieces. I thought about how werewolf’s were told in the story and it turned out they existed… does that mean that cold ones… that vampires existed also?
My heart stopped, thinking about every vampire related movie I saw. Each one sent me deeper and deeper into fear. A fear that I thought I’d never feel again. All I could see is a creepy monster with fangs sucking the blood of a human dry.
I’m sure the color of my face completely drained as I stared out the window in shock. Once again I heard Bella speak my name. I tried to focus. I tried to just breathe.
“I’m sorry Laney I should have told you sooner. I really should have, it’s just I thought Jake would be smart enough to leave you alone. Especially now.” She mumbled the last part angrily.
Confusion mixed with fear and I wondered why it was Bella telling me all this and not Jacob.
“Why…” I gulped. “Why are you telling me all this?”
Everything became eerily silent and I finally tore my gaze away from the road and to Bella. She looked at the road, refusing to meet my eyes. She was hiding something. I knew it.
“Bella.” I started. “What are you hiding?”
Her fingers tapped the steering wheel as she fidgeted in her seat a little. I continued to stare at her while she looked almost everywhere but at me.
“I… I…” She started but then stopped. I raised my eyebrows forgetting completely about the fact that vampires exist but more interested in why she was telling me this.
“You remember Edward?” She asked.
Was she crazy? That was like asking me if I remember Charlie. Of course I remembered Edward, I saw him enough while I was here.
Except something about him always seemed strange to me. The way he looked at everyone was always so precise. Like he knew exactly what was going on in everyone’s head and knew exactly how to act. This made him seem very controlled, but around Bella he wasn’t like that. He may act controlled but with her he wasn’t as precise. He didn’t know how to act exactly.
I nodded knowing very well that Bella saw it. She may have been looking everywhere but me but she definitely knew I was here.
“He’s a vampire.” She stated.
The words seemed to go into one ear and out the next. It was like she never said them at all as I continued to look at her as if I were still waiting for her to say something.
After minutes passed Bella finally glanced at me. “Laney?” She questioned nervously as I still stared at her.
It all started to sink in… it all started to make sense. Well not exactly all of it. Actually only little of it made sense, and that little part had to do with Jacob.
When we hung out over the first week, whenever I talked about Bella and Edward he would go stiff. Acting as if I hurt him with mere words.
When I questioned him about it he just said he didn’t like the “Cullen” guy, as he said. Now no one actually told me that vampires and werewolves didn’t like each other but honestly no one had to tell me. The stories told enough.
I then noticed Bella had parked the car. Looking around I saw a big expensive looking house with many windows and a black Volvo and a silver Hummer parked in the driveway. This was the type of home you’d usually see in the expensive neighborhoods of California. They would look over the beach and ocean, not the woods.
I turned to Bella who turned off the car and looked into her lap.
“Where are we?” I questioned.
“The Cullen’s.” She answered looking up to me. My jaw dropped when I realized we were right outside Edward’s house. Another thing that was obvious, whoever was Edward’s family, were also vampires.
“Why would you… date a vampire?” I almost had to force the question out but it bothered me to no end. Was she insane, or maybe he had mind control over her? Was he saving her for a meal?
“Why would you date a werewolf?” She countered and I gave her a look.
“That’s different… and we aren’t dating, I don’t think.” I looked into my lap thinking about what Jacob and I were. We couldn’t date. I was leaving for California soon.
I heard Bella sigh slightly and I shook Jacob off my mind and looked at her. “Are you crazy?” I looked sternly at her. “Edward is a… a vampire. He could…” I gulped again. “Eat you.”
A small smile formed on Bella’s lips and I thought I was going to yell at her again. This was nothing to smile about. Did she even realize the danger she was in?!
“I ask myself that everyday.”
I screamed and jumped in my seat while turning towards my, now, opened door. Edward was standing there with a slight grin on his face and his hand holding my door open.
I tried to catch my breath as my heart pounded in my chest.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” He spoke and then in a blink of an eye he was gone.
Before I could even wonder what happened I heard Bella’s door open and when I looked he was standing there.
“Why do you always have to open the door for me?” She asked getting out of the truck.
I stared at her wide eyed as she went into the arms of that thing. He glanced up at me and then shut her door.
I sat frozen in the car as Edward and she talked.
