

“Delaney.” A male voice spoke to me and I felt something cold touch my head.
“Jacob?” I mumbled not opening my eyes. I could tell I wasn’t speaking straight.
“Delaney.” The guy said again and I realized it wasn’t Jacob’s sweet voice.
My eyes fluttered open to one thing blocking the bright light that was above me. It was Carlisle who stood looking down to me.
I looked at him confused.
When he leant back I shot up, groaning as my head felt heavier than an elephant.
“Not so fast. The blood will rush too quickly to your head.” Carlisle said putting his hand on my shoulder and gently pushing me back so I was lying again.
“What happened?” I asked my voice scratchy.
“You passed out. Nothing to serious but I have Advil for your headache.” He said handing me two pills and a glass of water. I sat up on my elbows and took the pills, handing the water back to him when I was done.
He turned around and set the glass on the table near me. I realized I was sitting on a doctor like table for patients. Were we at the doctors?
“Where are we?” I asked.
“We’re still at my house. Bella and Edward are waiting in the living room for you to wake up.” He said putting away some weird looking doctor gadgets. I then remembered Charlie saying something about how Edward came from a good family; it was the only thing Charlie liked about Edward. His father was Dr. Cullen.
“How long have I been out?” I asked finally sitting up and Carlisle turned around. He smiled slightly looking at me making sure I was ok.
“About two hours.”
He smiled when he saw me look at him in shock. Ugh I could be with Jacob right now.
“I’ll go tell Bella that you’re awake.” He said and then turned and walked out of the room.
I swung my legs off the table and got off. My body felt heavy on my wobbly legs making me grab onto the table I was just lying at.
The door swung open and Bella stormed in. “Are you ok?” She asked coming up to me and grabbing my shoulders. Edward stood in the door frame with a smirk.
She looked at me up and down and then asked again. “Are you ok?”
“Yes, yes.” I groaned not liking the loudness of her voice. “I’m ok.”
Her features instantly softened and she let go of my shoulders.
“I can’t believe you passed out.” She said.
I just looked away from her not wanting to deal with this. Yes I passed out, not like I died.
“Bella, maybe we should head downstairs. Delaney could use her rest.” Edward spoke as if he knew I didn’t want to deal with people.
Bella looked at Edward quickly and then looked back at me. “Do you really want to rest?” She asked.
“It would be nice.” I admitted looking at her once more.
“Alright.” She said hesitantly. “We’ll be right downstairs.” She spoke as she made her way towards Edward. She then walked out the door and I looked at Edward as he closed it.
In my eyes I knew I thanked him, although I didn’t say it out loud and in his eyes I thought I saw a glimpse of the words your welcome.
Shaking it off I sat back down on the table trying to sort everything out in my mind.
One month in Washington could have never turned out stranger.
Suddenly a buzz went off in my pocket and I looked down to see me phone light up through the pocket of my shorts.
I took out my cell phone and saw that I had a new text. I opened it and saw Jacob’s name across the screen.
Quickly I opened the text.

Hey babe just wanted to tell ya that im thinking about ya :)

My heart pounded in my chest but I quickly shook Jacob’s charm out of my mind and dialed his number in my phone.
It only rang a couple times before he answered.
“Hey Laney.” He said happily into the phone and everything felt ok again just by hearing his voice speak to me.
“Jacob?” I questioned my voice shakier than I intended.
“Laney?” His voice was now worried. “What’s wrong?”
I gulped while I looked around the room. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t even know why I called him. Maybe it was for the comfort I truly desired.
“I…” I couldn’t finish my sentence.
“Laney… babe what’s wrong? Where are you?” He spoke frantically and I took a deep breath.
“I’m at the Cullen’s.” I closed my eyes and listened for him. It was nothing but silence over the phone after a minute passed I spoke again. “Jacob?”
“Why are you there?” He was no longer worried but now angry. His anger made me tremble.
“Bel…” I stopped knowing Jacob would be very angry with her bringing me here. “Jake I… I know.” I finally spoke. Another pause.
“Stay there. I’m coming to get you.” He said sternly and I nodded even though he couldn’t see me.
The line went dead and I closed my phone. My hands were shaking violently. What was going to happen?
I remember Bella mentioning a fight? And death? I had so many questions and no one would tell me a thing.
I decided that I should warn the Cullen’s that Jacob was coming. I mean they did show me some kindness.
