Status: active :D

Closer To The Truth


After we placed our orders to the very snooty waiter who seemed just as pretentious as the owner who after looking at our attire sat us in the back corner, next to the bathroom. We finished our overpriced gourmet salads and I rolled my eyes at the waiter who had his nose so high I couldn't tell how he could see where he was going.

"You look semi-miserable," John laughed in a low whisper to avoid being heard in the nearly silent restaurant. There was a violinist playing in the corner adjacent to us and I raised an eyebrow.

"I just didn't know you were taking me to a restaurant where everyone had something or other up their ass," I shrugged once the waiter brought John's steak and my grilled salmon. I smiled curtly at him as he asked us if there was anything we wanted but walked away before hearing what we had to say.

"To be honest I had no idea either, I just heard this was a good place to go," John rubbed his head awkwardly giving me an apologetic look. He took a bite of his steak before laughing a little. "No way in hell this is a fifty dollar steak," John laughed with his mouth still full. I noticed people coming in and waiting in the lobby making the restaurant seem ridiculously crowded and a smile crept on my face as an idea popped in my head.

"I got an idea," I smiled before taking a bite of my salmon and grimacing a little. I would actually prefer a frozen TV dinner than this, even if there was a good atmosphere.

"What?" John smiled before taking a bite of mashed potatoes and seemed pleasantly surprised. I finished my Diet Coke and loudly sucked shaking the ice with my straw so the waiter would catch a hint.

"Dine and dash," I grinned, as John's cheeks tinted pink slightly. He began saying it was a bad idea before I grabbed my purse and walked calmly out of the dining area and into the crowded lobby. I felt a hand on my lower back pushing me slightly.

"Go, go, go," John whispered in my ear before we rushed through a crowd of people desperate to get in. I laughed as we ran towards his car as soon as we got through the doors. Our pretentious waiter came out a couple seconds later yelling some less than polite words at us before we climbed into the car and John raced off.

"Oh my god," I sighed after laughing to the point of tears, my stomach was clenched so tightly I was actually afraid I might rip in half. I looked at John, was was pretty much in the same state as me, but trying to appear calm while driving.

"Shit, dude I've never done anything like that," John breathed out, I looked skeptically at him wondering if he was actually regretting what we'd just done. I sighed feeling my stomach grumble again even though we'd had a fifteen dollar piece of lettuce.

"That was a successful dinner," I laughed as he turned into a parking spot. I climbed out and through my purse on my shoulder and followed John into the apartment building looking out seeing the sun setting. There was an array of pinks, blues and purples in the sky. That was one thing I loved about Arizona, it had the most amazing sunsets.

"How about a movie?" John asked nodding towards his apartment, a mysterious grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and put my key into my own apartment door. I gave John my best smirk, hoping it was something like his crooked smile just to give me an edge in this little thing we had going on. He shook his head before coming into the apartment and closing the door behind him.

John followed me into the living room and we both inspected the DVDs and John pulled out Scary Movie again and I laughed shaking my head. "Oh we are not doing this again," I shook my head before a light blush came to my cheek remembering the last time we tried to pick out a movie.

"Do what again?" John asked a smile coming to his lips, as he dropped the movie onto the coffee table before zoning into my personal space. I raised an eyebrow keeping a smirk on my lips before bring a finger up stopping him.

"This," I whispered standing up and moving my index finger between both of our chests.

"What are you, scared?" John challenged, his voice breaking slightly as his voice in a low whisper. I scoffed before looking around feeling my heart racing fast like the thoughts in my head. He opened his mouth to speak again and I brought my finger up placing it on his lips before taking a step closer.

"Don't ever say that," I whispered in his ear, letting my lips brush the edge of it before I stood in front of him. He looked like a deer caught in headlights before I smiled and spoke again, "So what are you waiting for, you scared?" I added a condescending tone.

John turned around and put Scary Movie in the DVD player and turned on the TV, I felt like I finally had a chance to breathe. He turned around while I was watching the TV and laughing slightly before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and bringing my face to his kissing me lightly.