“Why did you tell her?” He asked and she looked down to her feet.
“I thought it was the best thing to do. She needs to know EVERYTHING that involves Jacob and right now, your family does.” She said and he grinned at her.
What was she talking about? What does Jacob have to do with the Cullen’s?
“As much as I would like to disagree with you, I can’t. Plus this would send that dog through the roof.” Edward smirked and I glared at him knowing very well that he was talking about Jacob when he said ‘that dog.’
“Would someone please tell me what’s going on?!” I yelled angrily. I was scared and confused, two feelings that I was extremely tired of.
Both Edward and Bella looked at me in shock as I glared at them through her driver’s door window.
“Please excuse them Delaney.”
Once again I screamed, my heart going into a thumping frenzy. Quickly I looked out my open door and there stood a girl about our age. She had mid-length brown hair and skin as white as Edward’s. Her eyes were a golden brown also and she looked at me with a pearly white smile.
I just stared at her trying to catch my breath once again.
“Bella and Edward never know how to treat a guest properly.” She smiled as if she never scared me. “And I’m sorry I snuck up on you like that.” The way she spoke was like a happy 7 year old. It was as if she didn’t have a care in the world.
“Please come inside won’t you?” She asked stepping away enough for me to get out.
I looked towards Edward and Bella who just stood waiting for my reaction to all this. I then turned my attention back to the girl who still stood smiling at me.
I got out of the truck and shut the door behind me. If the girl could smile wider she would have.
“Come with me.” She said as she walked past me up some steps and into the front door. Edward followed with one hand on the small of Bella’s back. She walked with him but stopped to turn and look at me. She had worry plastered on her face.
I wouldn’t blame her. I was about to pass out. I’m surprised I didn’t.
Slowly I followed with wobbly legs. My head was heavy and fuzzy and everything was so confusing.
Once inside the door seem to just shut behind me and I felt as if I was in a haunted house. Maybe that’s because I was.
“Are you ok?” Bella said, I stood next to her in what I’m pretty sure was there living room.
Edward stood next to Bella on her other side, while the girl stood in front of us watching me with careful eyes and a smile. It wasn’t a creepy smile, just a comfort one.
“You should sit down now. Your about to fall.” She spoke and I looked at her shock.
I noticed my breathing started to get shaky and my knees were visibly trembling. I sat instantly on the couch closest to me. It was pitch white like there skin.
It made me feel uncomfortable sitting there. I felt as if my presence alone would dirty the untouched fabric.
“Alice.” Bella scolded towards the girl as she made her way to my side and sat letting her hand rest on my knee for support.
I didn’t care for Bella’s touch at all. I only wanted one person right now. And he was all the way in La Push.
“Don’t mind Alice.” Bella said to me and I looked toward her. I was holding onto the armrest of the couch for dear life.
Edward came up and stood near us as Alice still stood next to the stairs leading to who knows where.
“She’s about to hyperventilate.” Alice spoke and then she was gone.
How did she know-? Before I could even finish my thought she was back with a glass of crystal clear water.
“Here, drink this.” She said handing it to me. It was icy cold and as much as I didn’t want to accept anything from these peo- vampires, I drank it.
Once I was done I put the glass down on the clear glass coffee table and tried to control my breathing.
“Who is this?” A very soft voice came from atop the stairs. It was a comforting voice that made me feel relaxed as if in a mother’s caring presence.
I looked to the top of the stairs seeing another woman. She was beautiful, as they all were, and she had the softest features. Long light brown hair and kind golden eyes. Her smile was warm despite her icy white skin. Behind her stood a man.
He looked so define and confident, but still held a selfless look in his face. He had the same golden caring eyes which held concern as he looked at me. He smiled also, obviously trying to comfort me. His blonde hair was almost as white as his skin.
Together they looked amazing. Both holding themselves so proper and each had perfect posture.
They started to walk down the stairs like normal, humans, and both of them took each step so perfectly, so controlled. It seemed unreal.
“This is Delaney. Bella’s cousin.” Edward spoke and I took a quick glance at him.
Finally both stood next to Alice.
I wanted to smile. I wanted to be at least a tiny bit kind, but I couldn’t bring myself to it. They were vampires after all. Blood thirsty monsters.