I got up again and walked towards the door. Opening it I looked down the hall and saw stairs. I walked down them and saw Bella and Edward sitting on a couch in yet another living room. This one was connected to the kitchen and dining room and it had an amazing looking fireplace.
Next to the fireplace sat a huge guy with a grin on his face when he spotted me. Next to him stood a blonde hair girl with nothing but anger in her eyes. She wore a frown and basically glared at me with her golden eyes.
I quickly looked away from her and saw Esme and Carlisle’s warm faces looking at me from their spots on another couch.
Them I saw Alice who held the hand of a blonde hair guy with a weird look. He looked as he was freaked out by this situation as much as I was.
I looked towards Alice again seeking her warm eyes. She smiled when my gaze met hers.
“Delaney. This is Jasper.” She said squeezing the hand of the guy.
I again nodded as he did the same. I glanced at the still unknown people.
Esme then stood up.
“This is Emmett.” She pointed to the big guy whose grin grew into a wide smile. “And this is Rosalie.” She pointed to the blonde hair girl before she sat next to Carlisle again.
Rosaline didn’t smile like all the others. No she glared. Her glare looked all the more deadly when Esme told me her name.
“So this is the dog lover.” Emmett laughed.
“Emmett.” Edward scolded although a smile graced his lips. He then turned to me. “So when should he be here?”
I looked at him confused and was about to question how he knew that but then I looked to a shocked Bella who stared at me.
“What?” She said angrily.
I looked towards my feet and then back up towards them. “I called Jacob… and he’s on his way over.” I said. The room seemed to get rigid and I again felt awkward and uncomfortable.
Soon each Cullen took in a breath and each one went stiff in there seats.
“Looks like the mutt’s here.” Rosalie said bitterly.
I didn’t have time to look at her cause I looked towards the stair case when I heard a door slam open.
Jacob finally came into view and let me tell you, I’ve never been more frightened of him then now. He wore only his shorts and an angry look on his face.
He glared at all the Cullen’s and Bella till his eyes landed on me. They softened a little and he quickly closed the distant between us.
It was the tightest hug he’d ever given me. He basically pulled and pushed me into him. The heat quickly engulfed me and I felt relaxed by his touch.
He then moved me so I was between him and the Cullen’s.
I grabbed onto his arm trying to pull myself back around him but his arm held my hip and me back in place.
He faced the Cullen’s and although I couldn’t see his dark brown eyes I knew they were burning with anger.
“Jacob.” Bella spoke first.
His head turned towards her. I knew he was glaring at her while she glared right back.
“You told her?” He said quietly.
She just kept glaring at him.
“You told her?!” he repeated but this time he almost yelled.
Bella stood up angrily and right behind her followed Edward with his hands holding her arms gently and reassuringly.
“YES! I told her! She’s my cousin Jacob and I also need to protect her! She has the right to know!” Bella yelled at him.
Jacob let out a snort. “Some protection. Bringing her here.” He glanced around at all the vampires and each one, besides Carlisle and Esme glared at him.
“She’s safer here than with you! You don’t even tell her anything!” Bella again yelled and I let my hand drop realizing that she was right. Would Jacob have told me about his secret if I had not found out accidentally?
Jacob didn’t seem to notice the lack of my hand but he did take a small step back making it so I was basically leaning into his back.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about Bella. She didn’t need to know about you leeches. The pack and I would’ve protected her just fine but now you gone and scared her half to death!” He said his voice building up into a yell with every word he spoke.
I didn’t like how they all spoke about me while I was standing right here. Ok so Jacob thought I didn’t need to know about vampires, I had a strange feeling I agreed with him. But then again I fell a bit better being in the complete loop… at least I think this was it for the secrets.
“What if you couldn’t protect her Jacob? What if a vampire got her? She needs to know all the dangers that come with knowing you.” Bella said calming her voice down slightly.
Jacob didn’t speak for a moment. “What about knowing you Bella? She is your cousin and Victoria isn’t after me, now is she?” He countered and it was Bella’s turn to be silent.
“If it weren’t for you she would’ve been fine. She would’ve spent her month here and left for California.” She said angrily glancing towards me but then glaring back at Jacob.
I think I heard Jacob growl which I figured was a wolf thing.
She was right. Leaving for California would have been much easier not knowing Jacob.
“She can still do that.” Jacob said lowly looking towards the ground. He sounded so unsure; I didn’t even believe the words that left his mouth.
