Dreaming of You

Now That We've Formally Met

"So, your sleeping patterns aren't getting any better I see." Jamie said as they made their way from class. "I thought you were already on academic probation."

Audrey sighed and ran a hand through her dark brown hair. "I know, okay? I don't need you ragging on me too." She told her red-haired friend.
"I'm sorry it's just—you're really pushing it lately." She told Audrey honestly worried about her.

"Yeah I know, but what can I do? He's in my dreams, thoughts… I don't know how to stop it." Audrey believed.

"I'm just glad we're on break now."

Jamie nodded her head in agreement. "Absolutely, spring break will be just the cure you need. Just wait and see."

Audrey didn't realize just how true that would be…

The shrill sound of Audrey's phone ringing told her Jamie had already arranged the plans for the night, but she answered it anyway.

"Guess what love?" Jamie's voice quipped into her ear and she smiled.

"What?" Audrey asked feigning stupid.

"I got us two; count 'em, two hot dates for tonight. So, that means no backing out this time!" Jamie scowled Audrey.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just gonna take a quick shower so let yourself in."

Audrey hung up the phone and bounded into the bathroom where the breeze flit the curtains up. Confused, she started the blue and white fabric wondering when she opened the window. She shrugged it off and turned the shower on hot.

The steam filled the bathroom quickly as she undressed. Her shower was quick and much needed. The hot water relaxed her muscles and woke her up a bit.

"Audrey, come on!" Jamie's voice came from the other side of the door as she wrapped a towel around her body.

"I'm coming!" She screamed back with a smile and walked out of the bathroom to get changed.

The club Jamie dragged her to was opaque and smelled musky with smoke and loud with rap music blaring through the speakers.

"Oh there they are," Jamie yelled right into Audrey's ear and they made their way through couples gyrating on each other.

The first guy was sitting there facing Audrey and Jamie. His blonde hair was below his eyebrows and dipped into his blue eyes. He was for Jamie, Audrey concluded, from the smile he was giving her.

"Audrey this is Tray and this is Drew."

Drew turned around with newly filled shot glass and smiled at Audrey. Audrey on the other hand had so many emotions running through her at one she couldn't catch a breath.

"Hot right?" Her friend Jamie asked biting her lower lip.

Audrey managed a weary smile and her eyes landed on his dark ones again like magnets.

"Let's dance," Tray said to Jamie and she bounded off leaving Audrey alone with her dream guy, literally.

Audrey, sluggishly, made her way over to the now empty seat Tray left and sat down, staring at him.

"Hi," His voice sent chills down her spine. He looked exactly the same as she dreamed him; dark hair, dark eyes, handsome…scary.

"What are you doing to me?" She breathed out knowing he wouldn't be able to hear her because of the loud music, but confusion flittered across his face.

Tears stung the corners of her eyes and her breathing picked up with her even noticing, but he did. He guided her outside where she took off running leaving behind a confused and concerned Drew.
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Happy New Year Everyone!!!