I felt my knees give out slightly before I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepening the kiss to keep myself up. I slowly parted his lips with my own before I took a step back and pulled him by his shirt collar atop of me on the couch. He repositioned himself so my back was on the arm of the couch and he wouldn't squish me. He placed his lips on mine before we both started laughing slightly his hand moving up my thigh slowly, goosebumps crawling on my legs following his touch.

"You're the weirdest girl I've ever met," He chuckled before kissing me again. I raised my eyebrows giving him a skeptical look, wondering what kind of line that was. "I like it," He explained and I let out a laugh before his lips crashed into mine again. I slowly wrapped a leg around him, feeling like my entire body was on fire and suddenly the door slammed shut and we both turned to see Roxie standing with her jaw dropped.

We both opened our mouths to try to explain the situation we were caught in before she raised her hand up and spoke, "I don't even want to know. Keep going children," She laughed before stripping her jacket off and trekking off to her room. I felt my cheeks flush and I laughed letting my body fall into the couch.

"Why does your sister keep walking in on us?" John chuckled before ruffling his hair. I let out a laugh and turned on the TV seeing the scream mask taking a hit of the blunt and let out a 'yeah'. I covered my face with my hands and kept laughing, John joining me in.

"God she probably thinks I'm a huge slut," I sighed before standing up, fixing my dress and running a hand through my hair, which was probably a mess. John stared blankly, captivated by the television before I grabbed his hand and we ran over to his apartment. Out of respect for Roxie I thought we should move our shenanigans to somewhere else. While he was putting his key in the door I ran my fingers on his back resting my head on his shoulder.

"Come here," He chuckled before kissing me roughly moving me between him and the door as he turned the door open. His hand running through my hair as his tongue slipped into my mouth. I smiled and ran my teeth over his bottom lip and he pressed my back closer to him, I let out an involuntary moan. John closed the door behind him before he grabbed my ass and swooped my legs out from underneath me hoisting me up around his waist.

I felt his hand run up the side of my torso coming to my chest and I deepened the kiss, everything getting more heated until we heard someone clearing their throat. We parted and saw Garrett standing in the kitchen with a Vitamin Water with an ambiguous smile on his face. John dropped me and I landed on my feet before turning towards Garrett trying not to look as awkward as possible.

"Sorry bro, I didn't know you were home," John mumbled rubbing his hair down and I didn't even want to think about how my hair looked, I gave Garrett an innocent smile.

"Yeah dude, it's cool. It's not the most compromising position I've caught you in," Garrett chuckled before taking a sip of his drink. I raised an eyebrow before turning to John.

"Oh really?" I asked with a suspicious gleam in my eye. Then I realized that Garrett and Roxie had been together so it made sense that Garrett would be home too, I thought out loud, "Wow, I did not think this one through," I chuckled before they both gave me weird looks. I could've told them what I was thinking about, but instead I decided to change the subject instead. "Sooo, how was your date?" I asked moving towards the barstools next to their counter.

"It was good, I mean, it was good until we ran into Craig," Garrett spoke hesitantly before dropping his head down. I raised my eyebrow wondering how that possibly could've gone. "Look Alaska, can I ask you like confidentially?" I nodded before he continued, "Is Roxie, like, over, uh, Craig? Because I really like her and I just wanna know so I don't, uh, if she's not ready- I'll back off."

"Hmm, I would say yes. She likes you Garrett and you've obviously done something right since she went on a date with you and came back happy as a clam. Don't worry about Craig the Douche, just be your charming self and let the chips lay where they fall," I smiled in complete honesty. I felt like I could read people pretty well, and Garrett struck me as a good kid. He was just what Roxie needed.

"Thanks 'Laska," He chuckled before taking another sip, "So I guess you and John are together now?" He asked, I turned to see John walking towards the kitchen offering me a beer. We exchanged awkward glances.

"Thanks," I smiled before cracking open a Coors Light, and looking at John before turning to Garrett. "Nah, I don't even know what we are," I shrugged before taking a swig. Who knew indeed.
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sooo, i hope this isn't too long and that you like it :)
thanks for reading :D!