“Don’t kid yourself mutt.” Edward spoke also glaring at Jacob.
Jacob looked back up and, I’m sure, glared at Edward.
“This needs to stop now!”
I looked in shock towards the last person I thought I’d hear yell. Esme stood from her seat on the couch and sent a soft glare at everyone. Jacob even looked away from her knowing gaze.
“Jacob. She knows about us now, you can’t change that. Bella it isn’t your place to yell at Jacob. It wasn’t his choice.” She spoke to both teens. But what did she mean by it wasn’t his choice? Was he forced to protect me or something?
“Now I think it’s time that Delaney heads home. Were only confusing her.” Esme then looked at me, her gaze softening instantly.
“Delaney, dear. It was a pleasure having you over. Please don’t hesitate to visit.” She smiled and I let a small thanking smile form on my lips.
“I’ll take her home.” Jacob said and I turned my gaze towards Bella who was about to take me home.
Bella was about to say something when Edward gripped her arms tighter giving her a look. She then shut her mouth and nodded towards me.
Jacob basically dragged me by the arm, quickly down the stairs and out the door, I wasn’t even able to say goodbye. Which part of me was sad about? But the other part was thanking the lord above that I was out of that house.
We were well into the woods before Jacob stopped his walk and turned quickly pulling me into his arms. He squeezed me tightly to him and I melted against his heat while I let my hands rest on his shoulders.
His face nuzzled into my neck and he took in deep breaths. “You smell so much better away from them.” He whispered and I decided not to question what he meant. I was just glad to be in his arms again.
Mmm his arms. His big bulky muscles wrapped around my small frame holding me close to more muscles in his chest. I let my face burry into his hot and soft skin and took a deep breath. He smelt so woodsy. The Cullen’s house smelt clean and it was nice, but this was refreshing and natural. It was something I could just smell all day without getting sick of it.
After what felt like forever we pulled away from each other and began walking through the forest. His hand held mine tightly and after awhile I realized that he ran here in wolf form, hence us having to walk home.
“Jacob?” I questioned.
He sighed and I looked towards him. “You’re confused. I know.” He spoke.
I looked towards the ground then back at him. “Please tell me what’s going on?”
Again he sighed and then looked out into the woods as if trying to think of where to start.
“Do you want the whole story?”
I nodded. “Yes.” I said sternly.

We have been walking a little over an hour when Jacob finished telling me everything.
This vampire Victoria was creating an army of ‘newborns’ to kill Bella and Jacob, having ‘use to’ love her, he volunteered the pack into helping. He told me about Edward being able to read minds and Alice being able to see the future, despite not being able to see past the wolves. Which explained a lot.
He also told me the plan they had for when Alice saw they were coming. He also said that the Cullen’s and the pack had a treaty.
It was all so much to handle in such a little time. Yet I had one more question he failed to answer.
“Jacob?” I questioned again, my walk slowing down making him glance back at me.
“What is imprint?” I asked. They used my name, imprint, and Jacob’s name in enough sentences for me to catch that whatever this word meant had to do with us.
Jacob stopped and turned around facing me. I stopped also. He was a couple feet in front of me, refusing to meet my gaze. He was nervous.
“I know it involves you and me. Now please tell me.” I said taking a short step forward trying to convince him to tell me.
He then took in a deep breath and his eyes finally looked into mine. Suddenly he closed the space between us his hands grabbing mine and bringing them up to his chest. Almost crushing them in-between us.
His chocolate brown eyes stared down into my confused eyes. My breath instantly got caught in my throat. He looked so torn and hurt, like he didn’t want to tell me what I asked.
His lips crushed mine stopping me in the middle of my sentence. My eyes were wide feeling his warm lips suddenly cover mine but then I closed them, slowly turning into putty in his hands.
His kiss was filled with so much passion, so much heat, and so much… love?
He pulled away leaving me with my eyes closed and my lips parted. I couldn’t focus on anything but the tingling sensation throughout my body and my heart pounding in my chest.
That was the most amazing kiss ever. Way better than the first. This one made me feel… all fuzzy and happy inside and I wished he’d kiss me again like that.
I opened my eyes and got caught in the darkness of his eyes. There was a hint of shine in them and they seemed to never end. It was like he was staring at everything that was me. Everything I ever needed he was trying to find within my eyes and fulfill those needs just to make me happy.
What was this feeling? Why was my heart aching so much for him?
