Status: Recycle/Dump? Slow,

Love Drunk


I knew that this place wasn’t home – I didn’t recall the living room being a mess. Drunken bodies were lying on the floor; grabbing on each other like stuffed teddy bears. Bottles of beer were thrown all over; piled in at the corners of the small room, a mountain of them just by the tan couches. Stains from alcoholic drinks dirtied the once fine carpet; leaving memories of the prior night.

No, this wasn’t home. Home wasn’t a dump, where alcohol was passed out illegally and minors could get laid by strangers whom they’d never see again…(that really took me back a couple of hours ago).

Home was my sanctuary; a place where my parents welcomed me with warm, open arms; kisses from mum awaiting for my arrival and a friendly smile plastered on pop’s face. Unfortunately, it wasn’t like this for real. I forgot that I was living in reality; where things were much more worse and a living hell.

Mum was frustrated; yelling and demanding to know where I was last night and this morning. Dad stood in the background; arms crossed over his huge chest and broad shoulders upright – just overlooking and observing the whole lecture. He had that stern look on his face – the one of disappointment and the one that really made me realize that he figured it all out.

He was my age once; he understood perfectly when you were at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person. I was that wrong person. Damn my friends. I felt pity towards myself for downing the liquor and losing self-control. Could I really be easily deceived? Easily duped? Become a major role in a horrid trickery?

While all this happened, I still had that massive hangover; my head still throbbing and the world starting to spin. I just walked off – leaving my mother to bark at me; telling me that she wasn’t through with me just yet. But I ignored it all, cause I could feel it rising up in my throat. That large bump forming and the bitter taste spoiling my sweet taste buds.

I ran to the nearest bathroom and let it all out – all the previous night’s wastes. After I finished throwing up the garbage that came along with last night's taunting memories, I walked the short distance to my room and plopped down on the bed, having the cushions surround me and engulf me.

I finally found peace moments later – I felt the hangover slip away fortunately and the throbbing of my head died down. Mum's yelling was just a low murmur to my ears, and my bedroom door opening and closing didn't wake me up.

The last I saw was a boy – around my age. He looked down at me, with a confused look. I started to lose consciousness by then but that didn't stop me from looking into his eyes. All I remembered were black orbs with swirls of silver.

We all sat down at the dinner table; mum, pop, and I. We all ate silently – the sound of munching and swallowing filled in the silent atmosphere clouding around us. I didn’t understand one thing – why we even continued sitting at the dinner table. Mum recalled it as ‘being a family’ and ‘coming together’ but this was no family. It hasn’t been one for two years.

Mum broke the silence – her tone of voice was soft; an edge of hardness in it and her expression utterly upset. “Avery?”

“Yes, mum?” I tried to sound like I didn’t know what the heck she was going to say but I did. It was about last night; when I didn’t come home till the next morning. She was bringing up the subject; I guess walking away from her lecture was a mistake cause I sure as hell didn’t want to hear it now.

“You’ll be having a roommate. He’s around your age and I’m pretty sure he goes to your school.” Oh...well…I didn’t expect that at all. I really had nothing to say; I was kind of okay with having a roommate if he doesn’t touch my stuff and snoop around my personal items like a curious cat.

I nodded but just that made my mum continue on with this whole thing. “Avery, please, he won’t bother you. This is a chance for you to make a new friend. You two might get along.”

I sighed and nodded again. Whoever this guy was; I have to see him to allow him to stay in my room. I wondered how he’d look like; big and buff? Tall and lanky? I had all these images in my mind of how this guy would look like when I got it.

I remembered – the guy in my room. He was looking down at me while I drifted off into unconsciousness. All I saw was his black hair melting down his neck; his fringe covering one eye just slightly while the other was all exposed. Black orbs with swirls of silver.

That made me speak up, “Was he by any chance in the house?” I was curious…like a cat.

“Yes. He wanted to look around before he officially moved in. He’s in your room unpacking now,” Mum pointed to the stairs just behind me while she spoke. So…he was that guy in my room? Well I guess my first impression of him would be that he’s some kind of creeper or stalker. I’ll just have to watch out for him.

“Why is he suddenly moving in?” I couldn’t help but be even more curious.

Mum filled me in with details on how this all started. As she got deeper into the story, the more I felt sorry for this guy. His mum suddenly dying? That sucked – how could he live without his mum?

The table was cleared, dishes washed and put away, and everyone going their separate ways. I rushed into my room; exhausted even though I slept through most of the day.

As I slept, I couldn't help but not notice the luggage piled at the far corner of my room and the boy laying down awake on the vacant bed beside me.
♠ ♠ ♠
:O so....who's that boy?
tehehe xD
anyway, happy late thanksgiving! ;)