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you Delaney.” The woman spoke. “My name is Esme.” Her smile seemed to brighten as she looked at me.
I nodded slightly in response and looked towards the guy. He wasn’t staring at me as I thought he would be. He was looking at Edward with concern.
He then turned his head to look at me and a smile once again appeared on his lips. “Hello Delaney. My name is Carlisle.”
I was unable to say anything. I felt s shiver go through me. I was scared, but not as scared as I thought I would be. The way they seemed in the movies was much worse than this. I didn’t think they would act so… so compassionate.
“She knows.” Edward said simply. I knew exactly what he meant. Bella’s hand that rested on my knee twitched the slightest.
Both Esme and Carlisle’s smile turned into a frown. Well maybe not a frown but they were definitely disappointed in their son.
“It wasn’t me who told her.” He said glancing at Bella.
Both their gazes were now focused on Bella and I felt her stiffen at my side.
“I… I…” She started and I looked at her. She glared past me at Edward.
“Bella Swan.” Esme said crossing her arms over her chest.
Bella’s gazed softened a lot when she looked back towards Esme.
“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have but… she deserves to know, she’s my cousin and she’s in danger. I don’t know if Jacob would have ever told her.” She spoke looking down into her lap.
“That’s because he knows it’s not his place to reveal our family.” Carlisle said sternly.
Bella opened her mouth to protest but she closed it quickly seeing the look on Carlisle’s face. She again looked back towards her lap.
“I was just trying to protect her.” She said lowly and my heart dropped a little. I didn’t know how bringing me into a house full of vampires was protecting but I admit it was a nice of her to want to protect me.
Esme sighed which made me look towards her, again her gaze was soft. “We understand your actions. But they still were ill minded of you.” She spoke and Bella merely nodded in response.
“She knows now and there’s nothing we can do about it.” Carlisle spoke letting his hand run up and down Esme’s arm. The caring action reminded me of Jacob and instantly I longed for him.
I wanted him to come and take me out of here, I was much too cold in this house and the gazes of so many golden eyes made me nervous.
“Delaney.” Carlisle spoke focusing on me. “There is no need to be scared.”
I swallowed a lump in my throat and realized I was actually trembling. I just wanted Jacob.
“She doesn’t know about the fight Carlisle.” Spoke Bella from beside me and Carlisle gave her a surprised look. He then easily composed himself and looked back to me. What was she talking about? A fight? Between werewolves and vampires perhaps?
“Now Bella. It isn’t our place to tell her these things. I’m sure Jac-”
“Jacob hasn’t done anything yet but put her in danger without her even knowing!” Bella yelled standing up from her seat. Her actions shocked me. Bella never yelled, especially at people like Carlisle and Esme.
“He wasn’t even the one to tell her about himself. He has the nerve to imprint on her and then let her find out about him by accident!” Bella continued but I got caught on one word.
What was imprint?
“And now, he continues to see her even with Victoria building an army! She’s already in enough danger being MY cousin but also being HIS friend. She could get killed!”
My heart stopped at the word. Killed?
“Bella.” Edward said soothingly as he appeared next to her side in a flash. His arms were around her shoulders. “Calm down, your scaring your cousin.” He spoke to her.
What was going on? Who wants to kill all them? Did Jacob really NOT tell me anything about this, how could he keep something like that from me? I mean I was, apparently, risking my life seeing him. If he cared about me he would’ve told me that, or at least he would’ve stayed away.
And what the hell was imprint?!
All these thoughts raced through my mind. I got dizzier and dizzier and the room seemed to spin.
Suddenly Carlisle was in front of me kneeling. His cold hands held my upper arms keeping me straight up in my seat.
“Delaney, are you alright?” He asked clearly.
My vision started to blur and mix with darkness. My head felt heavy and my heart raced. My palms were sweaty and I felt as if I was going to throw up. I already knew I was going to pass out, these were all the same feelings I had the night I found out about Jacob.
I let myself fall into the darkness my last thought being of Jacob.
♠ ♠ ♠
alright sorry it took forever. i had senior pictures and other things to start getting ready 4 school. last year guys so this is gonna b exciting!
anyway, enough about me, back to the story. i hope u like the chapter. as i said b4 this is gonna take place during the book eclipse
oh and love all yur comments btw, they were so helpful and i hope i could make this story better.
comment please :)