“I needed to do that before I told you anything else. Just one last kiss before you know and decide. It’s your choice?” He said whispering with a hint of sadness.
Decide what? When I heard the words last kiss my heart dropped. Why was he talking about our last kiss?
“Imprinting happens to us wolves. We imprint when we see that one person we are meant to be with for the rest of our lives. It’s the one person we were made to protect and care for. When we see them it’s like our world shifts and everything we once knew, everything we did no longer matters, it’s just all them.” He spoke looking straight into my eyes, I wanted to look away from him but I couldn’t, I was caught in his gaze while my mind painted an image of imprinting.
It seemed like a fairy tale. A man just walking by a woman and they both catch each others gaze and then, everything changes. All they can think about is each other.
My heart rate was getting faster and faster when I found similarities between my fantasy, and mine and Jacob’s chance meeting.
“Once we find our imprint, we have a magnetic pull towards them. It’s hard to fight… I tried.” He sort of whispered the last part but then continued. “But there’s just something, something I can’t explain. My heart aches whenever I’m not with her, I can never stop thinking about her, and even the smallest touch from her makes my heart rate shoot through the roof.”
I gulped when he started talking about his imprint. I felt everything he did.
His eyes looked away, debating on telling me what I longed to know. My heart pounded, already knowing the answer, but I was lightheaded from anticipation.
Finally he looked back at me. “Delaney.” He gulped slightly. “I imprinted on you… You’re my imprint.” He finished softly as if the words would hurt me.
An electric jolt made its way through my body and I seemed to freeze from his words. Again things made sense, all these feelings rushing through me, every emotion. It was all explained.
I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
He looked at me waiting for an answer, noticing my lack of words he took it as a bad sign. “I promise you Laney that I’ll protect you. I’ll be yours forever and take care of you. Anything you want and I will try my hardest to give it to you. Please… please just say something.” His eyes were pleading. His voice was so tender and I felt like I was going to cry.
His hands squeezed mine tighter and he held them over his heart. I felt the fast beats of it and looked down at our hands. “Only you can do this to me. This…” he glanced down at our hands. “This belongs to you. No matter what. I love you.”
In the next blink of my eyes water was blurring my vision. Those three words. I’d never thought I would say them to someone outside of my family. At least not till I was probably 30. But here I was. Standing in the middle of the woods being held by this boy who was a werewolf. Hearing these things come out of his mouth and actually saying them to me.
And what surprised me the most. Out of all that craziness. What got me the most confused and unable to say anything now, was realizing that I, Delaney Swan, loved him back.
“I’m sorry if this is too much. I understand.” I heard him say and then I focused back into reality. Jacob’s hand slowly loosened there grip till mine slid out of them. His head hung low as he looked towards the ground.
I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked at him. “Jacob. I love you too.” I said softly but as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
He looked up, his eyes searching my face, trying to find any sign of doubt. I didn’t even realize that I was smiling like a fool, tears starting to drip down my face.
Jacob’s lips parted but nothing came out. You see! When someone confesses their love for you its kind of hard to find the right words.
“You… you do?” He asked dumbly and I cocked my head to the side.
“Are you seriously asking me that?” I sort of laughed making my tears leak even more.
He blinked a couple times and I thought for a moment he’d never register it.
I gasped feeling a pair of arms instantly wrap around me. The ground was no longer under my feet and my body was crushed into another hard soft body.
I screamed with laughter feeling Jacob laugh into my shoulder and chest. His face hidden in my body.
“Jake!” I laughed. Holding onto his shoulder and head while he started to spin us around. I could see over him and when I looked down I realized I was a few feet in the air. My heart now raced because of pure excitement and fright.
“Put me down!” I laughed again trying to push against him. All the trees around us were a blur.
I looked up towards the sky laughing. The plane blue faded into a dark purple, then pink, and then orange towards the setting sun. I didn’t realize the day was almost over.
After a lot of convincing Jacob put me down only to crash his lips onto mine. I laughed slightly into the kiss but he pushed on my lips harder while his arms snaked around my back and held me against him.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my hands run into his short hair and pull at it gently.
His hands ran circles on my back but then slowly slid to my hips grabbing them and letting his fingers dig into my sides. He pulled my hips into his forcefully and I let out a moan against his mouth.
In seconds I felt his tongue run across my lip and before I could grant him entrance he shoved it into my mouth. He tasted so sweet and tangy. His tongue felt nice moving against mine and it turned me on the way he would dominate our kiss.
