Status: DONE.

Oh, How Could I Forget?

Mariana's friends finally convince her that you haven't really partied until you can get liquored up as well, and she decides to get a fake ID in order to start partying like the "big kids" do. Before then, she was just the 19 year old designated driver of the group, never wanting to get too messed up. But her first night with the ID goes as planned.
Music? Check. Alcohol? Check. Guys? Check.
However the one thing she didn't count on was how it ended, and how it made her feel after. She always knew there was a reason she didn't go as far as the rest of them when it came to having fun.

Rated "R" for slight sexual content (maybe) and language.
  1. You'll Cry And Curse When You're Alone.
    Self-loathing and smoking.
  2. Bad Tattoos And Worse IDs (part one).
    A few nights ago, outside the club.
  3. Bad Tattoos And Worse IDs (part two).
    Dancing and drinking.
  4. Let's Drink To Feelings Of Temptation.
    Title Credit- A Party Song (The Walk Of Shame) by All Time Low
  5. Nothing More Than A Casual ***.
    Title Credit- A Party Song (The Walk Of Shame) by All Time Low