Status: Would love comments for continue...x

A Chance Encounter!

Back Home Again

It was about midday when I awoke, I tried to move but couldn't. 'Miss Wayne! It's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman like yourself, im officer Bowman.' I frowned and looked up "Why am I here and why am I in cuffs for?" I questioned carefully and then batted my eyelashes at him, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat before getting up and uncuffing me 'Sorry you were throwing punches in your sleep, it was a safety precaution because you hurt when you punch. As to the reason you are here is the fact the Joker was spotted trying to enter your apartment and we have been told that you are Mr Waynes sister and therefore the attempts on his life and the burning down of half of his mansion, mean that we have to take into consideration that the Joker is trying to kidnap you to use against mr Wayne.' he paused and looked at me.

Taking a chance I looked at the officer and pouted " Is my brother alright?" he nodded and I sighed "I'm assuming the intelligence came from Batman. He's been watching me an awful lot lately sweet but annoying, he never seems to want anything even when I offered him tea." the officer nodded and looked stunned before continuing 'Batman has requested that we take you to see your brother Bruce, he also requested you stay with him for awhile. Mr Bruce has been notified and both he and Alfred are looking forward to your return. Unfortunatly in our hurry we forgot to pack some clothing and essentials for you and therefore as a treat Mr Bruce has offered to take you shopping his treat.' he chirped and then left suddenly as I glared after him, Alfred only jumped at the chance so he could lock me in Arkham again.

Never the less I agreed to the move on the pretence that shopping was immediate and that if I heard one snippet made about my sanity or one suggestion of moving me back into Arkham I would personally see to it that I was delivered there in pieces. Each of the cops looked at me nervously and then Bruce walked in smiling and them muttered 'Your not going back there, took me long enough to find out thats where you'd been placed' he turned and frowned at Alfred who looked apologetic 'I'm not letting my only close friend and steppie Harl be put back in the looney bin, your the one girl that holds my heart like no other woman could!' he held open his arms and I ran into them crying like an idiot, I curled my body into his as he picked me up delicatly and then strode out into the street with me i brethed in his scent as he held me, until the screaming in my head grew so loud that i had to hold my breath "Joker" one part screamed and the other "He loves you more than a sister. Kiss him."

Three days later I awoke again to a rattling coming from the library down the hall from my room, pulling my new silken night gown around me I tiptoed down the hall and peeped into the library. In that instant I knew that there was trouble brewing on the horizon but i took no notice of the danger and stared at the Bat who was sitting in the chair and bleeding profously from an open wound and Alfred was bumbling about like an idiot. I knew it was worng but me being me had to take over and so slamming my foot hard on the floor and pushing open the door wide I saw Alfred gawping at me before I growled "Move out of my way, you can be helpful and go get me some eyelash curlers and some towels." he nodded and rushed off as I refocused on the Batman who was staring at me in terror and astonishment "Don't panick Batsy, I won't remove the mask if you promise not to tell Bruce that I bossed Alfred around he gets narky when I do that. Besides I hate arguing with someone I love, even if he disappears mosts nights and leaves me feeling like im locked up in Arkham again." The Bat nodded and smiled 'Deal' he coughed and I then smiled back.

As Alfred rejoined us with everything i'd asked for I smiled at him "Thanks Alfred. Although when a friend of yours is in trouble you should always shout a woman because we're good at fixing things" he smiled and spoke 'No thank-you, your cheering master Bruce up daily and now your helping a loyal friend."

Nodding gently I sighed "This may hurt!" I placed the eyelash curlers against the bullet hole and then pushed as the Batman breathed in deeply, after managing to locate the bullet I used the curlers to get a grip on the bullet and pull it out. I dumped the bullet in the silver dish next to me and grabbed the whiskey from the cabinet and poured it onto the wound and heard a gasp from the Bat "Sorry" I smiled and placed the towels on and held them tight before turning to Alfred again "Alfred you wouldn't happen to have a needle and thread about would you?" my smile grew wide as he reached into a small box "Black and green thred, that way I can kill two birds with one stone." Handing the thread to me he smiled and took my hold of the towels while I threaded the green into the needle I put the needle in the fire to sterilise it and get it ready, then I beagan threading the needle through Batmans skin and closing the wound "When you come back in two days, i'll check the wound and I will have this part of your suit patched up. However for now be careful and be safe, because i'm going back to bed." I smiled and got up kissing both of thier cheeks and then going back to my room and my bed.
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I hope you enjoy this chapter, its taken me a little while to get it up although its been written for weeks XD

Well please comment, Hope you enjoy it and I always love to hear from you girls and guys xxx