I then felt something against my leg, something that almost made me fall to the ground right then and there. He was so hard and erect and it was all because of me.
I smiled into the kiss and pushed my hips into him. He groaned into my mouth and kissed me with more hunger than I ever thought possible.
I pulled away gasping for air and he made his way to my neck, sucking a biting on my skin right between my neck and shoulder.
Slowly my mind, which was extremely fogged, started to clear again. I realized our position and how we were in the woods. Just having confessed our love for one another.
“Jacob.” I whispered as he bit my neck gently.
I tried so hard not to moan and clenched his hair. “Jacob… we need to stop.” I breathed out.
Ever so slowly Jacob’s sucking became less and less. Till he was planting soft kisses on the spot where, I’m sure, a hickey resided.
His hands returned to the small of my back as where my hands moved to his shoulders. He leant back till his forehead rested against mine and we were breathing deeply against each other.
The heat was blazing and it felt better than any ray of sun that ever touched my body.
His hand came up and rubbed against my cheek, while tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear.
His lust filled eyes stared into mine and I couldn’t help the blush that formed on my cheeks. He looked so amazing. So hot and sexy and with his deep breathing filling my ears I think I might just let him take me right here and now.
“I love you so much.” He whispered huskily his eyes intently on me.
A small smile formed on my lips. “I love you too.” Again water came to my eyes and a smile came to Jacob’s lips.
His thumb wiped away a stray tear and I never felt so complete than at this moment in my life.

After more kissing and tears Jacob and I were finally walking back to my house hand in hand.
It seemed like it took forever to get there and I noticed Bella still wasn’t there also. My legs were killing me and I was desperately hungry. The yogurt cup was the only thing I had all day.
Once inside I noticed all the lights were off. Jacob shut the front door behind us as he followed me into the kitchen.
“Charlie?!” I called turning on the kitchen light. I waited for a moment for an answer but heard no one. I turned around to look at Jacob and shrugged.
“He’s probably at my place. He usually goes there when there’s no one to cook.” Jacob said taking a seat at our kitchen table.
“Oh.” I said and then before I could even imagine a house with no one except me and Jacob I went to the fridge and opened it up.
I saw little to nothing. Just some beers and waters and left over noodles along with half a carton of milk and some eggs.
Just great. My stomach growled loudly and I kept my head in the fridge, a blush burning on my cheeks as I prayed Jacob didn’t hear that.
A chuckle from behind me confirmed that he did. “You hungry?” I heard him ask.
“Yeah.” I sighed leaning up and closing the fridge. I turned around with a pout on my face and my arms crossed. “But there’s no food.”
“Well we could always go to Emily’s.” Jacob said and I looked up at him. Remembering Emily’s delicious food from the bon fire made my stomach growl again.
Jacob laughed. “Looks like we have a winner.” He said standing up and walking towards me.
I blushed again and tried not to smile as he came closer.
I took a step back for every step he came closer but soon my back ran into the fridge. Jacob walked up to me with a smirk on his face as he put his hands on either side of my head.
His big, strong, tan arms were blocking my escape as his eyes looked at me as if I were his prey.
“Or.” He whispered with a deep voice. “We could order pizza and stay here… in this house… alone.” He smirked looking at me.
I just stared at him wide eyes with a burning blush on my cheeks. The heat rising in other places in my body also.
He leant down into me more and more. His face and delicious lips coming closer and closer to mine.
My breath was short and ragged and my knees trembled slightly. I thought I was about to faint.
“So what will it be?” He asked again, his breath making its way across my face. He stopped moving so he was just inches from my lips. His dark lust eyes staring into mine.
I parted my lips but nothing came out.
Another loud growl came from my stomach and I closed my eyes banging my head against the fridge.
I heard Jacob chuckle and I thought I’d kill myself. “Talk about a mood killer.” He said.
I opened my eyes and glared at him. I pushed against his chest making his arms fall to his sides. I then turned on my heel and walked out of the kitchen and to the front door opening I turned around and looked at him. “Were eating at Emily’s.” I said sternly.
His face dropped slightly and I smiled.
“If it helps I didn’t mean it. You have a very sexy stomach growl.” He said trying to recover the situation.
I just shook my head and closed the door behind me hearing him say the words ‘Wait!’ and ‘Kidding!’
Oh Jacob Black, what am I going to do with you?
♠ ♠ ♠
alright so heres the next chapter. yay!
comment please :)