Status: Would love comments for continue...x

A Chance Encounter!


After the encounter with the clown his face began popping up in the papers and I realised that I had encountered one of the newest criminals on the block. It now had been 6months since the Arkham incident and Batman has rounded everyone who had escaped up apart from me, it was like he was letting me live me own life.
I hade been working hard intergrating myself into Wayne enterprises, I had changed alot so that i wouldnt be recognised by Alfred i'd recently dyed my hair a platinum blonde and purchased my own apartment that was a block from Wayne towers.
Batman knew were I lived as sometimes I spotted him sitting on the new railway structure, once or twice I invited him for a cup of tea and each time he laughed an left.

I began saving money for different fabrics which eventually I purchased and began testing the durability of each one. It took a month and I eventually cracked it with a little help from a design pinned to my door with a joker card and a small note which read 'For my little Harlequinn! x'. I laughed and shook my head throwing the note in the bin but pinning the card and design on my fridge with the very first car the Joker had given me "His Harlequinn. I think not." I muttered to myself and then noted the name.

Days later I began work on a patent leather red & black outfit and stealing items from the vault at Wayne enterprises and after a week my outfit was bulletproof and shock absorbant, I had fitted pockets on my boots for daggers from the black market and somehow i'd managed to come into some live bombs.

I waited another few weeks and then released myself on central bank after all it was christmas eve, as I quietly packed the money into two big holdall bags I heard a commotion from up on the main floor & one gruff voice shouting orders "Cops..Ahhh." I growled and finsihed filling the bag as two thugs came down wearing clown masks, I giggled and stood up "Hello boys!".

Both the clown thugs gawped and stood there like a pair of lemons as I yanked the bags past them "I've left the vaults open for you...But you'd better hurry the cops are on their way right now." I turned and headed up the stairs before shouting back "Oh and thank your boss for me...the little design was helpful." I hit the floor with the door to the roof and then headed to the fire escape and slid down it dropping into the car below.

Twenty minutes later I'd taken the car back and left a wad of cash on the seat for the owner, I was now tucked up in my bed with the money safely hidden away and the t.v playing quietly in the background when the news flashed on a picture of the Joker popped up 'Joker and Goons rob central bank...if you have any information then please call 0800 456 563' I laughed as there was no mention of me, I knew i would be able to do this again.

It was three in the morning when I awoke to a loud thudding on my door, chuckling I smiled and stuck on some slippers and looked through my peephole and mock gasped. I put the chain on and slowly opened the door "I never thought you were going to come." he smiled wide and leaned on the door, I undone the chain and smiled "Come in J" I moved back out of his way and he laughed 'J. I like it toots, so what can I call you?' I shut the door behind him and turned to face him "Toots is fine, but if you prefer Harlequinn would be fine." I looked at him and he was smirking and he coughed 'really?' he sighed and i nodded 'my goons also said that you thanked me tonight and that you were wearing something similar to my design.' I just shrugged and walked into the kitchen "It was a good look for me, although as your goons noticed I added extra's like bulletproofing and my favourite toy....bombs" I walked back through and opened my front door and then went back to him , I kissed him roughly and pushed him back through the door and laughed shutting it quickly "Bye!" I watched him through the peephole and laughed as he pinned another card to the door still in shock, five minutes after he'd gone I opened the door and took the card and smiled as it read I'll be watching you toots, you'll be mine soon! J x I rolled my eyes and went back to bed.
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Hope you like the new update!
Remember to comment and let me know what you think!
Harley isn't like the other Batman Harley as shes stronger than what the Joker thinks.
